My personal thoughts on Humas and this planet.

We weren't engineered to do anything by anyone all plants and animals us included are simply like a bacteria on this planet in the grand scheme of things. Nobody cares about us there is no afterlife or god there is no purpose at all whatsoever there is no judgement when you die we could all be wiped out and it would make no difference at all.
Humans aren't that great. We are awfully narcissistic to believe that we have a higher purpose. Gold is valuable because of scarcity and the fact that it looks cool - the fact that it is good for a lot of other things is a bonus.

We are just like everything else in the world. Every organism is consuming something. When we had to live off the land, humans were in balance with the planet. If we killed too many Bison, we would thin the heard and leave less food next year. So we only killed what we could and lived off of wild vegetation; that food supply can only support a so many people. The food supply kept humans in check. When the population grew above the food supply, all it took was a dry year to cause starvation.

We then discovered how to farm and that changed the world as we know it. I believe there are now more people on the Planet than it can naturally support. We have figured out a way to feed an excess of people and therefore we have too many consumers consuming resources. WE ARE NOT LIVING IN BALANCE - blame it on mechanized agriculture.

There are only 3 million farmers in American and they are so productive that they could feed 2 BILLION people.

As for our ability to kill it is a trait that all carnivores share. But our society has taught us that it is what you do to solve problems. The human mind knew that when it killed something, it never came back. So the asshole that robbed you was killed and he never robbed your family again or you fought people to the death when they tried to take your land. Land isn't just property - it is resources and your ability to live. Without your land you would die so it is worth killing for.
yep-we are killing our planet, and nobody seems to give a damn about it.if people finaly dont start to think how to change this shit we are in now, then we are doomed in the first place.
Funny the ones that don't believe in Jesus Christ are the same ones that have never read the bible. Go figure.
How does reading a book (which I have) make it more true or false?

The stories/metaphors/scripture contained within the bible have been proven true. Not only have prophecies been fulfilled but they are still to this day being fulfilled. So with this information we can see that the Bible is never wrong and the contents within are indeed true. Many will criticize this saying the Bible isn't true, but I ask you this haters, prove it. If not I will prove to you science is false.

Science dead ends every time, Qur'an was written by a psycho in a cave, AND the Indians are so secluded they don't even know of Jesus Christ.

I'm not here to debunk people with science beliefs as this is the internet and both parties want to be right. Sounds like many people are lost on this forum and it makes me sick to see people defame the works of God.

You make outrageous claims of everything in the bible as being true. You prove it. No prophecies have been fufilled. nonsense.....
I don't copy or paste anything. Surely you outrank me with 7k posts to your name. However it appears as most of the things you say are regurgitated from your highschool teacher. You read the bible and shrugged God off, good for you. I just wish the morals would of stuck with you.
Post volume doesn't mean a thing. I read the Bible and didn't see G*D in it. I saw a lot of man in it, no G*D. The Bible is the only book which declares itself to be true and insists on being corroborated by itself! It's just not an historical document. The dead sea scrolls are historical documents, written by scribes. The Bibles authors are mostly unknown and certainly not part of any historical establishment. A Campfire story, nothing more. These stories were never intended to be taken literally, and shouldn't be.
I read the Bible and didn't see G*D in it. I saw a lot of man in it, no G*D.

So true. Its just a story.

certainun: IMAGINE someone now claimed to be the son of god, you would tell him to fuckoff just like the rest of us. Why was Jesus Christ any different?

Back then we knew nothing else but as we have evolved into this modern world we can now understand that this is no different than when we believed in witches, ludicrous.
I can remember watching a Sarah Silverman special and she quipped.... "if Jesus came back, I'd crucify him all over again. In a second."

It was a slow burner for the audience, but after 5 seconds they all roared with laughter. Priceless comedy gold.
I can remember watching a Sarah Silverman special and she quipped.... "if Jesus came back, I'd crucify him all over again. In a second."

It was a slow burner for the audience, but after 5 seconds they all roared with laughter. Priceless comedy gold.

If you truly have read the Bible you don't seem to know much of the topic. The next time Jesus Christ comes down to earth it's not going to be a walk in the park, he's not going to be petting little lambs like last time. Everyone will know it is him. The mountains will roll away, trumpets will blare, EVERYONE will know it's him.

Your ignorance makes me laugh, and your claims further make me believe atheist are constantly spewing twisted stories to affirm their non beliefs. The Dead Sea Scrolls are actually 38 out of 39 books that are all out of the old testament. The Bible is 99.5% textual pure, I bet you cant find that in any barnes and noble, better yet a school.

God, is EVERYWHERE in the bible, you can't be that desperate to throw that into a debate can you? He is even present when not being mentioned, according to the Book of Esther. This claim isn't even worth going any further.

To further back up my claims I want to hear your scenario of how we came to be? How exactly did earth come to be with humans living on it? Better be something good, other than a monkey story.

You sound like an apostate, Cracker. Maybe once you have read the Bible sober you will fully understand it.