You know your too stoned when.......

you know your too stoned when you get all dressed up for a new years eve party, then wake up at 12:30 on the couch. Missed everything. cell was on vibrate. SHIT that sucked.
You know your mates too stoned when you roll him a joint with NOTHING in it and make it look like its full... a friend burnt the middle of his mo trying to light it and breathed it in, wasnt expecting it
On My ride home from work (1-2 hrs depending on traffic) I usually blaze a bowl while jamming to my unwind music. Well 7 miles past my exit I finally realized I was way way farther than I wanted to be. And probably way more stoned than I should have been. Must have been a ripe bud cuz I was TOASTED, Good times good times
When you find yourself in a session and you realize you don't know any of the people you are smoking with, then you yell out "What the fuck happened to my friends!".

haha lmfao!

You know you're stoned when:

1. You can't find your quarter and you start to have a mini panic attack only to realize you have been holding it in your hand for the last 10 minutes or so.

2. You wake up at 2 am to take bong rips and eat 3 mustard and bologna sandwhiches.

4. All you can do is think about food and everything reminds you of food. Even things that shouldn't. Like tires.

I seriously LOL'd at #4! Tires?!

too stoned when i put a pizza in the oven with the cardboard still on the bottom.

lmfao :clap:
you know your too stoned when, your in the middle of a convorsation and you blackout and collapse and then you get back up and continue your convo where you left off only to black out and collapse again.
dat shit happend to me lol
when you are trying to hide your stash and then you hide it to findout you hid the wrong thing and then you cant find the thing you jsut hid