Now that the last budding plant is ready to be cut in about an hour, I'd like to look back at what I did wrong and right in this grow. I learned a lot about this plant these past months, and I hope to develop that further. I ripped the bold parts from the FAQ---
First time growers frequently:
Overwater their medium based plants.
On this grow, I did have some watering confusion in the early stages, and killed two baby seedlings. these were the last plants I unintentionally killed so far! If anything, I let the plants dry a little too much, but I think I get the hang of it for sure.
Overfeed their plants.
Yeah, I nute burned some plants in veg. It was pretty bad. I will hopefully never make that mistake again. I also had some issues with general overfeeding, but I never encountered any horrible deficiencies just some clawed leaves.
Overanalyze their grow.
I thought I would be guilty of this, but I'm pretty proud of myself. I check them daily, but I give them their own space and they give me bud...
Overspend on grow supplies.
guilty. I bought a bunch of shit before I even had my first plant, but all in all I made it all back and then some! and the equiptment with stay with me till it craps out.
I did my research on RIU for months before I ever posted once. I'm clean on this one.
Talk about their grow.
I am usually a big loudmouth, but in this case it turned out great. because I told my friend, he decided to invest in a bunch of equipment and help me! without that help, I'd have shit for buds (only a 400w, no ac). but otherwise, only cool people know, and I'm 100% legal so its all gravy.
Some other issues: gnats, HERMing plants, seeds (only a dozen or so), high electric bills, pulled some branches for personal smoke way too early big mistake, didn't veg long enough.
But... all in all I am insanely satisfied. my largest bagseed plant yield 1.5 oz officially and that is amazing smoke. That's also decent for a 2 ft. plant on my first grow all on my own! That purple kush is nuts, my friends are crazy about it. I'm enjoying not paying for ganja no more!
I don't have the final yield info, its not all dry. I will be posting my second season on here though, so I will post it when I know. I will also be starting a new thread kinda soon about my next setup, planning and execution, after this season. knowledge is power!