Am I super High?


Well-Known Member

Being stranded on an island with little vegetation, no access of food; no wild or sea life; and no outside contact, Wouldn't a Fat person survive longer than a person of smaller mass due to a larger innate storage of fats: carbohydrates:starches:sugars:protein , and other minerals and chemicals in obese amounts? Is that what Biology and Chemistry teaches us?
So fat people will last what 4 weeks? and a skinny person would last 2 weeks? Isnt that What media and people around us preaches?

Then in that initial perspective isn't being fat good, and beneficial?

What if the other side is worse than yours?

What if you were in someone elses perspective?

How would you feel?

(while listening to Lifehouse: Everything) How can I stand Here with you and Not be Moved by you?
Can you tell me, what could be any better than this?

Seems like this could be a public service announcement, or a moment of analytical self enlightenment.

Am I super high?


Well-Known Member
you are right but people have to distinguish between being "fat" and being "obese"

thick is healthy


Well-Known Member
Muscle provides much more energy than fat. A lean muscular person would likely out last an obese person. As dehydration would likely kill 'the lazy obese person' before he'd have a chance to starve.

How much will does the fat person have to survive compared to the fit person? Or is he merely a 'stick'?

However, I think survival skills would play the largest factor. Again, in favor of the person who apparently gets exercise and gets outdoors more. Hypothetically....

You must of been high.


Well-Known Member
Is there a middle in law and politics?
Is there a middle life and death?
Is there a middle in right and wrong?
Is there a middle on or off button? some may call it sleep, but sleep is like that of death, immobile, unmoved.

Thick is a middle, No?

I am not trying to take sides here, I am naturally fit average person, as designed my available resources; I do not deprive, nor over indulge. I only think to consider each, fair and possible angle.

Angles as supported by my bowl and lighter.

Edit: WILL does indeed play a big factor! I mean on an unvegetated island what reason is there to be 'fit' your just sitting there waiting to die.
Like what do guys in solitary confinement do when they known their electrocution date is coming up? Oh wait, they workout get super buff and break out of prison into freedom, and roam the streets to capture your little children....
shit. i shouln't have started this thread.


Well-Known Member
Is there a middle in law and politics?
Is there a middle life and death?
Is there a middle in right and wrong?
Is there a middle on or off button? some may call it sleep, but sleep is like that of death, immobile, unmoved.

Thick is a middle, No?

I am not trying to take sides here, I am naturally fit average person, as designed my available resources; I do not deprive, nor over indulge. I only think to consider each, fair and possible angle.

Angles as supported by my bowl and lighter.
i agree with you. i believe modest living is happy living


Well-Known Member
Is there a middle in law and politics?
Is there a middle life and death?
Is there a middle in right and wrong?
Is there a middle on or off button? some may call it sleep, but sleep is like that of death, immobile, unmoved.

Thick is a middle, No?

I am not trying to take sides here, I am naturally fit average person, as designed my available resources; I do not deprive, nor over indulge. I only think to consider each, fair and possible angle.

Angles as supported by my bowl and lighter.

Edit: WILL does indeed play a big factor! I mean on an unvegetated island what reason is there to be 'fit' your just sitting there waiting to die.
Like what do guys in solitary confinement do when they known their electrocution date is coming up? Oh wait, they workout get super buff and break out of prison into freedom, and roam the streets to capture your little children....
shit. i shouln't have started this thread.
Is there a middle life and death? Yes. It's called Coma.
Is there a middle in right and wrong? Of course it is...look at this website.Right and wrong is purely subjective to the parties involved.
Is there a middle on or off button? some may call it sleep, but sleep is like that of death, immobile, unmoved.- Yes it's called "STANDBY"...Or Idle function. There's a setting on your CPU designed specifically for this.


Well-Known Member
Very modernized views. Did these views exist 200 years ago? a 100 years ago? Do you not know someone disagrees with these views? Are not your views reflective of those around you, those that have taught you? Were not the things they teach you, impressed on them by someone else? Humanity is a reflective.

HAHHH I went from Lifehouse to lil wayne. Such a spectrum to cross.

Not Really, They both are L's in My itunes library. LOL
a program I use because my friends and family use it. DOH!


Well-Known Member
You mean there are plenty of people alive, but not awake?
Because I can not understand someone being awake, and not being alive?

awake(p): not in a state of sleep; completely conscious
~princeton dictionary

Unless consciousness is synonymous with life?

How do we know consciousness is real? Have you experienced someone else's conscious?

Jiminy Criket from Pinocchio!! LOL damn insect singing songs.


Well-Known Member
Very modernized views. Did these views exist 200 years ago? a 100 years ago? Do you not know someone disagrees with these views? Are not your views reflective of those around you, those that have taught you? Were not the things they teach you, impressed on them by someone else? Humanity is a reflective.

HAHHH I went from Lifehouse to lil wayne. Such a spectrum to cross.

Not Really, They both are L's in My itunes library. LOL
a program I use because my friends and family use it. DOH!

It's irrelevant that these views exsisted 200 years ago, or that someone may disagree with my opinion. We have no idea what it was like to live then, and they have no idea what it's like to live in the present. The factors that led to there viewpoints are widely accepted, but are almost impossible to put into practice. And no. My views are not reflective of the people that taught me. structurally yes to a degree, but my views differ drastically from those of my parents. Humanity is reflective to those who mirror your sentiment. If not they just bounce off of them, and they continue on thinking, feeling, or acting as they see fit.


Well-Known Member
You mean there are plenty of people alive, but not awake?

Nope. Look at hard drug addicts. As we speak there is someone choking on a crack pipe. They're awake, but not alive. Look at the man who is at a job he hates, only later to go to a home he hates, with a woman he loathes. He's awake, but not alive. Look at people incarcerated for extended periods of time. Locked in a cell. They're awake, but not alive.Look at vegetables on life support eyes wide open, with no ability to move there limbs or to make conscious thought or decision. There's a pattern here. Living has nothing to do with the natural act of opening your eyes.


Well-Known Member
But, that is a yes and no argument.
What is structure other than what it is made of?
Do you not identify that structure by its composition? As in buildings as Brick, Cemet, Wood, Rubber, White, black,
Culture provides a certain edge to what we are made of. Culture defines what we know. And Culture is defined by those around you.


Well-Known Member
Sure, but would you want to be the fat guy on the beach starving for 4 weeks?
HAAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAH thats fucking Hilariousss! LOL i get it! it should be in a script.

that way everyone would see how funny it is. And not just the 6 people actually reading this thread. LOL

Edit: instead of only grazing for marijuana porn pics. LOL