Why Vote Against Republicans?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
As a life long Liberal, Clinton managed to balance the federal budget, but our national debt climbed(albeit slower under Clinton)

We need to address our national debt sooner rather than later, this whole Keynesian economics is going to be the eventual end of the current USA.

But knowing all politicians(even Obama) they will just put this off until it cannot be held off any longer.

Then this country is in a world of hurting.
here's the point you are all missing. When Clinton was President, we had a Republican Congress.

I'm not going to defend the republicans, because we live under a one party system.

Next time you want change - Obama zombies - elect a third party candidate. Until we take our country back from the one party system, we won't have change.


New Member
You're ignoring the fact that Clinton was co-opted into balancing the budget by a Republican Congress that promised their constituents a balanced budget. They campaigned on several major issues, and the chief amongst those was a balanced budget.

It wasn't the Democrats that achieved a balanced budget, it wasn't the Republicans that achieved a balanced budget, it was the dead lock between them that created a balanced budget.

Besides, in just his first 6 months Obama has wasted Trillions, and is contemplating adding over a Trillion dollars to the National Debt over the course of his first year in Administration, with the first budget to be near 4 Trillion dollars.

The Theft executed via Income Taxes and Payroll Taxes only provides 1.7 Trillion or so. Another Trillion comes from Corporate Income Taxes, Excises and Tariffs. Obama, as far as Democrats go, sucks infinitely harder than Lewinksy did on Clinton's Dick.

To respond to the premise of this article, the Democrats, fuck them, too.
Ditto that and I will only add that despite all of the flurry of spin saying otherwise (they need to provide cover for the upcoming spending), it was Congress who melted our financials...not the President.

The very same Congress which helped create the meltdown are now spending like it's raining money in Washington. They have unhinged themselves from responsibility and are going full bore towards compete power over us. It must stop. They must be stopped. The middle class will be caught in a vise very very soon.

You had better wake up!


Well-Known Member
well said guys!
But seriously we gotta stop all the crazy spending, our kids grandkids are still going to be paying on all this spending.

It's like when I maxed out my skank of amerika card and then i could never get out from under it.
Well I'm working on it still


New Member
Never forget that the only other time this has been tried to this extent, it changed a three year recession into a 16 year depression. Guess what pulled us out? WAR!!!

Can any one here honestly say they want to repeat that process.....????? When you support the nutty ideas of the current President and Congress, that's exactly the road you are walking down.


New Member
I'll give Carter one compliment. When he went to the austere lifestyle as a policy, he lived it.

These guys are throwing lavish parties every week as if it's the glory days of Reagan. They celebrate the crisis which has brought them to power...more crisis...more power.


Elite Rolling Society
I wnet to college with CHIP Carter, and we smoked together.

I liked Jimmy Carter and I thought he was a great president.


New Member
Oh I think the ratings ppl have him pegged correctly. Sorry,,,, he is the worst....but like your pic shows...maybe before he passes, he can at least get to second worst....that's something.


Well-Known Member
Never forget that the only other time this has been tried to this extent, it changed a three year recession into a 16 year depression. Guess what pulled us out? WAR!!!

Uhh, the war got us out of the depression because of...guess what....FEDERAL SPENDING. Roosevelt tried deficit spending but stopped in 1937 because he caved into people spewing the same crap you are and thats when the economy nosedived into depression.

Before the war the National debt equaled about 50% of Gross Domestic Product. That number climbed to over 120% during the war and slowly declined to about 35% until the Bush/Reagan era who pushed it back up to just under 70% (it dropped under Clinton to 60%) and it rose to almost 80% with Bush. Percentage wise (85%) Obama is nowhere near what it was during WWII.

Can any one here honestly say they want to repeat that process.....?????
Yes and thats the facts Jax.


Well-Known Member
Yeah its all getting shitty thats the fact there and it's not going to get better any sooner.

They are going to have to stop jailing plp for weed possession if they want to cut some real spending thats crazy for small time offenders.
Ive never been got as of yet.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'll give Carter one compliment. When he went to the austere lifestyle as a policy, he lived it.

These guys are throwing lavish parties every week as if it's the glory days of Reagan. They celebrate the crisis which has brought them to power...more crisis...more power.
Jimmy Carter has always struck me as a humane and likable guy. His brother might have made a better President though.


Well-Known Member
Oh I think the ratings ppl have him pegged correctly. Sorry,,,, he is the worst....but like your pic shows...maybe before he passes, he can at least get to second worst....that's something.
Bush. Worst. President. Ever. Carter is already 2nd. Maybe in 3 years, he'll be third worst. But I still think you'll be surprised by what you see in 3 years, despite the picture you profusely paint on here. Any one of our predictions is equally likely to be true. If we know anything about politics, it's the fickle and unpredictable nature of voters and circumstances. We will never know...


New Member
Uhh, the war got us out of the depression because of...guess what....FEDERAL SPENDING. Roosevelt tried deficit spending but stopped in 1937 because he caved into people spewing the same crap you are and thats when the economy nosedived into depression.

Before the war the National debt equaled about 50% of Gross Domestic Product. That number climbed to over 120% during the war and slowly declined to about 35% until the Bush/Reagan era who pushed it back up to just under 70% (it dropped under Clinton to 60%) and it rose to almost 80% with Bush. Percentage wise (85%) Obama is nowhere near what it was during WWII.

Yes and thats the facts Jax.

The war got us out because of GLOBAL demand for our weaponry and SUPPLIES. It allowed us to overcome the Roosevelt effect. Without the global demand, who knows how many more years of waste and inefficiency would have continued.

All of that spending was pulled back in after the war. this unbelievable spending spree will only grow over time. There isn't going to be a pull back until the next Administration does a complete recall of this nonsense and abuse of authority.

Those are the true facts that matter.


Well-Known Member
I would say it wasn't the war at all.
We didn't come out of the depresion IMO until after the war.
When we cut taxes by 1/3rd and cut spending by 2/3rds.
That is when we had real productive economic growth.
Growth of the Arms industry is hardly economic recovery.


New Member
Bush. Worst. President. Ever. Carter is already 2nd. Maybe in 3 years, he'll be third worst. But I still think you'll be surprised by what you see in 3 years, despite the picture you profusely paint on here. Any one of our predictions is equally likely to be true. If we know anything about politics, it's the fickle and unpredictable nature of voters and circumstances. We will never know...
Sorry, the historians all disagree with you..... Bush will rise as time moves along. Once the inane generation is gone, the historians will boost him right up.... to the mid to upper levels. Still a long way ahead of either Clinton or Carter. Time will be kind to Bush. carter has already been written...at the bottom, and deservedly so.

I would say it wasn't the war at all.
We didn't come out of the depresion IMO until after the war.
When we cut taxes by 1/3rd and cut spending by 2/3rds.
That is when we had real productive economic growth.
Growth of the Arms industry is hardly economic recovery.

You are right that we didn't come out of it till after the war. the damage done by Roosevelt was DEEP. It wasn't just arms, but general goods and supplies....the cost in blood and sweat for a recovery was too high however. All of that war time spending had sunsets on them. Obama doesn't have any. This massive spending spree on inefficient ideas are meant to be permanent. I am confident they will be reworked once he is thrown out of office.

9 out of the last 11 presidents had higher poll ratings after 6 months than Obama..... Hope....change.... words.


Well-Known Member
Yeah because of the crippled banking industry after the crashes didn't allow for a recovery. It was not until after the war that the banks started to be able to function right again, lending and people putting the stored up money that they were not able to spend during the war.

If the banks wouldn't have been crushed it would have been a much faster recovery then too.


Well-Known Member
I would say it wasn't the war at all.
We didn't come out of the depresion IMO until after the war.
When we cut taxes by 1/3rd and cut spending by 2/3rds.
That is when we had real productive economic growth.
Growth of the Arms industry is hardly economic recovery.
ding ding ding we have a winner cut taxes cut federal spending

same thing happened in the early 1920's I think both taxes and spending were cut by ~40 percent from 1920 to 1922 unemployment went from almost 12 to around 3 in those years


Well-Known Member
The funny thing is how much people cry about taxes today, here is a fun list to learn. The brackets were still in the mid 80% range for the wealthy during the period right after the war, only to go back up into the 90%'s after a couple years.

People wonder why we have such a hard time balancing a budget and are running with a $2 trillion deficit. And think that a 3% tax increase means socialism. When during the "Golden age" that everyone looks at as Americas best years the tax rate was much higher.

During our best years the public had very low taxes while the wealthy paid almost everything.

Partial History of
U.S. Federal Marginal Income Tax Rates
Since 1913 Applicable
Year Income brackets First bracket Top bracket Source
1913-1915 - 1% 7% IRS
1916 - 2% 15% IRS
1917 - 2% 67% IRS
1918 - 6% 77% IRS
1919-1920 - 4% 73% IRS
1921 - 4% 73% IRS
1922 - 4% 56% IRS
1923 - 3% 56% IRS
1924 - 1.5% 46% IRS
1925-1928 - 1.5% 25% IRS
1929 - 0.375% 24% IRS
1930-1931 - 1.125% 25% IRS
1932-1933 - 4% 63% IRS
1934-1935 - 4% 63% IRS
1936-1939 - 4% 79% IRS
1940 - 4.4% 81.1% IRS
1941 - 10% 81% IRS
1942-1943 - 19% 88% IRS
1944-1945 - 23% 94% IRS
1946-1947 - 19% 86.45% IRS
1948-1949 - 16.6% 82.13% IRS
1950 - 17.4% 84.36% IRS
1951 - 20.4% 91% IRS
1952-1953 - 22.2% 92% IRS
1954-1963 - 20% 91% IRS
1964 - 16% 77% IRS
1965-1967 - 14% 70% IRS
1968 - 14% 75.25% IRS
1969 - 14% 77% IRS
1970 - 14% 71.75% IRS
1971-1981 14% 70% IRS
1982-1986 12% 50% IRS
1987 11% 38.5% IRS
1988-1990 15% 28% IRS
1991-1992 15% 31% IRS
1993-2000 15% 39.6% IRS
2001 15% 39.1% IRS
2002 10% 38.6% IRS
2003-2009 10% 35% Tax Foundation


New Member
You forgot to correlate the tax revenue with them..... it paints a very different story.

Where is this years taxes at? Wanna guess? :lol: I know...let's see if you do. keep current.


Well-Known Member
Where is this years taxes at? Wanna guess? :lol: I know...let's see if you do. keep current.
psst. 2009 was the last one on that list, if you want 2010 The top bracket is now going to be 39.6%. All Obama did was repeal the tax breaks that Bush implemented. That is all so look at the Clinton years to see what the taxes are going to be.

You forgot to correlate the tax revenue with them..... it paints a very different story.
And I didn't 'forget' I was strictly putting in the brackets. To think that with the huge boom that we have seen over the last 100 years in business wouldn't change the amount of money that is collected you would be ignorant.

Are you implying that you are ignorant?