First Grow, Clones


Well-Known Member
So i recently acquired three clones from a buddy, and am constantly coming to this site reading through tons of threads and have found this place to be a TON of help in my first week of having said clones.

the attached is a picture of my setup. good? bad? any tips?

in the tray is a little water, just enough to go through the holes in the bottom of the sides while still able to get small amounts of air.

Inside seems fairly inconsistant as far as condensation goes, and it seems one plant is sort of drooping. :(

UPDATE: after tons of searching the last couple of days i have read that standing water is bad, however when i recieved these clones my buddy told me his method and the way he was taught was to keep the clones in a tray with a small amount of water. is this killing my plants?

if i can't find any viable solution to my problem with these clones i will have to do as suggested and recut the stems and try again.

i also read that i may be using too much light?

seems i should have done more research specifically about clones before i took these.



Well-Known Member
hm, i'm gonna bump this while i go take a pic or two of the plants close up.


Active Member
if you can see roots then the plant took and the yellow indicates "could" over fertilization or over hydrating.

if the roots are not present take the plant out and rube stem end in hydrogen peroxide"quickly!!!!!!" or simple clean stem and recut.

after you recut, plant in your medium, nute with high nitrogen, leave in dark for about 15-24 hours, then regain normal veg state lighting.

you might come into more problems if the clones were cut when the plant was in flowering stage for longer than 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
if you can see roots then the plant took and the yellow indicates "could" over fertilization or over hydrating.

if the roots are not present take the plant out and rube stem end in hydrogen peroxide"quickly!!!!!!" or simple clean stem and recut.

after you recut, plant in your medium, nute with high nitrogen, leave in dark for about 15-24 hours, then regain normal veg state lighting.

you might come into more problems if the clones were cut when the plant was in flowering stage for longer than 2 weeks
the originals were in veg state and had been growing for 3-4 weeks at the time.

to the bolded, i apoligize for my ignorance but why would i do that? :(


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
have u got them in the expandable peat pucks in those cups? I'm new to cloning myself, and thus far i've killed like 3or4 clones.... though NOT due to adverse conditions, simply through fault of my own. anyhoo, i know those peat pucks tend to have too big of a gap between stem and rooting medium... rooting temps are also of importance too... P>S i have read, though not done it myself til tonight... , that tough-to-root clones MAY be re-cut and planted again in hopes of rooting...


Well-Known Member
I noticed there seemed to be too much air between the medium and the stem so i pushed the medium around it closer, at that point it had been ~5 days and there wasn't any sign of roots. it has been nearly 8 days now and the plants are faring no better.


Active Member
what your doing right now, however you have a relatively short time period before the plants become not viable. so don't wait to long to decide to re cut or not.

here is another good resource about clones, just skip over the parts about rockwool. unless you have access to Rockwool, then use it. they work great.


Well-Known Member
so at ~14 days i should recut+re hormone the plants and try again? or is 14 days too long?

and if you had meant to put a link into your post i am not catchin it. :(


Well-Known Member
Running out of guides to read, not many seem to address my situation... no one has experienced similer problems before?

i am banging my head on the wall on this one :wall:


Well-Known Member
you arent using too much light.. I have cut clones and very easily just slid them into my medium and in about a week they started rooting.. just give it time and dont go messing around with it alot, you'll stress it out.

phil le b

Well-Known Member
So i recently acquired three clones from a buddy, and am constantly coming to this site reading through tons of threads and have found this place to be a TON of help in my first week of having said clones.

the attached is a picture of my setup. good? bad? any tips?

in the tray is a little water, just enough to go through the holes in the bottom of the sides while still able to get small amounts of air.

Inside seems fairly inconsistant as far as condensation goes, and it seems one plant is sort of drooping. :(

UPDATE: after tons of searching the last couple of days i have read that standing water is bad, however when i recieved these clones my buddy told me his method and the way he was taught was to keep the clones in a tray with a small amount of water. is this killing my plants?

if i can't find any viable solution to my problem with these clones i will have to do as suggested and recut the stems and try again.

i also read that i may be using too much light?

seems i should have done more research specifically about clones before i took these.
ya man not bad bit like my setup and i jus started sum clones today and need all the info i can get

so at do u think mate ????????????


Well-Known Member
yours look healthy to me.

i posted some pics of mine in like the 3rd or so post, see mine are drooping heavily and turning very yellow especially on the bigger leaves. i hear a little yellow is normal but it seems to be getting excessive.


Well-Known Member
The only thing that i am still 100% completely unsure about is...

should i leave standing water in the tray for the clones till they root?


Active Member
mine rooted in 5 days doing this

take your clone cut at a 45 degree angle then slice up the stem an inch flod those back and place in medium you can also notch just like skinning but only a little on the stem at the bottom it will expose more area and cause it to go into overdrive producing roots very quickly

i did this with a seediling aswell that the root got ripped off of and it rooted in 4 days

i also put mine on a heating pad on the lowest setting to keep medium nice and warm

24 hrs light