Can Anyone Explain Christianity?


Active Member
I grew up with extremely religious parents and believed in god for a while. I know believe it is a ton of bullshit and if you look into the history of christianity around the midieval times, it seems that it was just a way to control the masses and profit.

So I'm challenging anyone to make me believe in "God" because it seems to be a bunch of bullshit.
Try reading the bible. It will explain it a lot better than someone here can.

I read the bible a few times as a child. I had a 12+ grade reading level as a 1st grader. The whole thing is no one can offer any evidence that "God" is real.

But, my counterpoint to "read the bible" is that scientology is based of a book, just as the bible is, and most believers of God would say that scientologists are stupid and their religion is ridicuulous.
I think the point of it is faith. No one can explain god to you or to themselves. As for scientology is concerned I cannot begin to understand it. I choose not to question the unknown and just live my life. Hoping that if I do the right things then mabye just mabye that if there is a god he will have mercy on me in the end. To answer yor questions I don't know. Good luck in your quest my friend.
Alot of it is fake well the junk you see on tv and alot of local churches are influenced by money and seem to ignore parts of the bible. speaking of churches not to many can agree on the interpretation of the bible and they use the same one.
Really i see alot of "christians" that are no differant than anyone else but if you meet a real christian you will know it.
All the rules and regulations placed on you by your parents and chuches are ment to beat you down it was never ment to be like that. There are some real bible believing churches out there you just have to find one. Some talk a good talk but
Mt 7:21 - Show Context "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Why is it anyone's job to convince you? Seriously I'm an atheist but get off the gawd damned soapbox. People's preaching holier than thou are annoying....whether they believe in God or not.

Let the Christians have their Christ...what f'in difference is it to you?
Why is it anyone's job to convince you? Seriously I'm an atheist but get off the gawd damned soapbox. People's preaching holier than thou are annoying....whether they believe in God or not.

Let the Christians have their Christ...what f'in difference is it to you?

Its just interesting to see different points of view... No need to be a dick. If you don't like what the thread says you have the power to hit the "Back" button.
can you offer any evidence that "God" is not real?

I suppose I can't, but thats the same as me saying, "unless you can prove that I don't have 4 arms, 3 legs and gills, then I have them".

So everyone knows, this thread is for people who want to discuss this without being immature and getting pissed off. I respects others beliefs as I hope you would respect mine. (This doesn't have anything to do with fish's post, just so everyones aware and dont get angry)
I grew up with extremely religious parents and believed in god for a while. I know believe it is a ton of bullshit and if you look into the history of christianity around the midieval times, it seems that it was just a way to control the masses and profit.

So I'm challenging anyone to make me believe in "God" because it seems to be a bunch of bullshit.

"I know believe it is a ton of bullshit"

Is spelling "now" "know" a freudian slip? It sounds like you don't want to believe, so it's unlikely anyone could convince you.

But I have some food for thought:

1. Have you ever seen someones faith change their life (for the better), and in a huge way? I'm sure you can explain that away, but people seldom change without belief in a higher power.

2. You don't need to throw away common sense in order to believe in God, many scientists and doctors leave things in Gods hands when they've done all they can do.

3. Why, if Jesus and his disciples were part of a conspiracy, or a hoax, did they all martyr themselves, when they could have just denied this Jesus?
"I know believe it is a ton of bullshit"

Is spelling "now" "know" a freudian slip? It sounds like you don't want to believe, so it's unlikely anyone could convince you.

But I have some food for thought:

1. Have you ever seen someones faith change their life (for the better), and in a huge way? I'm sure you can explain that away, but people seldom change without belief in a higher power.

2. You don't need to throw away common sense in order to believe in God, many scientists and doctors leave things in Gods hands when they've done all they can do.

3. Why, if Jesus and his disciples were part of a conspiracy, or a hoax, did they all martyr themselves, when they could have just denied this Jesus?

I would think that it would be appearant that it was an accident if I typed "know" instead of "now".

I used to be really into drugs. REALLY into em. I was addicted to coke, phentanol, and xanax. I did psychadelics everyday and would smoke around a quarter to myself everyday (although weed isn't addictive or bad, it wasn't helping me get a job). One day, without the help of "faith", I decided I was going to quit, and I did. I still do not smoke weed (I have to be self sufficient before I start again).

Plenty of people kill themselves for cults still today and there are people, such as those in the middle east, who strap bombs to their chests and die for their religion, a religion that is not synonymous with christianity. One of the many religions must be wrong. Don't you think its kind of presumptious to say that yours is right?

thats in a nutshell but theres much more to it than that..

for instance the talking snake isnt your normal rattle snake [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Revelation 20 Read This Chapter[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]20:2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. [/FONT]

And about the "magical tree" of good and evil they had a free will choice to eat or not.... its a picture of whats to come
Jesus died on the cross (magical tree) and you have a choice you can choose to be forgiven or not.

read the book to figure out the rest :)
One of the many religions must be wrong. Don't you think its kind of presumptious to say that yours is right?

That is where i started.. I gave most of the big religions a good look.
some of the ones i looked at that are

easily proven fake
Jehovah's Witnesses
Oneness Pentecostal once you understand the bible
Roman Catholicism once you understand the bible
Christian Science
and a few more

one of the hardest is
Islam which to be honest is kinda interesting but it just falls short

leaving christianity but you choose for yourself
The thing with religion is you are never going to be able to debate it. You have believers on one hand and non-believers on the other.

If anyone cares what I believe.. I am a die hard atheist. I wasn't always but after investigating over my lifetime I came to understand that we are alone without any deities and that is in fact a very liberalizing thing!

Once I realized that this life was it.. I really took it seriously and began to do as much as I could to enjoy this my one and only life. I would (and do) ask everyone religious or not to just think for a little while and imagine that when you die, there is nothing and then reflect on what would you like to do with this drop of sand called human life!

Other than a form of control, belief in deities and religion only serve one purpose and that is to control vast populations of people.

When we grew up we stopped believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy; somewhere along the way we forgot to also stop believing in gods.

I can only think of one magic "tree" and that is the reason why I am on these forums in the first place :P

As an aside, I did a TON of research on paranormal activity long before ghost hunters and the like came along. Along with the scientific community I came to the conclusion that there is really no proof of an afterlife whatsoever even as regards "ghosts" and other non-religious *cough* beliefs. I'm talking about the kind of extensive research when you know what infrasound is and that there are NO people in the world with true psychic abilities whatsoever. This might explain why almost all universities have long since closed their paranormal psychology departments (liverpool hope university being one of the very few exceptions (for obvious reasons - most haunted)) and instead concentrate research on infrasound, matrixing etc. (google if you are interested :P ).

The U.S. and other governments spent a lot of time and money on this stuff as late as the 60's and 70's (google remote viewing (CIA) amongst other things) and I am quite sure that any government worth their salt who had found even the slightest hint of anything related to the paranormal would have tried somehow to harness it for their own evil ways and we all know how well they can keep secrets :P

poopmaster: awesome picture I am gonna swipe it and share it with my friends :)

Not up for a debate, just sharing my thoughts for what they are worth.
That is where i started.. I gave most of the big religions a good look.
some of the ones i looked at that are

easily proven fake
Jehovah's Witnesses
Oneness Pentecostal once you understand the bible
Roman Catholicism once you understand the bible
Christian Science
and a few more

one of the hardest is
Islam which to be honest is kinda interesting but it just falls short

leaving christianity but you choose for yourself

So why does christianity prevail over islam?
no debate just a question :)
what did you investigating over your lifetime to come to that understanding?

see my problem being an atheist is: everything, all that you see, who made the air you breath in your lungs, I cant i tried i just cant believe that all this just happend by chance. i read a text book oneday that said NOTHING exploded and created everything, i was like how in the hell did that happen lol. to me that is more far fetched than believing in god..
I read the bible a few times as a child. I had a 12+ grade reading level as a 1st grader. The whole thing is no one can offer any evidence that "God" is real.

But, my counterpoint to "read the bible" is that scientology is based of a book, just as the bible is, and most believers of God would say that scientologists are stupid and their religion is ridicuulous.

1st Corithians: 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

I believed in Santa Claus when I was a Child, I still believe in him today :-?

no debate just a question :)
what did you investigating over your lifetime to come to that understanding?

see my problem being an atheist is: everything, all that you see, who made the air you breath in your lungs, I cant i tried i just cant believe that all this just happend by chance. i read a text book oneday that said NOTHING exploded and created everything, i was like how in the hell did that happen lol. to me that is more far fetched than believing in god..

So, in your search, have you found an explanation for the beginnings of God?
So why does christianity prevail over islam?

Qu'ran states that the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel were all given by God. Sura 2:87 4:163 3:3 5:46
but muslims claim that the bible is corrupted and full of contradictions if so then they nor i can believe the qu'ran because the qu'ran says that the Word of God cannot be altered. change can there be in the words of Allah. This is indeed the supreme felicity," (10:64).

and if the bible is not corrupted or full of contradictions than its true :)