Active Member
So, in your search, have you found an explanation for the beginnings of God?
god wouldnt be god if he was created
he simply exists.
So, in your search, have you found an explanation for the beginnings of God?
god wouldnt be god if he was created
he simply exists.
Ugh... Just trying to rationalize that gives me a headache.![]()
its all belief, wether you believe in it or not its your choice and no one can make you do one or the other. me, i dont believe in it im just like you there is no evidence to support these people claims that jesus christ is real or was real.
It comes from a soul. It's the only way to explain how anybody can do something completely and truly random. So I concluded my soul was separate from my brain, I don't know which came first though.
Don't worry about how "we" got here, worry about how your spirit got here. You wouldn't be asking these question unless you had a feeling deep inside that there is something out there. Think about it and do research. Everything has a connection.
P.S.: The Bible is real, but translated wrong by many people (for their greed or just not having the knowledge). Put the pieces together and you'll understand it. Remeber the bible is just mans interpretation of god's words and their visions. We associate god with an old bearded guy because we're human, that is our physical reality. Concentrate on the spiritual reality.
The point of this thread isn't for you to post something fague that is supposed to move someone into believing solely on faith.
I understand the Bible is a real document, but it is just as real as every other fictional piece of writing that has ever existed. Everytime someone points out a problem with this book, christians immediately disprove it, using faith as the sole proof.
The biggest problem I have with the Bible is that christians assume that it is a non-fiction document. All it took was a group of people more intelligent (or just insane) to write a bunch of books and put them together to trick the people of that time, who then passed down their "knowledge" to their children (and that knowledge eventually made it to you and I).
What kind of all powerful god creates people just so he could watch his creations that he "loves" suffer in hell?
It's because you're only looking in the bible for answers. Real history, art, architecture etc. links everything together. God didn't create this hell, man did, and god gave us freedoms to make our own choices, right or wrong. Does god propel man to kill, or does greed and hatred?
If you're really interested, read about Shinar and Nimrod.
All religions are total bullshit.
Fairy tales to make you feel better about being born and then you start to die.
If god is eternal and uncreated, when did he get the idea to create everything? And what was keeping god busy before the creation? Was he busy writing the bible? Does god get bored? Can god have an idea he hasn't had before? How come god doesn't have a girlfriend? If god was in your reading group what books would he like?