Why Vote Against Republicans?


Well-Known Member
psst. 2009 was the last one on that list, if you want 2010 The top bracket is now going to be 39.6%. All Obama did was repeal the tax breaks that Bush implemented. That is all so look at the Clinton years to see what the taxes are going to be.
Yep. 39.6% - Clinton's tax rate. The best years of my life - Clinton's presidency. And he's still saving the day!


Well-Known Member
That was all tech bubble and had nothing to do with ol Bill. He just got lucky, and still blew it.
Yeah, I think that's the 4th time you stated that now. You act as if the tech bubble and the fact that the rich were making a LOT of money alone justifies the tax rate. Furthermore, you state that without this bubble and making obscene amounts of money, the tax rate would NOT be justified. Well, my friend, when it comes to the rich, it doesn't matter. They ALWAYS make money (certainly enough to tax 50%). When you HAVE money, you should always be MAKING money, unless your completely stupid. Hell, right now, we're in the throws of a recession and yet, if you have money, boy could you go from somewhat rich to obscenely rich in a matter of months. So don't give me that crap. I will never feel pity for the poor rich people.

Wait, so you are highly critical of and award NO credit to Clinton, Obama, Carter, and all other democrats. And you have nothing but praise for Bush, McCain, and Palin. But I thought you weren't a brainwashed automaton who votes along party lines blindly? More bullshit from Cracker. You're nothing but a dogmatic republican who thinks what the party wants you to think. So much for independent thought...

Bucket head

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think that's the 4th time you stated that now. You act as if the tech bubble and the fact that the rich were making a LOT of money alone justifies the tax rate. Furthermore, you state that without this bubble and making obscene amounts of money, the tax rate would NOT be justified. Well, my friend, when it comes to the rich, it doesn't matter. They ALWAYS make money (certainly enough to tax 50%). When you HAVE money, you should always be MAKING money, unless your completely stupid. Hell, right now, we're in the throws of a recession and yet, if you have money, boy could you go from somewhat rich to obscenely rich in a matter of months. So don't give me that crap. I will never feel pity for the poor rich people.

Wait, so you are highly critical of and award NO credit to Clinton, Obama, Carter, and all other democrats. And you have nothing but praise for Bush, McCain, and Palin. But I thought you weren't a brainwashed automaton who votes along party lines blindly? More bullshit from Cracker. You're nothing but a dogmatic republican who thinks what the party wants you to think. So much for independent thought...


what... huh?

Active Member
Clinton had nothing to do with the economy of his presidency.

I know fuck all about the economy. I have stated this.

Now let me tell you what I know about the economy... it is a living breathing organism which is influenced by one man no more than the weather, or ocean tides.

That is all.


New Member
Yeah, I think that's the 4th time you stated that now. You act as if the tech bubble and the fact that the rich were making a LOT of money alone justifies the tax rate. Furthermore, you state that without this bubble and making obscene amounts of money, the tax rate would NOT be justified. Well, my friend, when it comes to the rich, it doesn't matter. They ALWAYS make money (certainly enough to tax 50%). When you HAVE money, you should always be MAKING money, unless your completely stupid. Hell, right now, we're in the throws of a recession and yet, if you have money, boy could you go from somewhat rich to obscenely rich in a matter of months. So don't give me that crap. I will never feel pity for the poor rich people.

Wait, so you are highly critical of and award NO credit to Clinton, Obama, Carter, and all other democrats. And you have nothing but praise for Bush, McCain, and Palin. But I thought you weren't a brainwashed automaton who votes along party lines blindly? More bullshit from Cracker. You're nothing but a dogmatic republican who thinks what the party wants you to think. So much for independent thought...
Got lucky.

The economy, as it always does in the wake of a war, slowed during the latter half of Bush 41's Presidency. It always does because the machinery that ramps up for war is no longer needed. However, by the time of the election, the economy was already on the upswing.

Additionally, Clinton benefitted from the emergence of a completely new industry during his Presidency. That is the computer industry. There were companies and jobs created during the influx of this industry. Think about it. How many people bought their first computers between 1993 and 2000? There were retail jobs, tech support, manufacturing jobs. For the most part, these jobs weren't present prior to Clinton's Presidency. As people were working, the economy blew up.

Clinton got the credit for it.

Oh wait...wait he did cut some spending in 3 places.

1 He cut military spending #2 he cut military spending and #3 he cut military spending.

Thank him for 9-11-01, if that's what you consider boosting the economy.


Well-Known Member
I find myself in the unsavory position of having to defend Bill here.
At least about 9/11.
Where were our planes on 9/11
Norad tracks those things like a fucking hawk
and has for years.
We had nothing able to scramble with those planes in the air for over an hour.
Alot of good our bloated out of control defence spending did that day.

The problem is our planes were not in the country.
(They were having drills that day many where in Canada, if memory serves)
Why are we 'defending' everyone else but us. (not talkin' about Canada per se)
Thats where the problem lies.
Bring everyone home.
I want 200 f15s on the eastern sea-board at any given time.
This is not unreasonable.

CrackerJax says he likes the carrot and the stick approach.
I say fuck the carrot.
Walk softly and carry a big stick.
Not stride across the globe a' wackin' indescriminatly. (which Bill did alot of to)
We arn't makin' many freinds of late.
We need to be an example of freedom and prosparity.
Not a global garrison.


Active Member
ok well i'm not gona read any of that. just this.

democrat in power = no debt

bush in power = 10 trillion dollar debt.

this is how i choose who to vote for and no
i'm not saying obama was the right choice.

Fuck you guys... this is bullshit.

Clinton is a piece of shit and one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in today. Congress warned him about the banks and he turned his back on the regulating of them.

Now we have the what is in the link below.


Atleast bush could control his spending and only spent on what was needed and not on crap.

And the New Pres and his congress are spending faster than we can stop them.

what... huh?

Active Member
Let UBL go thrice as well.

Let's not forget the Communities Reinvestment Act. Clinton's revisions forced banks to make a ridiculous % of sub-prime loans or suffer interstate banking restrictions. To the tune of almost 2 trillion dollars.

No one man can wreck an economy... but he sure comes close.

Ilkhan... you have no idea how NORAD works. You want to argue it... go to the 9/11 thread.


Well-Known Member
Got lucky.

The economy, as it always does in the wake of a war, slowed during the latter half of Bush 41's Presidency. It always does because the machinery that ramps up for war is no longer needed. However, by the time of the election, the economy was already on the upswing.

Additionally, Clinton benefitted from the emergence of a completely new industry during his Presidency. That is the computer industry. There were companies and jobs created during the influx of this industry. Think about it. How many people bought their first computers between 1993 and 2000? There were retail jobs, tech support, manufacturing jobs. For the most part, these jobs weren't present prior to Clinton's Presidency. As people were working, the economy blew up.

Clinton got the credit for it.

Oh wait...wait he did cut some spending in 3 places.

1 He cut military spending #2 he cut military spending and #3 he cut military spending.

Thank him for 9-11-01, if that's what you consider boosting the economy.
Cutting the military budget is the BEST way to solve everything ailing our country. And I consider our number ailment our imperialistic policing of the world and money spent abroad, so problem #1 solved by cutting their budget. Then we could have health care for all, food for all, education for all, etc...


Active Member
Cutting the military budget is the BEST way to solve everything ailing our country. And I consider our number ailment our imperialistic policing of the world and money spent abroad, so problem #1 solved by cutting their budget. Then we could have health care for all, food for all, education for all, etc...

Have you ever served??? first thing they cut is pay and benifits and then on to equipement.

It is to late to turn back now. We need to finish what is started in order to keep it safe for the American people.

I know a good one... cut everyone, pay who believes like you and voted for the new president and the democratic congress and I am sure we can do more with that then cutting back our military spending.

Second cut off all benifits for illegal imigrants and their children(if they did not come here illegally then they would not have been born here) and we could reduce the deficit.

Food... we can feed to whole world with what we can produce... it is the pieces of shit in our government the keep us from it.

Also cut back on sexual education and aids funding for affrica and we could feed our people.

So sorry... not falling for the shit.


If you aint a millionaire and your a republican wtf does it do for you dumb asses when they get in office the middle classs disapears the rich get richer and the poor get poorer the war is bullshit and everybody wanna be on obama case about the debt sayin he cant get us out of it but he didnt spend the money bush did and its easier to spend money than make money i think we all can agree so who had the easiest job the redkneck or our history making BLACK PRESIDENT


Active Member
If you aint a millionaire and your a republican wtf does it do for you dumb asses when they get in office the middle classs disapears the rich get richer and the poor get poorer the war is bullshit and everybody wanna be on obama case about the debt sayin he cant get us out of it but he didnt spend the money bush did and its easier to spend money than make money i think we all can agree so who had the easiest job the redkneck or our history making BLACK PRESIDENT
Fuck that... the black pres and his minion congress spent more than Bush and all the presidents in history in less than 1 year and they want to spend more.

Clinton had a big thing to do with it and profited greatly from his unregulation of the subprime morgage...

sorry stop feeding people bullshit... it is only good for our plants not people.


we shoulda never had our troops sent to iraq by da redkneck anyway bin laden is afgan aint he. bush sent us back cause the army his dad sent to desert storm got their ass kicked over their in iraq by saddam he shoulda kept it personal and took his own ass over there


Active Member
I agree but he went in there on the intelligence he was given at the time....oooops... not his fault. Made a decision on what information he was given. So what... it sucks... but now we are in it and need to finish or it will come back to bite us in the backside... why do think the new pres. is still there. He knows now what bush did and know it needs to be finished before we can get our people back.


show me a link to say that on another site cause you must dont watch cnn and then would mcain have done any better


Well-Known Member
Fuck that... the black pres and his minion congress spent more than Bush and all the presidents in history in less than 1 year and they want to spend more.

Clinton had a big thing to do with it and profited greatly from his unregulation of the subprime morgage...

sorry stop feeding people bullshit... it is only good for our plants not people.
First, no need to refer to Obama as the 'black president' - it just makes you sound crass and exposes your latent intentions.

Second, I would check your numbers. He hasn't spent more than all the presidents in history yet.

Third, take your warmongering elsewhere. I have nothing but respect for the troops and would never wish them harm. They are under the control of the military and I personally believe the military needs to be scaled back. If we reduce our negative occupations abroad and spend, let's say, only 1/2 a billion dollars a day, then we may very well be better off. With that budget, we can still defend our borders and let other countries govern themselves, allowing the UN to police the world. This would not necessarily make us weaker either. Many countries spend very little on their military and are never targeted. We would need to heal all the damage we've done abroad (which is extensive) before drastically cutting the budget, but it could be done over a period of 5 or 6 years, feasibly. This would free up SOOOOOO much money and strengthen our reputation abroad. There will still be aggression against us, but we can handle it much differently than our current modus operandi. For example, effective teachers never respond to aggression with further aggression. It's what the original aggressor wants - attention. Respond in a way that throws them off balance and watch the results...


Well-Known Member
I agree but he went in there on the intelligence he was given at the time....oooops... not his fault. Made a decision on what information he was given. So what... it sucks... but now we are in it and need to finish or it will come back to bite us in the backside... why do think the new pres. is still there. He knows now what bush did and know it needs to be finished before we can get our people back.
No, Bush knew the intelligence was bullshit. He even uncovered Valerie Plame as retaliation for her husband's report, which stated VERY clearly that Iraq never tried to purchase yellow cake uranium. Bush knew all along those reports were BS and intentionally created a false pretense for war. He duped Congress with this pretense (as well as the American people) and began an illegal war based on one man's lies. He wanted to avenge his father.

In fact, for the first 8 months of Bush's presidency, he was asked why he wasn't paying attention to Osama and focusing all his attention on Iraq - and keep in mind, this was before 9/11! Rice shrugged off these criticisms.


since obama was in office thousands of troops come back every month we are actually rapidly pulling out of iraq and wen bush found his intell was wrong why are there not troops in afgan looking for bin laden watch cnn and bill mahr then come back with tru information or try another thread i hope u have better advice on growing and smokin. no offense but your information isnt accurate


Active Member
First, no need to refer to Obama as the 'black president' - it just makes you sound crass and exposes your latent intentions.

Second, I would check your numbers. He hasn't spent more than all the presidents in history yet.

Third, take your warmongering elsewhere. I have nothing but respect for the troops and would never wish them harm. They are under the control of the military and I personally believe the military needs to be scaled back. If we reduce our negative occupations abroad and spend, let's say, only 1/2 a billion dollars a day, then we may very well be better off. With that budget, we can still defend our borders and let other countries govern themselves, allowing the UN to police the world. This would not necessarily make us weaker either. Many countries spend very little on their military and are never targeted. We would need to heal all the damage we've done abroad (which is extensive) before drastically cutting the budget, but it could be done over a period of 5 or 6 years, feasibly. This would free up SOOOOOO much money and strengthen our reputation abroad. There will still be aggression against us, but we can handle it much differently than our current modus operandi. For example, effective teachers never respond to aggression with further aggression. It's what the original aggressor wants - attention. Respond in a way that throws them off balance and watch the results...
Sorry... was a United States Marine and do not believe in your socialistic aproach. USMC is the most supreme fighting force in the world and is done with aggressive tendencies. How do you think swords are made???? fire and a hammer.... then sharpened to perfection.

Cut back spending and support to other countries. Tax the socialist people in this country only...(hey... they need to lead by example and I will fallow at a latter time), cut the spending on the illegal aliens and their incarceration, quit taxing the small businesses in this country... and I can for sure see a turn around in the economic stand point of this country.

Sorry for the aggression but I was paid to do for this country what the cowards of this country did not want to do or could not do!