I cant f**king clone.


Well-Known Member
This is what has worked for me.. I have even taken clippings and put them in the fridge for up to 6 WEEKS (!!!!) and they have grown roots. You should see them today ;)..

1. Get your supplies ready:

1 black tray
1 clear hood
1 package of Dip n' Grow
1 razor blade
1 med sized bowl with water
1 med sized bowl of weed :)
1 pack of crow cubes, or however you use your vermiculite, or whatever

Get your stuff and lay it all out on a table in front of you. Take your cuttings whenever, if you take them during flower, it just takes the longer to switch back to veg, but it WILL happen, just keep them under 24 hour light...

Put all your cuttings in a pile, then go through them one by one. Grab one, make sure it is about 5-6 long, from tip to tip, with only the 1 node on top with 2 fan leaves coming off, anything else gets trimmed off. Make a cut on the bottom tip at an angle, as close to 45 degrees you can get, then, put THAT part of the cutting under the water in the bowl, and use the razor blade to make 4 little downward cuts on the bottom of what will be your stem. the cuts shouldnt be too deep, just barely slice it 4 times, kind of on each side if it had 4 sides instead of being round. Do this instead of scraping. You do it under water so NO air gets in the cuts, just water, this is to facilitate water going up the new stem of your cutting. Then, put in the dip n' grow mix for 5 SECONDS (1 alligator, 2 alligator...), then just poke it into your rock wool, and repeat. Oh, and before you do THAT, make a VERY DILUTED mix of water with nutes, it should say how much you should use for cuttings on your nute bottle, usually a TSP per quart of water, then fill up the black tray a little, and let the rockwool soak in there, but get rid of excess water, you just want the cubes to be sufficiently damp. Save the rest of the mix and put it in a spray bottle to spray down your plants.

What I do after that is put one of those cheap thermometer humidity things in with the cuttings UNDER the dome, so I can monitor temps and humidity. Keep the tabs on top open or closed as needed, so the temp is around 80 and the humidity around 70. If you cant see through the dome, it is too wet in there, and you need to air it out to evaporate some of the water. But remember KEEP them domed. What I do after they are all in the rockwool is keep them under light for 24 hours, then off for 6 hours, then on for 24 again until I am ready to plant. I dont know why I do 6 dark after the first initial 24, but it has always worked, so, I keep doing it. I think I read about it somewhere... Anyway, Ive tried this method a few times and it has always worked.. My latest try is with 42 cuttings and they have taken root after a little over a week (well, Ive seen the roots on one, so far), and I've only had to lose 1 so far cause it wasn't taking. I hope I didnt leave anythign out and this helps. I pretty much just followed the instructions off the FAQ on here, tbh with you...
Oh, I forgot, you need to frequently take hits off the bowl filled with weed to make sure this works... :)


Junior Creatologist
fuck man, all i got is a bubbler n a 2 foot weedstar ;) guess ill have to make due with what i got, lol.

But i gotta say to everyone, thanks for puttin in all you guys' 2 cents, and trying to make this sort of a group effort to get me to produce roots on my cuttings. I actually read through FUREELZ cloning method, and it made alotta sense to me, especially since my mondi dome came. I just made one little adjustment - instead of peat pellets, i filled the bottom inch of each insert in the tray with some promix, and then i put my 1.5" plug right on top of it. The roots should slide out of the soil pretty easily once they take root, so i can throw them into delta blocks n off to the ebb n flow they go. I took my 4 cuttings out of my DWC bucket, and recut the stems, exposing the white part in the middle, and then cutting slits into the scarred plant tissue. After that, i soaked them in water for about a minute, while i took some schultz rooting compound n mixed it into a shotglass of ph'd distilled water.After the minute was up, i took the cutting and dipped it into some PLANTROIDS rooting hormone gel, and put them into my grodan plug, and then soaked the plug with the water mixed with rooting powder. I did this for all 4 cuttings, plus i did a run of a couple cuttings from my Yumboldt 47, and Blueberry (Dj Short) plants, and did the same thing with them. Then i took my dome, n sprayed it down with a fine mister, along with the cuttings themselves, and i put the dome on. Then i opened the ventholes at the top, and i havent touched them since. Ill take a look in a day or two to see if they start gettin bumpy. The dome is sittting under my two 4' plant n aquarium bulbs that i picked up from Walmart like 8 months ago.

Hopefully this shit will work. I did everything sterile, and am taking extra care to make sure that nothing contaminates the plugs while they chill out. The temps are around 78 degrees with a 50% humidity, so that should be enough to make them bitches go off. If not, ill probably buy a heating pad to throw underneath them. We'll see.

I took my DWC bucket, and im using it as a seed starter for now, as i dont wanna start my Autos or the new Dutch Dragon, Black, Pineapple Punch, and my WW seeds in soil - i wanna try them out in the new hydro setup, to see if everything really grows bigger and faster than the same strains that i have going right now in soil. Ill be updating my journal with all of this in a couple days, once i have the tables set up, n everything is all partitioned off with panda film (ill be sectioning off the growroom in a couple days here as soon as i get everything else in the mail that i need to set it up proper). Ill be using one 1000w light to flower out the 11 plants i got going right now which are ready to go into 12/12. Ill be using one 1000w light to vegetate my flood tables, with the seedlings and the clones if they in fact DO root, lol. Ill be using my 600w light to veg out some mothers if i get this whole cloning thing down, and then i have a shitload of CFLs in case i need some extra lighting in a different space for vegging out seedlings or clones. Everything will be sectioned off in its own space in my 12x12 room that im in right now, and ill be using it as a temporary HQ for my grow until my landlord gets in n out of my fucking basement, which would be ideal to make this fuckin shit happen.

Anyway, all that is for my journal. Within the next couple days ill be doin an update like i said, so anybody interested, please feel free to check it out. Link is in my sig(even though the sig needs updating, lol), take a look at my past two grows, and the beginnings of this one, n ill be updating every week from here on out. Thanks for everything guys :D


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
there is soo many methods im sure all work in they're own respective way. I had issues with clones a while back, talked to my OG, and have a fool proof, extremely easy method with 100 % success .. Clones will not die, just some should be discarded, as they arent as strong as theyre counterpart, or keep em doesnt really matter.

p.m. me for my method if interested


Active Member
I had bought those same plant and aquarium lights from Wally World and set aside the ones it came with, although I had the 24" "Grow Lights" from Wal-Mart. About 3 days into my grow I decided to Google the specs for the "Plant and Aquarium" bulbs I was using and to my dismay they are runnning at 2700k (Red!!! which is not ideal for seedlings and Veg, so I put the original lights it came with which I Googled and found they were running 7800K (Blue! way better for my plants).

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
from skimming through the entries, i would suggest taking my method into consideration, I see numbers staggering for clones, like 70% humidity, should be 85 - 90%, dome tabs should be completely closed for first week, NEVER foliar spray as ive seen stated before.
If your having troubles why not go for a fool proof method..


Well-Known Member
King, make sure your humidity is always like 90% or higher for the first week or so on your clones. But make sure you open the top to get that stale air out sometimes, dont just let it sit there without ever opening it. After the first week of high humidity, check to see if you have roots showing, if you do than take off that humidity dome and just let them get good air circulation and water when needed.

1. Keep your humidity high 90% or higher 1st week of cloning.
2. Make sure you daft the air in the dome every few hours or so.

Seems like you know what else to do, but really with high humidity cloning is super easy, literally last batch of clones i had i pulled one out of the dirt after like 3 days because i didnt like how it was looking, and it didnt have any roots yet but i left it laying down in the water in the dome and in a week that thing started growing full blown roots as well. ( And i dont mean i left it in the dirt laying on its side, it was just the clone laying in water). Lol after that i literally have a 100% success clone rate at the moment. Maybe with one or two runts.


Junior Creatologist
Sounds good man. Im sure inside the dome its closer to 90% humidity, but in my growroom itself its 50% all the time pretty much. I keep the vent ports open for 6 hours, n then i close them up when it gets dark outside, no specific time frame. N i do spray down the clones ResKush, n thats only because when a plant doesnt have roots, its not uptaking water or nutrients via the stem. Spraying them is the only way that theyre going to feed n stay healthy through the process. You can keep a rootless cutting alive for months by just foliar feeding it. Just lettin u know. Everyone has their own method to cloning, and none of them are "foolproof". Just some people have it down pat better than others might. The method you use could have a 0% success rate with somebody who has no experience cloning. But nevertheless, i do appreciate the advice, and ill take it all under consideration just like everyone elses methods, and ill find out which one works best im sure. Im no n00b, so im sure ill figure out what works best for me. :D


Well-Known Member
i'm sure that you heard lots of good ideas here.but its simple man buy a cheap little greenhouse dome, neons light,rooting powder,and "rock wool cubes" if your gonna do hydro.make sure the nutes in you mother are as low as you can keep them with out affecting the plant.take your clone by using a razor and cutting on a 45 degree make a couple of light cuts around the 45 "light cuts"like a paper cut just enough to open the skin on the stem.dip it in water then rooting powder then place in a tight (snug) hole in the already wet rock wool.you can buy rockwool at any plant store most likely.place it in your dome then put it right under the neons.spray the inside of the lid on your dome 1-2 times a day . spray leaves lightly 1 time a day. and let them breath with lid off 10 mins 2 times a day.don't let the rockwool dry out.keep it only damp after the first time you wet them.and don't pull on them or play with them if you keep the conditions like i said you will see a root system forming b-4 2 weeks.and remember very impotant don't play with them only do what ya gotta do. push the rockwool from the bottom up after 1 1/2 weeks- 2 weeks to check for roots. good luck ya shouldn't need it though


Well-Known Member
N i do spray down the clones ResKush, n thats only because when a plant doesnt have roots, its not uptaking water or nutrients via the stem. Spraying them is the only way that theyre going to feed n stay healthy through the process.
Clones DO NOT need nutes, just regular water. maybe thats the problem you are having.


Well-Known Member
like a beer sign?? never heard of that?? prob why my clones dont root! hahah

i'm sure that you heard lots of good ideas here.but its simple man buy a cheap little greenhouse dome, neons light,rooting powder,and "rock wool cubes" if your gonna do hydro.make sure the nutes in you mother are as low as you can keep them with out affecting the plant.take your clone by using a razor and cutting on a 45 degree make a couple of light cuts around the 45 "light cuts"like a paper cut just enough to open the skin on the stem.dip it in water then rooting powder then place in a tight (snug) hole in the already wet rock wool.you can buy rockwool at any plant store most likely.place it in your dome then put it right under the neons.spray the inside of the lid on your dome 1-2 times a day . spray leaves lightly 1 time a day. and let them breath with lid off 10 mins 2 times a day.don't let the rockwool dry out.keep it only damp after the first time you wet them.and don't pull on them or play with them if you keep the conditions like i said you will see a root system forming b-4 2 weeks.and remember very impotant don't play with them only do what ya gotta do. push the rockwool from the bottom up after 1 1/2 weeks- 2 weeks to check for roots. good luck ya shouldn't need it though


Junior Creatologist
Clones DO NOT need nutes, just regular water. maybe thats the problem you are having.

No dude. I don't feed my cuttings nutes, because they never root lol. But if they did, I'd be able to start feeding them 1/4 strength regimen right after they develop, cuz technically the cutting is just as old and mature as the plant it came from. When I said nutrient uptake in cuttings, I meant the natural nutrients and minerals that are in the water that's being fed to the cutting, or if your using maybe a rooting solution rather than a gel..


Well-Known Member
I finally got 2 clones to root... it took 3 weeks... and the leaves are dead... but the roots are growing and i have new growth popping out of the stem. It looks sad at the moment but I suspect... I will have "plants" in a couple of weeks. In the meantime... I made a bubble cloner over the weekend. (Plastic shoe box, fish bowl heater, foil tape, airpump and 2 stones, and Olivias rooting solution.) Im going to take 3 more cuttings and root them and send the 2 momma's into the bud room. Crossing my fingers i have momma's after all this work!


Well-Known Member
That is the way my dank clones looked.... but... they have roots... and they are growing. I peaked into the rockwool of 4 other clones last night.... and i have roots. I also have 6 more in my new bubble cloner. Now I will have more plants than i need. I'll just have to bud them all!


Well-Known Member
All I do/did with mine is take a cutting when the mother plant is in veg. Make sure you have 3 nodes. Pull off all leaves except the top few. Put the cutting in water all the way up to the top minus 2 inches. Within a week or two I had so many roots it filled the cup. Planted in soil, and they took off. Not sure why yours werent rooting!!


Well-Known Member
I personally have never had a clone die every! I've cut clones durring flower, veg, what ever. The trick is to use a CLONING GEL then I spray them with 300-400ppm grow solutions (ph at 5.5) and keep them under a humidity dome, taking the top off a few times a day to give fresh air and spray the leaves. If they are still green keep trying and they will take root.


Active Member
Hi, I would love the chance to try and grow some cuttings instead of seed, do you think you can sell me a couple of clones? I am in Toronto, Ontario. Thanks, gentilegiant.


Junior Creatologist
Just figured id drop in and give you guys an update..

Ok, so i gave up on frantically trying to clone, by taking cuttings from newer plants and hoping they'd take root. I actually gave up on cloning for the most part period for now, so i could concentrate on this grow.

But then my Yumboldt took a turn for the worse. She was growing in soil, and was experiencing a SEVERE iron deficiency. to the point to where she was gonna end up dying if i didnt do something to salvage her. She was a faily large plant, with nice stalky branches, but they were drooping. So over 3 days, i tried to save her, or even just see if she perked up a little bit, before i did anything drastic. After the 3rd day, i decided that since she wasnt getting any better, i was gonna try something a little different.

I soaked the roots in clonex solution with pH'd water, to get all the dirt off the roots, and i transplanted her into my hydro setup. I then proceeded to take the 5 biggest branches, and i cut the top 5 nodes off, about 8" cuttings round about. I then pruned them, and prepared them like i would a normal clone, and put them in rockwool cubes after dipping the 45 degree cuts in rootech, and scarring them n ect..

I then put the 1.5" rockwool cubes into large 4"x3" blocks, and let them sit a decent distance from my 1000w light. This was 4 days ago. Now, im already seeing little root nubs beginning to try to break through the bottoms of 3 of the 5 cuttings, and the other two have nubs all over the bottoms of the stems, preparing to burst out roots. ive now turned a dying yumboldt plant that i would have yielded 2 oz from, into 5 seperate larger clones, that i will hopefully produce around 1oz from each, with luck, lol.

so i guess the lesson ive learned is that the cuttings ive been taking were way to small, and if i take large cuttings and treat them like im supposed to, i can in fact, clone with ease :D

So, just like i had hoped, i can end this thread by saying, I CAN FUCKING CLONE!!!! THANK GOD FOR THAT SHIT!!!!!

Im happy as hell man, n i probably wouldn't have thought to do this if i hadn't read ABF's harvest an lb every 2 wks thread. He talks about taking LARGE clones from his mother plants, n the only large cuttings i could possibly take were the main stems, which are the oldest on the plant. They were simple to take care of, simple to get to root, and they only went through a minimum of stress along the way. Im gonna leave them for probably another week to establish some decent roots and to recover from the deficiency that the main plant went through, and then im going to put them into soil and flower them out with the rest of my soil girls.

--Just for the record though, i wasn't able to save the main plant. Shes still in my Ebb n flow tray, but shes dying off. Im not gonna give up until everything is completely wilted n theres absolutely no hope at all, but im seeing like 2 new white root tips out of the 1000 root strands there are. If shes recovering, then shes takin her sweet time, lol. If she does then ill be 2 for 2 in saving a dying soil plant by transferring her to hydro. These are full grown plants ready to go into flower mind you. I saved a Blueberry plant, which has turned into a Bonzai tree, but hopefully in a week or two shell start to grow out again, and get some nice BIG lush growth on her branches. right now if i were to flower her, i'd probably end up with about .75oz of some kind Blueberry bud. But her roots are all briight white, and forming new hairs every day. So maybe shes rebuilding her root structure to adapt to hydroponics, before she concentrates on new plant matter growth. I dunno, well see, all i know is that shes purdy lookin, n another month of vegging n shell be ready to flower right along with all my other hydro gals.

Thanks for tuning in everyone, i really do appreciate all the support and help everyone gave, and i couldnt have done it without all your help. Seriously, thanks. I now have confidence to try cloning on a perpetual scale, and perhaps ill be able to sustain an ABF style grow, getting an LB every 2 weeks, just like ABF does, :D lol. I know thats shooting kinda high, but im giving myself another 3-4 months before i reach that goal. Still have another 2 to go until my first hydro grow is complete, and then ill be working on the perpetual stuff. I have one 7 plant (soon to be 12 plant as soon as my 5 clones go in there) grow going in soil, flowering right now ending wk 2, and then i have one 3x3 tray with 16 plants in wk 2/5 of veg, and then i have 15 plants in another 3x3 tray ending wk 1 of veg (some still in seedling stage). So basically right now im ensuring i have several yields to tend to while i try to perfect my clone game, so lets all keep our fingers crossed for me (:D) while i go through all this crap, lol. Ill be sure to keep you guys updated, with much less of the novel-like filler in my posts, lol.

Thanks everyone
