I just thought of something you or someone might want to try. What about putting the reservoir well out of the way, and put the posts just a few inches off the floor. Then, drain the posts into an automatic condensate pump that automatically sends the solution back to the reservoir. I know that could pose a small flood risk, but it's just a thought.im in soil now, so the water every few days shouldn't be a big deal. damn basement and there short ceilings, lol. only if i had another foot to work with.
OH YEAH! Or better yet, since everyone should be lining the room with plastic, or pond liner anyway, for protection from floods, why not just make little individual pockets on the floor out of 1x4 or 1x6 boards, then line them securely. Then cover them, set your posts across those, and you have just made a very cheap, very large, but very short reservoir, and you gain the extra height. Of course with this system, with posts, the plumbing would have to be modified just a little. This would also shorten the height that the pump has push the solution, thus increasing the head pressure a little.
Wow. I can't believe that I forgot all about that technique. That's what I did about 6-7 years ago and it worked fantastic. And here I was fixing to go and buy more totes. I tottaly forgot I could make my own short resovoirs right on the dang floor.