Husband is gone - need help carrying on

Thanks Fdd... I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable
why were you feeling uncomfortable? do you really think i couldfind you? I would never stalk anyone but if you think that scenario could lead to you then you would be naive to think law enforcement doesnt scan these posts
I am big girl guy's..give wontime a break I think he means well..for my part I will be a little more careful on what I share. Each of you have been extremely helpful and this is an invaluable resource..
why were you feeling uncomfortable? do you really think i couldfind you? I would never stalk anyone but if you think that scenario could lead to you then you would be naive to think law enforcement doesnt scan these posts
You came on a little heavy I thought you where a little freaky ... but I feel you meant well your advice was sincere..and I apologize for the grief I may have caused
You can clone a flowering plant, but its not suggested. Even if you cloned a flowering plant and put your plants back to an 18-6 schedule they(either the clone or plant) will have to go back to a vegative state, which will stress out your plant.
You do not need alot of expensive equipment to clone. Just get some JiffyPots. Make sure when you clone that you have everything handy and in sync. I water my jiffies and put a hole in them, I have my gel, razor, alcohol(keep things sterilized) and mother at hand and ready, I cut a clone dip it in gel and stick it in the jiffy pot. I also split the end of the stem it gives you twice the area to grow root, then I dipp and stick. Have a clone heating pad and a clonedome. Keep them covered for a cople of days and let them establish roots about two to three weeks, then transplant. When transplanting remember not to expose roots to light or air. DO it quickly. It helps a bunch if you have everything set up to do it quickly. It takes some practice and itisnt always 100% but the more you do it the more you learn. Also now that you have your plants flowering for three weeks on 12/12 why dont you give them 13 hours of light and 11 dark. It will increase bud production and weight. good luck
Hey guy's about to shut off the lights 7am to 7pm .. though would keep them on to 8pm be better 13hrs instead of the 12 hrs they have been getting. Any thoughts on the benefit of the extra hour..



No seriously, don't do it..

Really.. It needs 12 hours of sleep to make that precious resin ;)
i thought i did explain, i basicly took the information she was given IE divorce, husbands arrest and charges, and the fact she wants to grow weed in Ontario, i was just trying to let he know to be careful AND now someone posted im a stalker and should be banned,,,,,,,,
As far as the girl part, its obviously true, nobody in the right mind should help facilitate her continuing her husbands grow op, while going through a bitter breakup, its a timebomb! if you want to grow and supplement your income, id get a good friend and see if they are willing to let you set up in a location your pedophiliac husband wouldnt know about!!! can just unsubscribe.......edit: I mean if it bothers you so much..
You came on a little heavy I thought you where a little freaky ... but I feel you meant well your advice was sincere..and I apologize for the grief I may have caused
no grief, just being sarcastic, i wish you all the best and everyone else on here,. we all have that one common thread, woven out of hemp ofcourse!!!!:hug: Oh and I am freaky, just not scary freaky!!!! and I love to be the rebound guy!!!!!! :)
Can people not post unless its on the topic of this lady's plants?


Sharon, its best not to mess with the lighting as much as possible. The extra hour will probablly not make too much extra growth and at the risk of stress and hermies, I would leave em alone. Your already going to be taking clones. These girls want a stable environment..
Can people not post unless its on the topic of this lady's plants?


Sharon, its best not to mess with the lighting as much as possible. The extra hour will probablly not make too much extra growth and at the risk of stress and hermies, I would leave em alone. Your already going to be taking clones. These girls want a stable environment..

what about the other way around?
I've read that switching to 11on 13off for two weeks (3rd+4th weeks of flower) and then switching back to 12/12 is benificial. Fattening up calyxes and such. I could be misinformed.:?
good luck to you and i hope your husband doesn't come back looking for his plants. if he has them on 12/12 and is flowering i guarantee you he wants his crop. put new locks on the shed if you havent already
Hey guy's about to shut off the lights 7am to 7pm .. though would keep them on to 8pm be better 13hrs instead of the 12 hrs they have been getting. Any thoughts on the benefit of the extra hour..
i personaly would have it at the 12/12
why were you feeling uncomfortable? do you really think i couldfind you? I would never stalk anyone but if you think that scenario could lead to you then you would be naive to think law enforcement doesnt scan these posts
i see from the begining that you ment well.:hump:
*whew* this thread got HUGE fast . . . .

anyways I'll be watching to answer any questions I can answer . . . peace
Hey Guy's,
I want to thank you for all your help so far. I have cloned 20 so far. I don't have a dome but I have them in a warm closet. I have been simply misting them throughout the day. I am home all day anyway. So far they look goos. They under a flourecent with 2 bulbs 40-wat each.
How far should the light be to the cuttings and on some of my flowering plants there is some dead plants at the bottom you touch them and they fall off almost. Should I remove the dead growth and how..simply pull it off or cut it close to the stem (I dont want to damage the main stem).
Once I find where the digital camera I will take some pics and share.
Hey Guy's,
I want to thank you for all your help so far. I have cloned 20 so far. I don't have a dome but I have them in a warm closet. I have been simply misting them throughout the day. I am home all day anyway. So far they look goos. They under a flourecent with 2 bulbs 40-wat each.
How far should the light be to the cuttings and on some of my flowering plants there is some dead plants at the bottom you touch them and they fall off almost. Should I remove the dead growth and how..simply pull it off or cut it close to the stem (I dont want to damage the main stem).
Once I find where the digital camera I will take some pics and share.

you can put those bulbs right on top of the plants if you want. 3 or 4 inches above is fine though.

i'd remove all dead growth. i use my fingernail to pinch it off.
you can put those bulbs right on top of the plants if you want. 3 or 4 inches above is fine though.

i'd remove all dead growth. i use my fingernail to pinch it off.
yep what the man said. you beat me to it. they willlook like crapfor a few daysso don't be worried .
You guy's ROCK..
Quick question boy's. I just checked my plants. I have some in there as tall as me (5'10"). If I take cuttings from the bottom branches how will it effect the yield of the plant (noting the stress would interrupt it's focus on flowering I would think).
Further, there is no air flowing through the room currently (I am thinking of opening the window and placing a fan in the room..though it is still quite cool here not sure if it will hurt the plants drawing the cold air from outside it's 9 degrees out today).
As well, I found some Miracle-Grow All Purpose water soluable plant food. I have only been watering them as of late should I add the Miracle grow or just water only..I am using well water..I am on a well
Thank-you so much,

Cake! I took like 2-3 clones off of each of my 1 week flowering 12 inch plants and it didn't even phase 'em. If you've got plants that big, take as many clones as you want, but I would only take about double what you're willing/have space to grow. Best of luck with that, and hope your husband doesn't call the cops on you. That'd be some years in prison if you got caught with 14-5 footers.