My personal thoughts on Humas and this planet.

I've studied plenty of late night comedies. I don't need facts to tell me there isn't an invisible man living in the sky.

As far as the site. I gave the name, what more do you want?


Do you realize you're religion is the same recycled garbage since the days of the pyramids? Let's look at the facts for a minutes.

Horus, Sun god.
Born to the virgin mother Isis, on december 25th, both pregnancies announced by an angel.
Both dis-appeared off the map between ages 12 - 30
Both were known to Walk on water, cast out demons, heal the sick, restore sight to the blind
Both died for three days, and were ressurected.
Both are said to return, and reign for 1,000 years.

These tales of Horus date back to 3000 BC (Before christ)
While it's fresh in my mind. Let's hear some flintstone tales about how the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaurs and man shared it? Or better yet dinosaurs never existed. The bible has been changed several times over the years to fit science. Not the other way around.

Funfact: Did anyone know that the christians were the first ones to make marijuana bad? They believed it was a royal plant only worthy to those of royal bloodlines. Which is why they took all the hash oil recipies out of the bible.
I am giving you excerpts of the bible you clutz. You're not even worth the time of day, ive argued with complete idiots over this topic and I must say you are lower than them. Somebody please close this thread.
While it's fresh in my mind. Let's hear some flintstone tales about how the earth is 6000 years old and dinosaurs and man shared it? Or better yet dinosaurs never existed. The bible has been changed several times over the years to fit science. Not the other way around.

Funfact: Did anyone know that the christians were the first ones to make marijuana bad? They believed it was a royal plant only worthy to those of royal bloodlines. Which is why they took all the hash oil recipies out of the bible.

One more thing, they recently found a fossilized foot print inside of a dinosaur print. Any better yet the human foot dated farther back then the dinosaurs.
I am giving you excerpts of the bible you clutz. You're not even worth the time of day, ive argued with complete idiots over this topic and I must say you are lower than them. Somebody please close this thread.

it's not your thread. just leave. :blsmoke::peace:
We can all frantically google search all we want, but lets see who the real winner is? You better hope that there is no such thing as God. As for me I am saved and will be happy to serve God in my later years, and it doesn't interfere in my daily life. You only see Christianity the way its portrayed on the TV.
Figure 30 seconds for an average post, FDD congratulations you have spent roughly 308 hours on this site. Get a life.
Figure 30 seconds for an average post, FDD congratulations you have spent roughly 308 hours on this site. Get a life.

your insults are getting old. i have let them slide. i will for a while longer. but your rude and offer NOTHING to this site. NO TROLLS ALLOWED.

as far as my life, ........ you only wish. :mrgreen:

and that ads up to less than a half hour a day. wooooop pid deee dooooo
LOL you make it sound like a half hour isnt bad. Imagine typing over and over again for 30minutes. I could have a whole essay paper written in that time! Anyways no insult from a forum nerd can put me in a bad mood. I think its quite funny actually. As a matter of fact me and my girlfriend are getting a good laugh out of your post count. The exact words out of my girls mouth were "Wow, how can somebody have that much time, pretty lame (laughter) don't ever be like that Joe".
I too try not to go there often... but its constantley screaming me in the face. I dont really get depressed, i just aknowagle everything and accept it for what it is.

I was high on LSD when it hit me...

I agree that we are a parasite and this planet is our host... but mining for gold for a more intelligent (race) or breed of aliens? No, the reason gold is so valuable, as well as diamonds, all has to do with the availability of those elements on our planet. If we find another abundant source of gold, say on Mars, then the value would drop drastically. I am an Atheist however, and opposed to forced religion (in any sense), but I am also tolerant of ALL religion and ALL people. Ideas are good, but our human intelligence is the true curse, not a higher power. Ignorance would be bliss. But for us there is no "true" ignorance, we are taught societal values from birth and we are born learning everything that everyone before us had developed. In a way, no matter what we believe, we are all blind followers with no real reason to be here. No more reason than any other animal or insect. The whole concept of religion is man-made... for that matter, the whole concept of concepts is man-made. We only know 2 tru facts of life: 1st you are born, and then you die. Just like EVERY other living entity we've encountered.

LOL you make it sound like a half hour isnt bad. Imagine typing over and over again for 30minutes. I could have a whole essay paper written in that time! Anyways no insult from a forum nerd can put me in a bad mood. I think its quite funny actually. As a matter of fact me and my girlfriend are getting a good laugh out of your post count. The exact words out of my girls mouth were "Wow, how can somebody have that much time, pretty lame (laughter) don't ever be like that Joe".

my life sucks. what can i say. :mrgreen:

think i'll wash the seadoo and head up to the lake for the afternoon. since the garden was watered this morning i kinda got some free time. :blsmoke:
Yes please going to be hard to squeeze that throttle though your fingers must be tired. I must say before you guys peeped in I enjoyed reading your guys posts. Eh, whatever though. The religious war rages on.
I love christians. Anytime I need a pick me up, I just look at a few christians.

As far as god, sure, there may be a god out there somewhere, and if there is I'm sure he's not gonna be mad at me for not believe the fuck ass king james version of a book that's been re-written a million times.

Did you just "Confirm" the flintstone theory? Wow, I think FDD is right about the troll. There's no way you can honestly take yourself seriously.
my life sucks. what can i say. :mrgreen:

think i'll wash the seadoo and head up to the lake for the afternoon. since the garden was watered this morning i kinda got some free time. :blsmoke:

Oh that's just the limit.... gonna now brag how sucky your life is suffering on your lake....cold water in your face, braving the elements!
Suffering with monster plants and giant buds which can swallow small children and toy poodles?!

You poor poor bastard......
Yes please going to be hard to squeeze that throttle though your fingers must be tired. I must say before you guys peeped in I enjoyed reading your guys posts. Eh, whatever though. The religious war rages on.

1/2 hour a day. your time's almost up. your wife is getting worried already. :mrgreen: :hump: