Is this a male??


Well-Known Member
well i didnt get sensi genetics i used this one site. cheap seeds. so maybe a shittier strain. idk. someone told me it was by the looks. it a little purple because of where i am. but you think its female??? really? i want you to be right


Well-Known Member
thats a hard one man, it looks like a female bud, they dont look raised up on little stems, and it looks like pistles, but it also just looks like leaves, and when i look really hard i dont see pistles really... because i think its just leaves... give us a pic of a branch node lower down on the plant. right where a branch meats the meristem.


Active Member
That almost looks like a male to me. Or a hermie. Honestly, if you could get us a shot of the nodes it might be more clear. I always found that the first sign of sex would appear at the nodes, rather than the top, however they do appear at the top since that's where the newest growth is. It's just a bitch to distinguish it in the clump of new leaf growth at the top.


Active Member
that pic isnt any better... we need a side view under the leaves, RIGHT were the branch meats the stem
You typed the words right out of my mouth, haha.

Anyways, try to at least get us a few shots from the side like GlassFreak stated. Anywhere from the fifth node up is usually where I'd see female preflowers or male preflowers.


Active Member
IS This it??
I still don't see any signs of sex. But, one thing, did you like FIM your fan leaves or something? I've done a few grows now, but not enough to consider myself a pro (hah). It looks like your fan leaf branches come out and split into other branches, am i the only one seeing this? Please excuse my newbitity if this is what fimming does, as I've never had the motive for trying it yet.

Smoke Yoshi

Active Member
well, if it is a hermie... and you have female plants around, they will produce some seed once the pollen sacks burst... but if you dont care, you can just grow the hermie and smoke it anyway it will still make some buds!!!