Comments needed!! i went to the store today and got "kgro" all purpose plant food it has all the right nutrients and is water soluble 15-30-15 does this sound allright??? Also i got "Miracle-Gro" bloom booster flower food "water soluble" for when my girls start to bud but it says keep it weed free stop weeds before they start blah blah blah and im afraid to use it what do you guys/girls think???????????
ok... Im startin to get frustrated... The germinated seeds I put in My AG arent fucking growin.... they've gotten to the point where the bean completely sprouted.... split open into to leaves and you can kinda see the next set of leaves comin... ut its been exactly the same for atleast 3 days now!!!... is it possible I gotta a couple of duds in there?? One seems to be rooting pretty well... but still NO plant growth.... I swear the 1st time around was NOT this fuckin hard... nonetheless Im germinating MORE seeds just in case nothin happens with these... any suggestions?
I went to the local thrift store today and the growing gods were good to me. I found a 4 fixture light pole, dirt cheap. SO I went and bought me some nice soft lights to put in them. I also hooked up a nice reflective clamp light we had here. I think with my full spectrum light, lamp and the additional lighting I should be in good shape now. I'm toying with getting another full spectrum lamp for my next grow in the winter months. I like the idea of lights that simulate natural light. I try to be organic as possible. I'm also going to get a red spectrum bulb for the reflective clapm light...just ran out of time today. However, I feel pretty happy with my setup now.
Hey sicc, i'm new to aerogardening an growing in general, but have been reading around for a month or two and am about to give it a go. I mostly followed this FAQ. I got the figure 8 cord, timer, temp n humidity gauge, pump, airstone, 8 CFLS ( 4 2700k 2 6500 k) ph kit, and y sockets. Just purcahsed the aero pro 200, should arrive on tuesday. Do i shound ready to start, I have some seeds just starting germinating tonight. I'll be posting pictues by wedns. Apprectiate any help or comments greatly.
are the AG nutes sufficent for the whole grow cycle? or should I purchase some additional nutes