My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Don't let this man get you down. Pot snobs suck!

Any kind of sensimillia is better than shwag or commercial garbage. I know what you mean. Genetics is really just a name for the most part, there are the higher THC varieties, like your WW you got running. In reality you can grow a white strain to be less potent than your bag seed if your not careful.

I grew up in a time and place that you had to spend 15 minutes breaking apart your grass and cleaning seeds before you could even roll a joint, and back then we smoked them all day long back to back to catch a small buzz when ounces use to cost $25.


Any sensimillia is higher quality than anything back then just becuase it was all populated with seeds.

Something is better than nothing and there is no feeling like smoking your own gown.

Think the taste and stone are good now, jar cure for a month minimum and then give it another rip.
Now, now.........Born has been a great help to me through this grow, and i can only take his post as an effort to further my knowledge and not make myself get a big head about what i produced. He is right, i have by no means created an ultimate supreme plant worthy of an A+ grade. But for who will be smoking it, its primo smoke.
I am always willing to get better, and except all knowledge with open arms. Not as snob-ness:joint:

But IMO that hay schwag is like a D-, so a B- is a serious improvement.. You gotta be a weed snob if you want to grow good weed..
I absolutly agree, only want to skmoke and grow the best to my abilities. But i will never be able to produce a plant that deserves a "Jorge" A+.....I just dont have the funds. But born.......You gotta admit, for where i started, and my mental capacity..LOL.....they came out good!
LOL.....JK with ya Born, i'm just trying to get ya to joke around a bit, always so serious!LOL!!! But thats not a bad thing!

Ture, and to improve upon your techniques.

I call myself a connoisseur though.
I still call myself a newb!LOL!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
I absolutly agree, only want to skmoke and grow the best to my abilities. But i will never be able to produce a plant that deserves a "Jorge" A+..
Of course not, thats nature's job.. You might be lucky enough to get a plant like that though..:)
Also, you'll find that learning post harvest stuff is probably tougher, and more important than the grow..


Well-Known Member
LOL, I give hay schwag a big fat whopping F!

I meant nothing against Born, just saying that if someone is smoking your shit and gets snobby then that means more for you later right!?!


Well-Known Member
LOL, I give hay schwag a big fat whopping F!

I meant nothing against Born, just saying that if someone is smoking your shit and gets snobby then that means more for you later right!?!
Schwag gets an F from me too, and i dont ever mind having extra bud!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Well, She got whacked a few days ago hung upside down and now the girl stopped screaming, so she can come down!LOL!!

Here she is guys Lucy #2 coming down and going to bags. Enjoy

Beech the Gravity really did a number on this one. IT swelled up like this only after the G was applied. Thanks for the reccomendation man!

More to come tonight.......



Well-Known Member
Wet weight is:
Lucy- 152.2 Grams

Crypto Clone- 17.0 grams
Maf#1- 41.5 grams

Actually it's just twine, and hung with pipe cleaners. They were pretty heavy but the sag in the line is from not being tight originally.
One more coming down tonight too, so keep an eye out later! Thanks Smoke!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys, here is some shots of Maf.#1, and Cryptoclone coming out of the dryer and going into bags.
Don't tknow the weight yet, i'll get that info tonight hopefully.

Pics 1-3:
Crypto clone going into bags after drying. Not alot, but it will go nice with the half OZ off the original plant.

Pics 4-9:
Here is Maf.#1 going in the bag. Awesome smell to this one, strong skunk smell.



Well-Known Member
Here is whats waiting to grow a bit before going into flower.

4-WW clones
4-PPP clones.

Also there are some shots of inside the dome. Tried to make a hempy bucket of sorts for my clones, didn't work too great so i switched back to the original way. Don't want to ruin them by experimenting just yet!!LOL!!!

More to come later......bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Ok so here is what the next journal will be about. Once all the bagseeds are cured all the way, and I have a final weigh in on all the plants that have been chopped to this point, i will start a general WW/PPP Grow journal. Then i will start a seperate one for the violator kush and NL Beans i have.

Here is What was chopped down today, Maf#2.
Now hanging and drying, she is the last of the bagseeds.....:-(......but no worries, the best is yet to come!bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Here is the runt PPP("Wilbur"):
Pics 1-4, want this to come out as a trial for some SOG and looks like a pretty good canidate for some SOG'in!! Whatchya' think?

Pics 5-10 is the PPP "Bush" as it is called. What can i say, a big bushy beautiful girl.....Just how i like 'em!!LOL!!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Here is the WW lady that is turning crystaly and pretty!!!
Got one dose of the G and won't get no more untill the last two weeks.
I think i'm in the fifth week of flowering, and i see amber trichs...alot... could this be the turn before the storm?
She will get bigger right:?:
I always heard WW were a pain to wait out, cuz they take up to 11 weeks i guess. Anybody got any ideas?
Anyhoo here is the pics!!!!



Well-Known Member
Ok so this update started like two days ago, and is finally done!!!!

This is it for this journal and this grow pretty much, except the hanging buds and final overall weight for the first harvest. I'll be back to post this info. when i get it.

Undecided.....Should i just continue this thread as a journal for ongoing grows, or start a new one for the WW and PPP????????????

Untill then feel free to drop in, i'm keeping this thread open, so don't forget to drop in and say hey!!!


Well-Known Member
hey mafia i like your cabinet grow think i might make one for my appartment :P, i know im a little late (thread 86 :P). But i went to the beginning and seen your filling cabinet, love it:P. Also if no one has suggested i think 2 105 or 1 250 watt cfl Flouros would do you awsome in there, limit stretching but enough light fr good veg production.

Heres a link ot them:
2x105 CFL:|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318
1 x 250 cfl

Im gunna get the 250 for my stealth cabniet.


I think you should keep this thread going mabey you can egt one that is like 10 000 pages :P


Well-Known Member
also how did you get such thick stems on your grow from the pics above (WW) those are some nice stems for sog'in they can hold up those 1/2 ounce nuuggets



Well-Known Member
sorry for mutliple post i just keep looking at your pics and being amazed :P, i love those short WW. How did you get such good pictures of the tichromes?


Well-Known Member
hey mafia i like your cabinet grow think i might make one for my appartment :P, i know im a little late (thread 86 :P). But i went to the beginning and seen your filling cabinet, love it:P. Also if no one has suggested i think 2 105 or 1 250 watt cfl Flouros would do you awsome in there, limit stretching but enough light fr good veg production.

Heres a link ot them:
2x105 CFL:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318
1 x 250 cfl

Im gunna get the 250 for my stealth cabniet.


I think you should keep this thread going mabey you can egt one that is like 10 000 pages :P
Thanks man, i don't use the filing cabinet in the beginning of the thread anymore, went too big for that thing. I do have 4 100 watt equiv. CFL's in my veg cabinet now with a 150 watt HPS. This is also, i guess, one of the reason for the thick stalks and stems. My vegg cabinet has these lights, and a 10x12 Cold air return vent on the lower of the door. The exhaust is a window fan, with two fans side by side, on high. It's about five feet tall, and about 2x2 sq. This air flow on them constantly 24 hrs a day, makes big meaty stalks for supporting buds.

Some plant..
Thanks Born!

also how did you get such thick stems on your grow from the pics above (WW) those are some nice stems for sog'in they can hold up those 1/2 ounce nuuggets

See above.....
sorry for mutliple post i just keep looking at your pics and being amazed :P, i love those short WW. How did you get such good pictures of the tichromes?
I use a 30x jewelers loupe and my camera. Hold the loupe to the lens and focus, then zoom in with camera.


Well-Known Member
Just stoppin bye looks pretty.Hehe The G should cut some time off of the flowering are it does mine and some other ppl i no that use it!I hope mine gets here today cause i need it BAD.


Well-Known Member
Just stoppin bye looks pretty.Hehe The G should cut some time off of the flowering are it does mine and some other ppl i no that use it!I hope mine gets here today cause i need it BAD.
OOhh, almost forgot about that little accident. That sucks cuz i know its not cheap for me. Factor in driving, and the cost. I treat it like gold!!LOL!!
Thanks for checkin in beech!
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