Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:


Well-Known Member
This summer has been too cool, my Tomato plants aren't growing very fast in my back yard garden, the corn isn't doing all that great either, but holy shit the radishes and potatoes are gonna be bumper.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
I've been wearing wool socks all summer in NY... fuck "global warming" its just the catalyst for the biggest tax increase in history, cap and trade.


Well-Known Member
More people will die from the earth cooling, than the earth warming. A small tiny detail left out by Al Bore.
:: yawns :: All this heat, I think I need a nap...

Maybe it was the fact that you mentioned Al Boar

So, do you think Al Boar is a hockey fan, I mean, he did draw a pretty good hockey stick and include it in his movie after all...


New Member
Al Gore is a statesman and a very smart man. Unlike many on this site that berate him. Beauty (Intelligence) is in the eye of the beholder and I don't see a whole lot of it on this site at present.


Well-Known Member
Al Gore is a statesman and a very smart man. Unlike many on this site that berate him. Beauty (Intelligence) is in the eye of the beholder and I don't see a whole lot of it on this site at present.
If intelligence is in the eye of the beholder then why are you trying to judge it, because just because you can not see it does not mean it is there.

Though speaking of Gore the Bore, how do you explain the fact that he just oh so conveniently owns stakes in a firm that buys and sells carbon credits?

Maybe you're right, and he is a statesman, the corrupt type that has plagued this nation since Alexander Hamilton and his efforts to start the First Bank of the United States.


Well-Known Member
Wow, so is he like some kind of immortal vampire? I always thought Da Vinci was responsible for the original sketches.
That would make for a gore-y horror flick..."An Inconvenient Vampire, The True Life Story Of Albert Arnold Gore Jr.", starring Patrick Swayze.


Well-Known Member
Yep not to mention the barely explored regions under the north pole that are highly volcanic and spew lots of CO2 under water. This is hipe, it is eugenics propaganda, I tell you!!

Its a natural freakin' cycle. Their ain't shit we can do about it and I can think of worse things anyways. God really Global warming, Phhht.

Oh yeah, I remember were I heard of Dyson, Star trek he came up with the Dyson sphere. The giant metal ball around a sun. Also the Dyson cluster and ring. Fuck Hansen Dyson had a whole damn Star trek STNG episode based on him and his sphere with Scotty, he must be right!! It had scotty for fuck sake!!

Here are so scientific findings on our C02 levels and how they arent massively higher lulz


Active Member
All about getting your money... what a bunch of stupid motherfuckers. Falling for the hype.

Hey your ugly... so we need to tax you so we can make some money off your dumb ass.


Active Member
I don't see a whole lot of it on this site at present.
Well I tell you what.... drink some bleach and die and that will be one less carbon footprint we free people have to pay for. Come on now... lead by example because the planet is suffering because of your existance.