Is There An Afterlife?

"The people who would know the most about the universe generally don't believe in a creator. I don't think they are ignorant. There is no evidence to suggest that there is a creator."

Theres no evidence to suggest there isnt a creator. so there goes that argument.

Who says that samurai lol im sure just as many of them believe in a creator

Its what you believe that matters and if you believe theres nothing only death thats ok im not going to argue im right or your wrong

What you believe is your own choice and becouse some smart people that studied the universe dont believe in god or a creator dont make them right eather it would be purely a quess ,So id say yes it would be ignorent of them to say that seeing the still dont know how it began only a guess and how the dinosoiurs got wiped out only a few guess,s

we will only know when are time comes ...:hump:

so what ever keeps your boat afloat ... :peace:
shoot2kill...i made similar statements like yours months ago in other threads...the fact that you beleave is the key..not what you beleave just that you beleave....for every arugumant there are counter-aruguments..the only people who truely know if theres an afterlife or not are the ones who are already their..
Genesis is happening right now on Mars. Life began from a single strand of protein that exploded into a trillion different life forms, plants, birds, fish, human beings...

There are no gods. Life is god.
There are no gods. Life is god.[/quote]

Thats still only a guess on your behalf lol you cant just say theres no god lol
and them genisis that started life is only another one of many theory,s a guess in other words made by scentist,s

and its ok saying that genisis are happening in mars now HOW did mars and the rest of the universe a never ending space of planets stars moons suns not just humans and life on earth and 1 sun

No one can say that there is no god they can only make a theory of there views no one was here at the start and the only way we will know after life i dont wanna know yet .
I've just said it, and I'll tell you again. I KNOW there are no gods.

A guess, no. A search. A quest, if you will, of pure understanding. It's not about belief but understanding why people believe.

Why did ancient tribes worship the sun?
I've just said it, and I'll tell you again. I KNOW there are no gods.

LOL ok buddie you know !

your only a smoker like myself so dont be trying to tell me you know theres no god and you know what created life when no one knows and no one will ever know your just being stupid now lol
you dont know there is no god you dont no nothing about it
all u can do is make your choice of what you want to beleave an fair enough just dont be shuting out at me like you have figured it all out that no one else can lol its stupid an ignorent

As i says i wont argue im right or your wrong thats my bit over !

so if ya want beleave theres nothing and it floats it for you ,
sound enough !
You're right that you cannot say there is definitely no God. There is always that possiblity.

But there is no reason whatsoever to believe that there is that white bearded man in the clouds. There are no facts in God's favor. You only have an old ass book that has been rewritten many times by many different people over a long period of time.

Evolution has been proven, and it is fact. To think some dude in the sky threw together some dirt and created man is insane.

Anyway, when you die, you die. That's it. So make the most of life whilst you can.
its what you believe in i suppose i am happy to believe and dont want to believe any diffrent that when you die your spirit and soul lives on and i believe in ghosts and that every one has an angel

If you were to look into the sky at night and imagin all them stars and galaxys have millions more planets that we wont ever know about and no one ever will i would say that would be a bit supernatural when you think about it even when you think of life and how humans ,animals, every living thing lives would be a bit supernatural when you think about it .

Again samurai your just plane ignorent..
No 1 will ever know till we are dead but to think theres nothing else to this is just stupid i think...
How does it make me ignorant? I'm pointing out that the people who are definitely not ignorant generally don't believe in a higher power. We are all technically ignorant as to whether there is a creator. That doesn't mean we can't have opinions. You say you believe even though you have no proof. I say I don't believe even though I have no proof. We are both ignorant on the matter, unless you have some sort of Divine knowledge that has alluded the rest of us. I can only have opinions based on what I know. I can only really be 99.9% sure there is no creator. Even someone like Richard Dawkins feels the same way. He is as sure that there is no creator as you are that there is, but he doesn't leave out the possibility that by some minuscule chance there could be one.
have any of you thought of the fact that energy never dies it just transforms into different at the very least or energy when we die will continue to be no matter what forn it yes no matter if you believe in god with heaven or you believe in science your energy in someways will continue...also what of the fact that theres 10%of the dna code we dont understand an some scientists believe that this is the code for the humen soul...
i hate how every answer leads to more questions.

like lets say we had proof that god exists. well then how did god come into existence?

and say everything came from a non god made big bang? were did this big bang come from?

same question more or less same answer nobody knows :(
the opposite of death is BIRTH..

the opposite of LIFE is LIFE... LIFE is...

YOU ARE awareness that has focussed ON the mind for so long that it actually BELIEVES it is the mind.... Point your awarness INTO eternity and become eternal... this is done through meditation...

SHIFTING ones AWARENESS away from the MIND.... away from the endless chatter that MAKES up "YOU"....

The only THING that can move at the speed of LIGHT is everything... become aware of everything and you become LIGHT... Eistein and Yogananda wrote some great things on this subject..

One does not have to debate about Gods exhistence, one can make contact with GOD.... read Autobiography of a Yogi.... it is a fantastic book that will shead light on the GOD question....

meditate and love...

There is no afterlife. There is only life. You get one. Absolutely everything that we are is physical, and we will all eventually come to an end. To expect a second life after your first life is over is just plain greedy. :joint:
i hate how every answer leads to more questions.

like lets say we had proof that god exists. well then how did god come into existence?

and say everything came from a non god made big bang? were did this big bang come from?

same question more or less same answer nobody knows :(
yeah, one of my ideas is that we are a kind of automata, game, universe whatever you call it, which is generated inside a bigger one where ''god'', the ''programmer'' could have created us, or we simply were there, and this was generated inside another bigger one, and so and so in an infinite array, something like fractals
How does it make me ignorant? I'm pointing out that the people who are definitely not ignorant generally don't believe in a higher power. We are all technically ignorant as to whether there is a creator. That doesn't mean we can't have opinions. You say you believe even though you have no proof. I say I don't believe even though I have no proof. We are both ignorant on the matter, unless you have some sort of Divine knowledge that has alluded the rest of us. I can only have opinions based on what I know. I can only really be 99.9% sure there is no creator. Even someone like Richard Dawkins feels the same way. He is as sure that there is no creator as you are that there is, but he doesn't leave out the possibility that by some minuscule chance there could be one.

No, what Stephen Hawking (I'm sure this is who you meant) actually said was that the only way he could see there being a god is if it were merely the catalyst for creation. In other words, the Big Bang itself would actually be god. In this sense, then of course there is a god (as the universe is still expanding), but not in the sense everybody would like to believe.

Tell me something, god believers. If I CANNOT know there are no gods, how can you KNOW there are no such thing as fairies?
Originally Posted by suicidesamurai
How does it make me ignorant? I'm pointing out that the people who are definitely not ignorant generally don't believe in a higher power. We are all technically ignorant as to whether there is a creator. That doesn't mean we can't have opinions. You say you believe even though you have no proof. I say I don't believe even though I have no proof. We are both ignorant on the matter, unless you have some sort of Divine knowledge that has alluded the rest of us. I can only have opinions based on what I know. I can only really be 99.9% sure there is no creator. Even someone like Richard Dawkins feels the same way. He is as sure that there is no creator as you are that there is, but he doesn't leave out the possibility that by some minuscule chance there could be one.
No, what Stephen Hawking (I'm sure this is who you meant) actually said was that the only way he could see there being a god is if it were merely the catalyst for creation. In other words, the Big Bang itself would actually be god. In this sense, then of course there is a god (as the universe is still expanding), but not in the sense everybody would like to believe.

Tell me something, god believers. If I CANNOT know there are no gods, how can you KNOW there are no such thing as fairies?

Sorry Skunk, but I'm pretty sure he meant Richard Dawkins. He's the staunch atheist who just came out with a new book 'The God Delusion' Good book too, I recommend it.

Anyway, Suicide. You're correct. No one can be 100% certain of anything. This is why I think Agnostics are a little slow. They think they're being special because they love to bring up this point. But I don't see how it connects. I don't care if you're theist or if you're atheist. Neither one can be 100% certain. So why do you need some middle ground club, where all they talk of is how no one knows for certain. No duh! That's besides the point. Do you believe in a God or not? I already know you're not certain of your beliefs. Wether you think you are or not is irrelevant. You either believe in a God, or you don't. There is no 'I'd like to suspend beleif until further evidence presents itself. NO! Do you believe in one or not?!

By now it has completely turned into ranting...
Forgive my ignorance on the Dawkins point.

Although i do have something to add in regards to 100% certainties. They do exist, and are in fact quite numerous.

I am 100% certain there are no such thing as ghosts. I am 100% certain I am alive. I am 100% certain fairies do not exist, likewise gods or wizards, or elves or goblins.

The list of 100% certainties is endless.

How do I know fairies don't exist? Because they were created within the minds of men.

How do I know gods don't exist? Because THEY were created in the minds of men.
Forgive my ignorance on the Dawkins point.

Although i do have something to add in regards to 100% certainties. They do exist, and are in fact quite numerous.

I am 100% certain there are no such thing as ghosts. I am 100% certain I am alive. I am 100% certain fairies do not exist, likewise gods or wizards, or elves or goblins.

The list of 100% certainties is endless.

How do I know fairies don't exist? Because they were created within the minds of men.

How do I know gods don't exist? Because THEY were created in the minds of men.
That is the best argument against the existence of a higher power, atleast one that has supposedly given his/her/their word to people on Earth.

People needed to explain the world around them, so every people on Earth has some sort of higher power. A better working theory is that there was a big bang and evolution took it's course here on Earth. That seems silly only to people that don't understand it. It does not however disprove the idea that some creator could've set things in motion, and created the mechanisms possible for evolution, or made the big bang happen, etc. That is not something that can be proved or disproved through science or any other means.
Often, when we think of proof, we think in terms of the law. The law works under something called 'reasonable doubt'. If you are deemed guilty beyond all reasonable doubt then in some places you can be executed for your ajudged crimes.

Yet, in everyday life, on the street the requirement of proof is much less. We don't need physical evidence to know when someone is lying, or when they have stolen from us. We just KNOW it was them. Does the burden of reasonable doubt stop us from taking our revenge, or calling them out on their lies? No.

I like the argument with the fairies as to me this is exactly the same as belief in gods. I cannot ever prove that fairies do not exist. I just KNOW they don't.