Low Budget Startup Grow


Well-Known Member
Dude now ur trippn me out...im day 24 today 2...started 12 12 on the 15th of last month
Thats cool...I'll be watching your grow...I subscribed. If I add a 400 and some cfls...we would have damn near the same setup. I can't get foxf arm or advanced localy...cost was an issue but going organic or at least very close. (some organic people are too much for me) I have smoked weed with all sorts of poisons in it for years...Glad to be in charge of everything.


Tell me about it. Hash over here has got the worst crap in it.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. Hash over here has got the worst crap in it.
You must be talking about the shit that smells like pinesol? LOL The hash is bad now but at least ours will be getting better.

I'm going to do some bubble hash. Do you make bubble hash?


Well-Known Member
i will with a drill and ice 5 gallon bucket once i buy the filter bags online 1 day. ive got the bucket and drill/mixer, naturally being a tilemaster (tile thing is forreal.) anyways slippery P...check my local dealer out...planetnatural.com there mt's authorized seller for hydrofarm. there's not a whole lot of markup on their nutes..and its free shipping im pretty sure. if u dont have your MJ card be a little wary bout sending anything u order to the grow. just send it to a friend.. then u can rock some serious nutes..or if u need anything, they got it all. althou their lighting and venting seems way marked up. but i cant complain when im in driving range, and most their stuff is in stock. ya boy if u added a 400 it would be a very similiar set up. but then again on my next run, im adding an a/c unit...and another 1000w or 600w. just gonna buy 2 30 amp breakers and outlets, romax, and all i gotta do is buy the light and electrical, and ill be pimpn. already have huge a/c window unit, and my boy welded some 45 degreee pieces of like mini i beam for the unit to sit on. all i gott a do is do it. im just waitng till i have these girls cleared out, because it involves cutting holes and a mess, not to mention i need a few z's of cold hard cash! well slipperyP get at me


Well-Known Member
i will with a drill and ice 5 gallon bucket once i buy the filter bags online 1 day. ive got the bucket and drill/mixer, naturally being a tilemaster (tile thing is forreal.) anyways slippery P...check my local dealer out...planetnatural.com there mt's authorized seller for hydrofarm. there's not a whole lot of markup on their nutes..and its free shipping im pretty sure. if u dont have your MJ card be a little wary bout sending anything u order to the grow. just send it to a friend.. then u can rock some serious nutes..or if u need anything, they got it all. althou their lighting and venting seems way marked up. but i cant complain when im in driving range, and most their stuff is in stock. ya boy if u added a 400 it would be a very similiar set up. but then again on my next run, im adding an a/c unit...and another 1000w or 600w. just gonna buy 2 30 amp breakers and outlets, romax, and all i gotta do is buy the light and electrical, and ill be pimpn. already have huge a/c window unit, and my boy welded some 45 degreee pieces of like mini i beam for the unit to sit on. all i gott a do is do it. im just waitng till i have these girls cleared out, because it involves cutting holes and a mess, not to mention i need a few z's of cold hard cash! well slipperyP get at me
I have my card and a couple others...so dealing with them would be easy. I'm gonna check it out in a minute. This is my start-up grow. I will be saving for more lights....I will be going with 4 600 watters eventually....that will fill my little room nice. :hump:


Well-Known Member
do it 2.4k of light well u know thats potential... ill be runnin 2k + by next run. w/ a/c . itll be tighty. ya no problem on referral. like i said they have hella shit for bein up here, pretty much sell everything hydrofarm offers, but hydrofarm will only deal with vendors. make sure tho if u got a big order to double check actual msrp cause i know theyve got mark up..but its sooo nice haven them...from immediate access to ph down or calibration solutions...wutever theyre the shit.. rep for u my brother


Well-Known Member
If there going to stay in business they got to make a little bit....there lights are a bit high. It will be a few months before i can get my lights. This grow was thrown together with old stuff I had around.


Well-Known Member
Its a girl....One of the seedlings the one I have numbered as 4 is showing sex. This is excellent. It was some Afghan bagseed that was so killer. Easily better then 75% of the chronic for sale as medical marijuana. I can't wait to get a crop of this. You would smoke....and forget your bong was loaded....then go to load it again. Super stoney.




No I wont be making hash im more of a bud smoker but I would actually like to try and make it the way tilemaster does it or instructional vids on youtube.


Well-Known Member
I need to add a couple of the vegging plants to the flower room. I think i can fit a few small plants under the 600. I'm gonna wait for the FIM cuts to grow out and move 4 over. I should have my light before it becomes an issue.

I would like to veg to about 18 to 24 inches but these next few are on a scheduel if im going to have a rotational crop. If i can get a monthly crop I won't run out of med's and have to by overpriced street shit to supplement.

I didn't plan well...I shouldn't have fimed 4 of them....oh well...They're only 8 or 9 inches tall now....when they hit a foot there going in.



Well-Known Member
I have been trying to keep a good log of this grow. I just got a small mother room built enough for 3 clone mothers. I need to finish it up tomorrow. Everything is okay...no watering no feeding...just watching the grass grow. A couple of the leave tips look curled and wavy on the tip? :joint:



Well-Known Member
I have been collecting rain water and I was contemplating today and was wondering if it is possible to get bugs by using the collected rain water. Do the little bastard lay eggs in the water that could be later transferred to my plants? I have no bugs now and I have plans on keeping it that way.:hump:


Well-Known Member
This is semi interesting....At least to me.

The clones that I have in veg that i FIMed and have been watching the progress I have come to a conclusion on mabey?

It promoted alot of growth but it didn't multi stock the plant how I expected and it must be due to the interspaced or off set node growth.

The growth of the FIM Cut on the new female in my collection. (S4) Has been alot better and the plant seamed more receptive to it. I am wondering if it is because of the even node growth? I'm going to make this a clone mom.




Not if the container you collect the rain with is clean there should be no bug or egg problems. Its looking good bro :hump:


Well-Known Member
u just using fiming...? ive begun 2 play around w/ supercropping.. seems like it really creates a fuller plant in a couple of days after breaking a few branches...lookn good P..nice 2 have seperate grow areas..like ur doin..And ur so right about our states supposed Med MJ..commericial in norcal where im from is useually fruiter, denser, and better than our med mj, "supposed" i guess..but any1 can slap a name on something..and were still so back country up here people believe it. least the prices have come down...at least for greater gallatin co. how the bitteroot on prices bro ...im gettn 250 zip for that decent med mj..when its not sold out.

This is semi interesting....At least to me.

The clones that I have in veg that i FIMed and have been watching the progress I have come to a conclusion on mabey?

It promoted alot of growth but it didn't multi stock the plant how I expected and it must be due to the interspaced or off set node growth.

The growth of the FIM Cut on the new female in my collection. (S4) Has been alot better and the plant seamed more receptive to it. I am wondering if it is because of the even node growth? I'm going to make this a clone mom.