How long does a germinated seed take to sprout out of soil?


Active Member
Hi yall, this is my first post and I am a first time grower.... I have a couple seeds I planted about 40 hours ago that were fully germinated and had about inch long white tails on them. I planted them mostly tails up in 12" pots and have 4 CFLS on 24/7... How often and how much should I water these and when should they pop up out of soil? How can I tell If Im giving them enough water when I do water them? Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
I can't answer your question but I started germinating about 20 hours ago and have the same question as you. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!
Straight seeds take 3 - 7 days, I don't pre germinate so I couldn't tell you other than it depends on how deep you planted them. Watering once a week is fine, maybe twice a week, that should give you an idea about how much water your plants need.
Ive heard mixed reviews about which way to plant them..... a lot of people say root up because the root curls around anyway and blah blah blah.... but ultimately ive heard it doesnt matter much?
man, the one time i tried it root up, it died cos it rotted before it could grow out. i dont have much experience of the other way round cos i never wanted to try it again, but i rele cant see why ud want to. iv had success every time root down. good luck anyway, id love to know if it works the other way.
How much water would you say you use when you water though?

I just make sure the soil is moist, you can't really measure it because it all depends on the container size and size of the plant. I'm a firm believer in letting the soil dry out some between waterings so the plants have time to absorb oxygen in between waters, that is the whole point of hydro, getting an even mixture of water and oxygen. If the plant gets too dry it will tell you by wilting, in which case you water and the plant goes back to normal, usually within 15 minutes. Your brain wants you to water about 3 times a day but is best to have it dry out between waterings so the plant can get the oxygen it needs to the roots, if you water too much it never gets the opportunity because the roots are always in water. Just think of normal house plants, how often do you water them ? How often have you forgot and the plants still live after 2 - 3 weeks of not watering them. When they say most people starting out have problems due to overwatering, they aren't kidding, because once a week of watering is usually good enough, twice a week also works once you get the hang of watering. Like I said I recomend once a week for beginners unless the plants wilt in between in which case you do twice a week.Give it a try and you won't be disappointed. Seedling may need the two or three times a week due to small containers and heat from the lights, is about the only exception.
Ok those sprouts were just random shit..... not weed.... BUT now there are some much bigger sprouts that are pretty promising as DRO!
I germinate till i get the root and see the seed is just about to pop off, then i plant the root and leave the seed showing showing at too of soil.... afte a day or 2 the seeds come off and all sprouted 20201121_064851.jpg