Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nice bush there. i was going to say the same thing. might have to expand. their coming right along.

yea normaly i like it shaven but for her she can just keep growing :lol:

expand ??

bigger room ??
yea i hope one day but for now this is all i can do.

tried talking my girl into converting one of are extra rooms but i know every one will be why is door always locked ?? :lol:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
wow man, looking AWESOME your gonna get so much outta that bush!!!

yea i was thinking/guessing how much .... not even sure what to expect but it will be more then a oz hahaha ..... just gotta wait and feed her water ..... i am planing a trip in end of march or april some time not sure if she will be done before i leave i hope so.....

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just started to do a water feeding and my ppm/ec meter arived today woo hoo kinda .....well i take a look at my feeding chart and go by that for ml to leters with nutes ....then i checked my ppm reading with what nutes they told me to use...my feeding chart told me 8 ml of nutes and 600ppm ......well i used the 8ml and then checked my ppm and it was only 050.....:sad:.....i then started adding more nutes to try and get it up to 600 ppm added 8ml more and only bumbed to 70....

do i just keep adding nutes tell my ppm reading is right ??? i read my instructions and have been trying to find more info on that not haveing any luck .....my two plants in coco are reallly getting dry and i was going to try and feed them with understanding my ppm/ec meter

can any one help me out ??


Well-Known Member
So we can all help better, what brand and model meter do you have?

First thing, Did you calibrate it?

Second thought, I think you might be reading ec, with a decimal place. Thing is that ec and ppm are a multiple of eachother.

700ppm = 1ec

My guess (shot in the dark) is that the 050 you saw was .5 ec, which would be 350 ppm. And the .7 ec would be almost 500 ppm.

Any of that make sense, let me know, I'll be on a few hours.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
So we can all help better, what brand and model meter do you have?

First thing, Did you calibrate it?

Second thought, I think you might be reading ec, with a decimal place. Thing is that ec and ppm are a multiple of eachother.

700ppm = 1ec

My guess (shot in the dark) is that the 050 you saw was .5 ec, which would be 350 ppm. And the .7 ec would be almost 500 ppm.

Any of that make sense, let me know, I'll be on a few hours.

Its a Control Wizard DigiStick PPM TDS EC Meter

didnt think i would have to calibrate it since it was bran new .... but i do have to buy stuff so i can calibrat

nah it has a button switching from ppm to ec unless i just got a fuked up one.....

thanks for the input


Well-Known Member

Quote from the instructions -
Now use the screwdriver to turn the Calibration trimmer screw and adjust the​
display to show 138 (1380ppm or 138 x 10).

I think the ppm is divided by 10.

SO your 050 is 500, and 070 is 700.

I think. I'm pretty sure. There is only 3 digit displayed right. Multiplying/dividing by 10 is the only way to get up to 1600 ppm with a 3 digit display.

So there you go.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
shit :dunce::wall: .... i just did some testing blablabla and figured that out but shit man it pays to read and payattention when your reading ....i read my instructions two times and didnt pick that up just goes in my eyes and out my brain :cry: gotta do somthing about that ......thanks for the help man could have prevented all of this if i did my job


Well-Known Member
shit :dunce::wall: .... i just did some testing blablabla and figured that out but shit man it pays to read and payattention when your reading ....i read my instructions two times and didnt pick that up just goes in my eyes and out my brain :cry: gotta do somthing about that ......thanks for the help man could have prevented all of this if i did my job
In your defense it wasn't very clear. I mean there should be a big note at the top PPM IS DIVIDED BY 10. Anyhow, if we all did shit right, we wouldn't need this website.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright been checking on my clones....and the roots. I was planning on taking my plants out of my aero and dwc and put them into 5x5s and flowering them in a ebbaflow........but that wont be for another month or longer, and my roots are taking over the net pots. So by the time i am ready to put them into flowering the roots will be so big i wont be able to separate the net pots from the roots. That brings me to the title veg room switches to flowering ....what does every one think ?? haha not that big of a deal but yea was thinking about it and thats probable the best way to go ..... i am going to use my 600mh to flower but i read thats alright.

I am just not sure how to do the nutes now though...... i have been just giving my clones veg nutes not to strong but i never could take a ppm/ec reading but now i can.......so should i flush all my clones with ph, clearx then start with nutes again .....or try and do double feedings for a week or two(instead of changing once a week and adding more nutes i will change the nutes to a bigger dosage after 3 days) i know it might go into shock or get nute burn...... just at 2nd week of veg nutes and by my chart on 4/5week is when flowering nutes start.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just checked on my girl in flowering ...(lights just came on)...i was trying to train her to stay under the screen then break threw at the same time well i got a bunch of colas at the top of the screen play with them for a week maybe 9 days to stay under the screen then let them start popping up (thought they would get bushy,since the lights low,and fill the top of the screen more) but that didn't happen instead of having my field it turned into a forest grrr..my fault though...but that's that and this is now....so what to do....i believe all the tall stems grew almost a inch a day after they popped threw the screen and at that rate of growing i will run out of room

1. tie all the tall branches down to the screen ?
2. cut everything over a inch taller then the screen ?
3. remove the screen?
4. let it be
5. your idea

thanks for any feedback ....



Well-Known Member
Alright just checked on my girl in flowering ...(lights just came on)...i was trying to train her to stay under the screen then break threw at the same time well i got a bunch of colas at the top of the screen play with them for a week maybe 9 days to stay under the screen then let them start popping up (thought they would get bushy,since the lights low,and fill the top of the screen more) but that didn't happen instead of having my field it turned into a forest grrr..my fault though...but that's that and this is now....so what to do....i believe all the tall stems grew almost a inch a day after they popped threw the screen and at that rate of growing i will run out of room

1. tie all the tall branches down to the screen ?
2. cut everything over a inch taller then the screen ?
3. remove the screen?
4. let it be
5. your idea

thanks for any feedback ....
Nuggy I have never done scrog but it looks like you will have to LST(Low Stress Train) them and gently tie them down. One thing I do know is the plant shoots and stretches 3 times its size in 12/12 light in the first 3 weeks no matter how low the light is. I wouldn't cut them cuz those tops are your main colas. Leave the screen in place as you will probabaly damage the plants removing it. After three weeks they will stop going upward and will start producing buds so depending how long you have been flowering them will give you an idea of how much taller they will get. Looking good though. To much growth is a good problem to have;-)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Nuggy I have never done scrog but it looks like you will have to LST(Low Stress Train) them and gently tie them down. One thing I do know is the plant shoots and stretches 3 times its size in 12/12 light in the first 3 weeks no matter how low the light is. I wouldn't cut them cuz those tops are your main colas. Leave the screen in place as you will probabaly damage the plants removing it. After three weeks they will stop going upward and will start producing buds so depending how long you have been flowering them will give you an idea of how much taller they will get. Looking good though. To much growth is a good problem to have;-)
Yeah I would tie them back down.

Right on thanks for the feedback guys....gotta wait tell lights come on then they get tied up.......just gotta watch how i tie so i dont block light from the others tops coming threw ...shes oh here second week starting week 3 on monday night 7pm ......i will be updating the flower room and veg room then ..... going to get updates for the veg and flower rooms every monday ........thanks for help


Well-Known Member
Hey hulk. I haven't really bent any of my branches, but I have started tucking leaves around. Anyways a tip I have learned is to bend things in the middle, or across it, avoiding stressing the joint.

So like some of my fan leaves have their own 4 inch stem, when bending them out of the way I make sure to bend it like a bow, while trying to keep the 'connection' to the main stem just where it is (for the most part). I have noticed that when I just take the leaves and bend them down they break off the stem.

I don't know if this applies at all to LST stuff, but you might want to keep it in mind.

And if you are willing to put the work in to LST your plants and weave your plants then totally, keep the screen. I know for me, I am totally looking forward to playing with my screen, positioning things just right.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
And if you are willing to put the work in to LST your plants and weave your plants then totally, keep the screen. I know for me, I am totally looking forward to playing with my screen, positioning things just right.

yea i plan on tieing them down tonight cant wait hahaha ..... i was happy with how my screen was looking.....i was tucking and moving everthing around to get only colas/tops at the screen ...... just everthing that popped threw was already bent and moved to and there was no more room to move it ohwell ..... now we all get to see what she will do :weed:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright got allot of my girls top tied down ........i believe all this growth was my doing .... i trimmed only one side of her so air could get in the middle so i trimmed the front and left the back long so air would hit the back leaves and go up to the colas .........no wonder why the front grew so crazy and the back just staid the same.........alright pics below i tied everything down that was over 2/3 inches above the screen ...the back colas/tops have been coming threw and are around 1.5/2 inchs there is around 5 tops in the back in pic 4/5 but its hard to see anything in that light in the pictures.....

