I cant f**king clone.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good man. Im sure inside the dome its closer to 90% humidity, but in my growroom itself its 50% all the time pretty much. I keep the vent ports open for 6 hours, n then i close them up when it gets dark outside, no specific time frame. N i do spray down the clones ResKush, n thats only because when a plant doesnt have roots, its not uptaking water or nutrients via the stem. Spraying them is the only way that theyre going to feed n stay healthy through the process. You can keep a rootless cutting alive for months by just foliar feeding it. Just lettin u know. Everyone has their own method to cloning, and none of them are "foolproof". Just some people have it down pat better than others might. The method you use could have a 0% success rate with somebody who has no experience cloning. But nevertheless, i do appreciate the advice, and ill take it all under consideration just like everyone elses methods, and ill find out which one works best im sure. Im no n00b, so im sure ill figure out what works best for me. :D

dont spray em, they are not gonna grow roots while u keep watering/feeding them via foliar feeding the leaves absorb the water and there fore dont need to produce roots.


Well-Known Member
bro i hear yeah and cloning can be a beast. i did the humid dome and all that too. i am too lazy now. I use a new straight razor, clonex, ro water and you can build that aeroponic spayer that is in the thread a pound every three weeks. take the razor cut the cutting put in ro water immediately. the when next to the aeroponic cloner take cutting make sure it's at a 45 degree angle and then i slice some of the side off or a slit down the middle dip in clonex then stick into the aeroponic cloner. done. 7-10 days roots. can't get no easier or more lazy lol


Well-Known Member
I thought I would back up my method with some photos... but I cant get them to upload. Anyways, I've acquired a small digital therm/hydrogometer(I think its called, for humidity)and in my dome, which I have under 2 18" fleurescent lights in a wooden box I fabricated that encloses the dome and tray perfectly, and doesn't let any light escape, and the temp is 85 degrees F with 85-90% humidity with the tabs closed on the dome, and the babies are doing GREAT! Oh, also, when I cut them, I just used a clean *new* razor blade and did it dry, just on my kitchen table, then poked them into cubes tht had been soaked for 20 minutes in water and supernatural rockwool soak. I am having 100% success rigth now with the ones I have in there, and as soon as I can post some pics, I will...


Well-Known Member
Make you angled cut just before the node's that you have taken of.This is where the new roots will come from.Also make the cut under water this will stop any air getting trapped in the stem.Use gel alot better then any other cloneing product in my opinion clonex.Once you have made the cut put them straight into the rooting gel.leave for about 20 seconds then put it in a rockwool cube.Pre soak the cubes in ph 5.5 water also make a hole in the cube before putting the clone in or the gel will just be pushed off.I always make my hole for the clone on a angle this way the root just comes through the side.This method does not take has long has waiting for the root to come through the bottom of the cube.I think that you are prob rushing thing it is one of the easyest thing about growing.Just give them time keep them moist not wet through and spray twice daily and you will get there.Spray them with multithrive and water ph of 5.5 and you will have good clones.


Active Member
My suggestion, ultrasonic transducer/fogger, cheap, get as many single heads as you need for your scale or table or a multiple head version, dry fog 5-20 micron water droplets, is perfectly fine for feeding seedlings, though don't plan on keeping them in the cloner that long, these will puff out in two weeks with a tight internode spacing, soon you'll have to plant before the roots over take, 2 weeks and then transfer into your finishing system.

I rigged mine with a five gallon bucket and drilled the top out with neoprenes on a timer 15 minutes off an hour to allow the transducer to cool


Sector 5 Moderator
You've gotta be kidding me... 2.5 years and this thread is still going??? You're still giving this guy advice on cloning? LOL


Well-Known Member
8 inches was an exaggeration, theyre more like 5 inches
, maybe a little smaller. I was just sayin that im trying not to take cuttings from when i top the plant, im trying to take them from lower down on the plant, so obviously theyre gonna be bigger. But yeah, im givin this shit a shot, n theyre still lookin better than they were before with the nuted up water that i was using in the DWC bucket. Fingers fuckin crossed, lol.

-So do you clone in soil then? im askin cuz i dont remember you saying how you do it when you clone. I never really gave soil that much of a shot, considering how much trouble i had last grow trying to switch a plant from soil to hydro growing, i just didnt wanna run into problems like that again, so i kinda left the soil alone after it didnt work out the first time. I DID however, take the 5 Taiga seedlings that i started in RW cubes that i put into beer cups, and i threw them into the DWC bucket too before they got too big. As soon as my Delta blocks get here im gonna put the Ebb n Flow together n turn her on for the first time (well, once my pump gets here n i hit up the moon for my slabs), n get them bitches goin, along with 5 White dwarf autos i got comin tuesday, plus 2 Blueberry seedlings, 2 Dutch Dragon seedlings, 2 Pineapple punch seedlings, n probably gonna do either 2 THE BLACK or 2 ICE seedlings that i got gettin started right now too. I just wanna get the shit goin so i have something to smoke on sometime in the near future, and i can keep toying around with cloning, and not have to be in some typa hurry where im fucking everything up n its a rush job. Im sure ill get the damn shit down soon man, lol.

I just picked up a Hannah hand held TDS(ppm) meter, which should be showin up by midweek, so ill finally be able to know just how fucked my tap water really is. I need to figure out what the hell im gonna do to fill up my rez for the table too man, lol. It aint like i can buy 50-70 gallons of water for that shit neither - do i just Brita Filter all that water to take out most of the bullshit in there, n then adjust to my liking, or what?! :shock:
Thats what you tell the ladies ;-)