Ever see those houses built out of baled hay?

I always suspected that the three little pigs was a LIE secretly authored by the brick mason unions.
Strange, I thought it was a story about what happens to capitalists that do not establish firm foundations for their businesses, and exercise proper diligence when faced by a corrupt, overbearing bureaucracy.
The first one, obviously failed to practice due diligence, otherwise he would have recognized that straw was a horrible building material, and not purchased it. (Either that or he was really gullible, and got suckered by a slick salesman (probably a dog, who got spared by the wolf.))
The second one failed to prepare for any storm that could blow away his business, and thus was not prepared when the government came to steal his livelyhood, and perished.
The third, built a firm foundation on strong principles, and was able to survive.
It also seems to be a cautionary tale about how in a true Republic, the only way for the Republic to continue to exist is if the people are moral and virtuous. (Which is a paraphrase of a quote by one of the Founding Fathers, I'm not sure, which.)