Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
When You quote somebody, take out the pictures. There is no need to quote already posted pictures.

Thundercat, looks like Your girls have only lingerie on them. :D When those side branches will start to grow, Your gonna have great bushes!
Only when I want to highlight his kick ass job one more time,lol. That OK with you :)


Well-Known Member
Looking great TC , i really like what you have done with those bitches that are bushing out :mrgreen:

When You quote somebody, take out the pictures. There is no need to quote already posted pictures.

when you consider the amount of people who simply go to the newest page after seeing a thread was updated.... theres no harm seeing the pics again :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well they've been under the 1000w for about 7 hours, I lowered it this morning around 830, and they are still very happy. I still havn't come up with any great ideas on how to hang the 400, but I'm working on it. I still need to get them transplanted, but once that done, and I get the ventilation, this bitch will be on auto pilot for the most part, just water and trim I hope!


Well-Known Member
Also I really appreciate the input, and compliments guys, this is only my second real grow, so I'm still learning alot, and its great to have some input from others. You guys know how it is, you can't really talk to just about any body about this stuff, so its great to have RIU, and you guys to bounce ideas and problems off of!


Well-Known Member
Well, I know I put a comment on here saying Congratulations, about you being a Dad and all. Somewhere on page 61-63 and i remember seeing it after I posted it, And now it's not there. LOL, But Congratulations!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by every body.
Well I ran out of duct tape 3/4 of the way through putting up my panda film. So the tent has all the sides, and the top, but no ends yet. Its a good thing I covered the windows so heavy!! Nat the only reason I gave them nutes again, was cus they still look like they need some N to me. But both nute feedings I've gave have been around 1/4 strength. I'm gonna use just plain water next time I water them.

I didn't get to transplant them today, just ran out of time, but they are under the 1000w, and the 400w. It was a bitch to try to hang them both in the tent. I'm gonna have to figure something differant out tomorrow, cus I don't like how I have them tonight. I'll get the pics up once i get it all together. I went and got sponges today, I'm gonna put the air pumps on 6 of the 10 plants. You think a 40gallon pump will be enough for that many Natmoon? Well we'll see how they look tomorrow, I've got both the lights about 20-24 inchs above them at the moment, with my small fan blowing up at the 1000w to keep the hot air away from the plants.I've still got alot to do to get to the end of this grow, but its finally coming together. Latta guys TC.
I think a 40 gallon pump will be plenty.
In outdoor grows of any kind this is what worms and moles do.
They oxygenate the soil,moles do much more good than harm all though its hard to see it that way when they rip up through your lawn or prize flower bed.
Obviously no worms or moles in your indoor grow,lol,40 gallons will be plenty.
I will bet that you see the difference immediatelybongsmilie


Well-Known Member
MHM thanks for stoppin by man, I know your busy with your massive operation. I hope they turn out as well as the shrooms have been. These South American shroom I started like 2 weeks ago are being bitchs. They colonized well, the tray colonized well, and they aren't getting any contams, but for some reason only one mushroom has grown so far, and its growin pretty slow. I'm hoping the temps are my problem, its been about 5-7 degrees warmer in that room from my 400mh being in there. Its out now, so I hope they come around. I also cased a tray of Koh Samoi yesterday, and they are already showing heavy growth over the casing which is great, and honestly what I've come to expect from the KS. I wouldn't be surprised to see KS within a week at this growth rate.

Sacredherb, I did see that post, I didn't look back, but I'm not sure what happened to it, but thanks for the congrats man. I appreciate it. They are coming along well, funny thing is every body has been saying good job on the LST, but I havn't done any LST. I have just been trimming fan leaves, and I've topped several of them. But still thanks, I'm fairly happy with how they look, and any dissatisfaction is only due to high expectations. Such dissatisfaction will fade as they continue to take shape, and fill in more.

Natmoon, as always glad to have you swing by the thread. I'm glad the 40 gallon will work, its only 20 bucks, which I thought was pretty decent since the10 gallon was 13 bucks. I wish I could start the air sooner, but it won't be in till next thursday. They looked good tonight when I got home, but theleaves were a bit droopy. I don't know if its just from climate change of going into the basement, and under the 1000w, or I suppose it could be from justwaterig them yesterday night. I'll keep an eye on them. Again I still neeeeed to transplant them, and they are going to get a good flushing when I do water them. I'm sure they are gonna be great, I don't really think I'm gonna kill them, lol. I'm not superstisious, but knock on wood!!

Well guys as always glad to, and looking forward to hearing from even if its just to say hi! Peace, TC

And I'll pass this bowl everybodies way............


Well-Known Member
Hey TC...

How are you?

I'm invading your space again... :dunce:

here are a few current pics of the op...

An Indica that made it's way in with the Sativas...

And the Veg area with the moms, clones and a few edibles...:weed:



Well-Known Member
Lookin sweet Gypsy, you know your always welcome to post up your pics here man. Glad to have ya on board. I love to see the progress everyone is making. Looks like you've got some real nice buds on those babies man.

My kids were lookin real nice this morning. I'm still not sure why the leaves on some were drooping yesterday, but they looked happy this morning, perked back up, and you could see growth from over night. I hit a couple of them that still have alotof yellow on the new growth with a light foliar misting, and I just got my air sponges finished so I can put them into the growbags when I transplant. The Kush made some nice progress last night, the mango is still goin kinda slow. I imagine this transplant will help give them some space to take off and grow.


Well-Known Member
I've got the fowfarm trio. Growbig, big bloom, and tiger bloom. Once I get ready to flower them, I'm gonna get some cha ching, beastie bloom, and open seasame


Well-Known Member
Well not a whole lot to say today. They are all showing good growth since I put them under the big light. I transplanted 4 of of the biggest girls yesterday, and I'll be doing the rest today or tomorrow. I am using 5 gallon grow bags that I've been cutting the top 1.5 inchs off to shorten them just a bit. I've got the air sponges in the bottoms of the 4 I've done, with 2 more that are gonna get them. I'm putting them under 2 purple powers, 1 power skunk, the mystery tree, the WW, and the Kush. I was kinda pissed I broke of one of the tops of the biggest purple power when I was transplanting. I tryed to clone it, we'll see if it takes root or not. But everything else is pretty good. My tray of KS mushrooms is lookin bad ass too. I think it'll be pinning in the next day or 2. Its coverd in rhyzo myc growth after only 48hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the process of transplanting right now. I'll do a full update, with pics tomorrow when I finish finally, lol. But they all look good. Even my little clone looks decent. Other wise,just lettin them grow really. Thanks for stopping by the thread man, hope you stick around for the show, cus the best is yet to come. I'll should have some mushroom pics to post by the end of the week too. My south americans are about to finish the first flush, which is only one mushroom. The second flush better be bigger, or I'm gonna be dissapointed. My Koh Samoi are gonna explode I can tell already!!

Well I'll talk to you guys latta, TC


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a great start, do you know what strain it is? I've been loving my mushroom project. Its been a blast! I highly recommend getting some Koh Samoi if you get the opportunity to, its definitely worth it!!