Thundercat's Groooooooow

I honestly think they could really use some nutes now that I got this water problem fixed. The new growth looks good, but is very light green. I'm prolly gonna feed them tonight, at 1/4 strength with the big bloom. Just cus thats what the chart says to give them the first week of growth, then if all goes well I'll be able to clone on monday(not sure yet if this will be able to happen) like I planned, and I can start them on the regular nute regiman this week. I was also thinking the big bloom might help relieve some of the stress from cloning them. Several of them are really starting to take the shape I was going for. both of the older PP look great, and the WW is also looking awesome. I have to say the power skunks are decent little plants, but I don't think that they respond well to the trimming, and training I've been doing. I have decided that I'm only gonna take one set of clones off them. i was looking at my time frame, and its not looking great for being able to take two batchs of clones off each plant, and still haveing big enough plants to get some weight.

things are looking good buddy...keep it up..
Well it was time for water today,and it seemed like it was time for some nutes. I went with the week 2 feeding at 1/4 strength. I used 1.5 tsp of big bloom, and grow big per gallon of water. My meter read about 340ppm so I figure prolly around 500 if you figure for the organics, and it was ph'd to 6.4. I also trimmed a couple leaves that were blocking light. They are looking good. They are getting really tough , they have a fan blowing just above them to keep them cool from the light since I don't have the venting hooked up yet. I'm hoping the nutes will get them taking off a bit more, cus I don't want to clone them were they are at. I did however get most of the stuff for a bubble cloner today. Its only gonna be able to hold like 12 clones I think, but that will be a good start for me. Its gonna be pretty simple, but I've seen guys getting good results with similar things. One thing i'm not sure of though, should I add any thing to the cloner water, or just ph it?
... One thing i'm not sure of though, should I add any thing to the cloner water, or just ph it?

i like to make sure that there is something available to them when they do start to take off... i have read that its okay to have clone water in the 100 ppm to 200 ppm range - with a flowering type of solution/ratio for root development, ie; 2-6-2. But some people go with pure pH'd water and do fine with that. I also like to add H2O2 at a rate of 10 drops per gallon, which helps to keep the water sterile when you are using filtered or RO water rather than water straight from the tap.
Sweet I'll remember that. I'm hoping today shows some good results. The plants don't look bad for a month old,some are a month and a week or two. I realize I've prolly slowed growth by topping them, and by trimming some of the fan leaves like I have. But they look nice, and they are all taking the shape I was going for ( multiple tops/ branchs) I'm a bit disapointed I noticed a tad bit of burnon the tips this morning, but I really thought I gave them a light enough dose, I hope they get through it, and start useing the nutes. If it continues I'll flush again next watering I guess. I've never had problems on my other grows with nute issues, this is getting kinda frustrating.
heh heh. maybe you've just gotten used to mushrooms. no care other than proper starting conditions... and "overnight magic".

i keep opening the door and expecting mine to be twice as big as they were the day before. then i remember that they are just plants.
It has been almost 2 years since my last grow, and like I said they are looking good. I know I'm being a bit impatient. I just went from having 8months to harvest to having 5 months though, so I'm just feeling a bit pressed for time. I think I'm might have to cut out trying to flower a whole set of clones before I flower my current plants. I need to flower all these plants before 4-1 to have them done intime for my move. I do want to take clones before I flower them, to use as mothers for my next grow. I'll just keep trimming the clones and keeping them small till I move. I might even be able to take clones off them before I move, and have plants rooted and ready to go when I move. I'm still working it all out.
Just thought I would add now that I"m home from work. THe plants have grown today. A couple are still looking a bit yellow, but I'm gonna give those ones individually a bit more nitrogen with the next water. There has only been a tiny amount more burning since I watered them, I'm not really to worried about it as long as it doesn't get bad. But all in all I'd say they took the nutes pretty well. Its really no surprise that they need some, cus its been over a month and they havn't really gotten fed much. This could be a big part of why they have been gowing so slowly. I'll post some pics tonight if I have time.

Also an update on the mushrooms. I made a KS tray last nightwith 4 pints of myc. My last KS tray only had 3, and it was awesome, so I hope this is even better!! I've had a SA tray in the FC for about 9 days now. It has some great myc growth all over it, but no pics yet. Not sure really why. But it looks good, smells good, and doesn't have any contams, so all I can do is wait as far as I know. I should have the KS tray in the chamber on wednesday, and I'll be moving my MH to the basement finally on wednesday. So if that was causeing any problems with the mushrooms from being in the same room, it will be gone. I need to get the mushrooms going again, I havn't produced much this past month. On the plus side, I've got my problem with the PCing fixed. All my jars have been turning out good. I might have actually let the last batch of WBS dry too much, we'll see how the jars colonize. If so its not the end of the world, but I hope they work, I myc transfered them with some Ereal myc I had saved. I did 7 jars with it, and still have a small amount left in the fridge. I've been getting the supplies to set up a second mushroom chamber, maybe also wednesday. I'll be able to have 4 trays going at once then. Well I'll see about getting some pictures, until then talk to you guys later! TC
Well I still havn't gotten any pics up, but its ok cus tomorrow they are going into the tent under 1400w!!! I'm not flowering them, but I am gonna put them down into the tent, and put them under both lights. They are looking great today. The new growthon the purple powers that was looking yellow is takeing some green color back. I've misted them twice with a very light foliar spray with just a bit of grow big in it for some nitrogen to the leaves. They seem to like it. Tomorrow they are gonna get transplanted into 5 gallon grow bags, and stuck in the tent. I'll start the lights high, cus I'm not sure how hot its gonna get with my 1000w. I don't have the money to cool it yet. I might just leave one end of the tent open with an exhaust fan blowing out. I am gonna cover the windows, so I'm not worried about light as long as its not directly infront of the window. And I'm not to worried about smell till I start to flower them. So I think it should work great. With the room for the roots to grow, the water problem fixed, and on the right nute track finally, I think these plants are gonna explode. I'm also going to be adding an air sponge to atleast several of the plants, if not all, I have to price some air pumps.

*Natmoon if you happen to read this.....what size pump would you recommend to run several plants off one?

I think with the start these plants have, that with another month of veg time under 1400w they are gonna be insane! Hell if they are looking good, maybe I'll flip the switch early. i really want all these sativas to have plenty of time to finish. I'd rather not feel rushed to cut them down. The mango, WW, and Kush should all flower much faster then the rest, so I hope they catch up, cus I didn't start them till about 2 weeks after the rest. Well it should be exciting, and I'm very glad things are finally starting to take off. The plan has changed alot over the last month or two, but it seems like it is working out. I'll get some pics of the progress, tomorrow before and after the transplant! Latta guys TC :):joint:
Whats up guys, everybody on vacation? lol.

So the kids look great this morning! I took some before the transplant pics, and gave them another foliar mist. I also trimmed a hand full of fan leaves to promote growth to certain areas. They are gonna get watered today, I'm glad to say they are finally drinking!! They had been staying wet for about 4-5 days, and I think its only been 3 since I watered them last. I may not have the after pics up till later, got a bunch of stuff to do today. Hopefully before long they will have some baseball bat buds like Natmoons plants. I won't be getting the air pump till next friday, but I'm gonna put the sponge set up in the bottom of the bags when I transplant so all I'll have to do is hook up the hoses. I'm thinking about getting either a 40 or 60 gallon pump. I think the 60 for sure I'd be able to do all the plants. But maybe I'll only do half just for an experiment, we'll see. Well heres the pics, the first one is from last week, the rest are from today, just for a contrast shot.















Hope you guys enjoy! I'll be back on latta. TC
Thanks gypsy, hows it been, havn't seen you in a couple days? Hows the leg doin?

To be honest I don't think I would call anything I've done LST yet, lol. I've topped several of them, and have been trimming fan leaves mostly, but also a couple side shoots all to allow light to other ones, and promote growth of the other ones. I honestly think its been stressing them more then I would have liked, but its all good, they are coming around. I'm gonna try to reduce any further stress on them as I get closer to flowering them. Each of the ones that has the longer branchs will prolly get the branchs topped in a couple days to encourage all the side shoots to turn into nice bud sites. We'll see how they react to all the new light, I might if they do what I want them to. I will prolly be weighing down, or tieing some of those lower branchs to give space for the inner bud sites to devlope. I'm hoping for 1/2g per watt I think at this point. With 10 plants, and 1400w I'm hoping its doable. I'm debating wether I want to water with plain water tonight, or use nutes. I used a very low dose the other day, and they responed well, so Iwas thinking about using another very low dose. What do you guys think? Or should I be safe and use just water?
You know... I looked for a string and could not see one...

Whatever you did to train those plants... works real good...

Sorry I cannot help you with the nutes on soil thing...

My soil grows have been outside.. no nutes or prep or anything.. just hopes that the cows wouldn't eat them all...

That is one of the reasons I chose to do hydro... no guessing at all.. all very scientifically measured...:eyesmoke:

Good luck though..!!!

Ah.. the leg... thanks for asking...!!! that is nice of you...

Well...started physical therapy again... again... I am down to 6% strength on my ankle vs the unaffected one... Also down to 15% range of motion...

Basically i am stiff, it hurts, and if I don't step just perfect, I roll off my ankle and twist it, re-aggravating what I have been trying to heal for the last year...

Life is good though.. the sun is shinning... it's a balmy +9F outside... and there is a moose lying down in the snow next to my bedroom window...

Gotta love it.... :eyesmoke:
LOl, the moose thing is funny! 9 degrees sucks, its like 30 here today.

I'm deffinitly gonna try to go hydro next time no questions at all. I want to be able to just test my res, and be done with it. Not wondering if the ph is fucked up in each container, or whatever. I'm all on board for hydro. Not sure what system I'm gonna run, but I really like the looks of the ebb and flow in your avatar man. I also have thought about running stink budssystem, I love the way it works. I gotta see what I have to work with. I might just get some DWC buckets, and do individual scrogs over DWC, could be cool. I don't know. As far as the nutes go, I think I'm gonna dose them accordingly, a couple look like they could use another low dose, the kush doesn't need it, its just getting water.
uh... in my world, 9 degrees above zero in February is fucking nice... it could very well be 50 or 60 below right now...;-) it's all relative...

There are infinite way to do things...

StinkBud's system is awesome... and I think it is being improved on by SOG (the user)...

But the thing is a contraption...

for a percentile less turbocharging on your grow, ebb flow is easy to build, set up, and maintain...

I am not trying to convince you, though you know I am... it's just easier...

cleaning every nook and cranny of those pipe fittings..

I have a tray and a res...if the hose gets nasty, I replace it for $.50...

I mean I get a broom and scrub my parts...

Also, I did the DWC thing with several buckets.. and with a big tote and many holes on the lid...

Trays are easier to maintain...

Just the fact that if you need to, in less than 2 minutes you can have ALL the plants out and SAFELY...

A leak sprung? easy... drain the tray... move the plants...

You get my point...

I see high tech vs low tech... and not enough difference in the result to warrant the extra work... and extra parts that may be fail prone...

I am sorry if I am rambling.. I didn't sleep well... therapy was hard yesterday...

blah blah blah/... sorry... lol...
Ya I've seen heaths tube, its pretty cool. I feel the same way about systems, simple is best. Honestly I'd like to be able to try a bunch of differant things over the years. I'd love to try something vertical. I don't know. But I am deffinitly leaning towards ebb and flow don't worry gypsy no convincing needed, lol!
Dont be tempted to overnute them.
You should only really need to feed them every third watering..
They dont look stressed to me but obviously they will always slow down when you top or fimm them for a lil while.
The slower beginning will make up for itself in the end.
If your pumping air to the root systems and don't overwater or over feed there is no reason why you shouldn't get 1 gram per wattbongsmilie
Whats up guys, everybody on vacation? lol.

So the kids look great this morning! I took some before the transplant pics, and gave them another foliar mist. I also trimmed a hand full of fan leaves to promote growth to certain areas. They are gonna get watered today, I'm glad to say they are finally drinking!! They had been staying wet for about 4-5 days, and I think its only been 3 since I watered them last. I may not have the after pics up till later, got a bunch of stuff to do today. Hopefully before long they will have some baseball bat buds like Natmoons plants. I won't be getting the air pump till next friday, but I'm gonna put the sponge set up in the bottom of the bags when I transplant so all I'll have to do is hook up the hoses. I'm thinking about getting either a 40 or 60 gallon pump. I think the 60 for sure I'd be able to do all the plants. But maybe I'll only do half just for an experiment, we'll see. Well heres the pics, the first one is from last week, the rest are from today, just for a contrast shot.















Hope you guys enjoy! I'll be back on latta. TC

Cheers TC, just saw your kick ass lst job! Way to go mate:joint:

Thanks for stopping by every body.
Well I ran out of duct tape 3/4 of the way through putting up my panda film. So the tent has all the sides, and the top, but no ends yet. Its a good thing I covered the windows so heavy!! Nat the only reason I gave them nutes again, was cus they still look like they need some N to me. But both nute feedings I've gave have been around 1/4 strength. I'm gonna use just plain water next time I water them.

I didn't get to transplant them today, just ran out of time, but they are under the 1000w, and the 400w. It was a bitch to try to hang them both in the tent. I'm gonna have to figure something differant out tomorrow, cus I don't like how I have them tonight. I'll get the pics up once i get it all together. I went and got sponges today, I'm gonna put the air pumps on 6 of the 10 plants. You think a 40gallon pump will be enough for that many Natmoon? Well we'll see how they look tomorrow, I've got both the lights about 20-24 inchs above them at the moment, with my small fan blowing up at the 1000w to keep the hot air away from the plants.I've still got alot to do to get to the end of this grow, but its finally coming together. Latta guys TC.
unity said:
Cheers TC, just saw your kick ass lst job! Way to go mate:joint:


When You quote somebody, take out the pictures. There is no need to quote already posted pictures.

Thundercat, looks like Your girls have only lingerie on them. :D When those side branches will start to grow, Your gonna have great bushes!