Here it comes... Economic Stimulus


Well-Known Member
it was over when he took the oath- Barack Hussein Obama-and his first 'interview' to let his mulims pals know the destruction and complete dismantling of the USA is upon us.


Well-Known Member
speakin of how muslims will take over and stuff,idk just my opinion. forgive me master gogrow,for i will go attend to my plants


New Member
speakin of how muslims will take over and stuff,idk just my opinion. forgive me master gogrow,for i will go attend to my plants

People always seemed surprised when someone says the Muslims want to take over. No different from Christianity in that both wish for their memes to control the world. Of course neither side is correct, but that never stopped anybody. Just ask Obama and the Congress.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
People always seemed surprised when someone says the Muslims want to take over. No different from Christianity in that both wish for their memes to control the world. Of course neither side is correct, but that never stopped anybody. Just ask Obama and the Congress.

out. :blsmoke:
true, true, but I missed the Crusades and now have front row seats to some real action.

and wacky, that aint racist. Saying those dirt stupid sandnigga arab towel on the head wearin everone of which is a durty sandnigga, opps I said that already...well that would be racist.:blsmoke:


New Member
The hidden Imam prophecy is very much in the present tense.

i'm shopping for a burka on Monday :lol: Not that it will save me.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
already got 2, blue and black, just in case. (in a very arab voice) wait, wait, I am one of you. I hate those white pice of shit like you.


Well-Known Member
Just sign the bill for crying out loud, don't read it, just sign it.

And we pay these people for this.



Well-Known Member
Was it 800 BILLION dollars spending package? It can be repealed.

I don't particularly fear the 'Patriot Act'. Sorry.

It didn't increase my paranoia beyond the usual parameters.


Well-Known Member
No but your paranoia is the reason you think its a good thing for the govt to legally spy on you and everyone else.


New Member
remamber when the left cried when bush pushed though a 135 billion dollar with a projected 13% of GDP being PISSED away into entitlement spending...not a peep.

I'd like to be an economic liberal, but my principles keep holding me back.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Yes, but the carnage will be waiting for the Republicans as they take over congress in 2 years.

Wanted: The next Ronald Reagan please step forward, we have a mess on aisle 5.

P.S. If the American people were given a crystal ball to see into the first month of the Obama presidency...he would have lost the election HUGE!!!

I'd like to call for another vote.

out. :blsmoke: