If Obama wanted to regulate health care by making sure an Aspirin didn't cost 50 dollars, I'd be on board. But he wants the government to get into the insurance business. Not acceptable.
It is called an insurance co-pay. So you can get the expensive drugs you need and not pay the insane prices without it, heck I think that walmart has $3 co-pays. So those drugs that cost well over $300 bucks a pop, only cost $3.
Insurance is a way to make sure that he didn't have to have the government try to take over hospitals and pharmacy.
And it is 1 plan. He is not taking over the industry.
You live in LA LA LAND..................I said I don't watch tv. I get alot of news myself from Googling and using the NEWS tab(yes i get some from alex jones too he does say check it out for yourself don't just blindly follow). I don't act superior I am FAR from perfect. Remember they opress one group they opress us all.
But the information your getting is directly from the right wing media even if via the internet. You may not know it is, but that is where it starts. That is why you get grouped with it.
Now I disagree with the right is for business and left for the people in general. But for the last 30 years that was how it was sold to us (Clinton was a dem of course, but in a all republican house and senate). This is the first time the Dems have been in power since the 70's.
But that being said, now everyone is all of a sudden libertarian, which is just the rebranded republican party. They want to seperate from being "the man" too and this is how they are doing it. By using the dems tactics for the last 6 years.
I am sounding like a broken record, but we all need to wake up and elect the best people for the job. I know Ron Pauls stance, and he could be a good pres if he actually follows it, and I know Kusinichs stance, and he could be a good pres.
So instead of on mass voting for the people most likely to win we need to scrap that and start to vote for the BEST people. If kusinich and paul were the nominees we would have been able to vote for the best person without regard to political party.
But Obama is at least trying to help out the poor then working his way up the chain. Everyone likes to jump on him being NWO and all on this site, but remember when he was called a "radical" and going to give all the money too the poor? How can that be the case, how can someone be for the poor while at the same time trying to give all the money to the elite? It doesn't fit.
He is in the middle, done a lot of cruddy things to get into the senate, but at least he is stirring the pot and moving the money around from one area that is a waste and over to another area that is in need of help. At least he is not trying to keep the statis quo that we all know is too far removed to help us out.