Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah


Active Member
The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Order's plans. and only by exposing the con can we help to save freedom in America. The Obama Deception is not about Left or Right: it's about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation. Covered in this film: who Obama works for, what lies he has told, and his real agenda, and how his initial appointments and actions prove he serves the corporate oligarchs, not the American people. If you want to know the facts and cut through all the hype, this is the film for you.

Watch the full lenght video here.
You are NO Yogi! And you posted this BS in the wrong forum. Could we have a BS forum just for these liars and haters? WE could call it the BS forum then all this BS could be moved to that one forum. Wait a min we allready have that forum its called the Politic forum maybe you should post this BS there?
You are NO Yogi! And you posted this BS in the wrong forum. Could we have a BS forum just for these liars and haters? WE could call it the BS forum then all this BS could be moved to that one forum. Wait a min we allready have that forum its called the Politic forum maybe you should post this BS there?

This is a documentary filled with facts, Watch the full video it will open your eyes to the truth.Light up while you watch it so it can expand your small mind.
that is where this BS belongs, the politics section

on the subject of a BS section; i think they sould come up with 2 new sections

the BS forum
the prescription forum
that is where this BS belongs, the politics section

on the subject of a BS section; i think they sould come up with 2 new sections

the BS forum
the prescription forum

No one asked you for your BS opinion, if you have nothing to say related to this documentary, feel free to leave the topic.
If you did Yoga you would SEE diffrently. Maybe instead of calling yourself a fresh Yogi you should try to realy BE one? I started Yoga as a youth and still practice today at this very moment as I type Iam in the half lotus. I dont talk Yoga I do it how about you? I can help you start to do more then just talk if you want to realy "open your eyes to the truth" that is.
i feel that obama was placed into office by international and centrel bankers and i also feel he is tryna make a one world governtmwnt, and one form of currency. furthrmore im very happy to see that more and more americans are seeing the government for the bullshit it is
If you did Yoga you would SEE diffrently. Maybe instead of calling yourself a fresh Yogi you should try to realy BE one? I started Yoga as a youth and still practice today at this very moment as I type Iam in the half lotus. I dont talk Yoga I do it how about you? I can help you start to do more then just talk if you want to realy "open your eyes to the truth" that is.

The name YoGi Fresh comes from first name which is Yougesh. As for YoGa it's a interesting art form i have plans on taking classes in the future. Anyways i suggest if you have some free time to check out this documentary.

@chitownsmoking Your correct, I'm just trying to spread the truth, opening the eyes of the blind.
i feel that obama was placed into office by international and centrel bankers and i also feel he is tryna make a one world governtmwnt, and one form of currency. furthrmore im very happy to see that more and more americans are seeing the government for the bullshit it is

Dude you are flat out talking about BUSH? WTF?
yooo yogi anyone ever tell u you look like micheal jackson? forreal though
im with you on obama being no good. we havent had a real ass presidant since jfk and we all know what happend to him right? he was assassinated because he wanted to fuck with the centrel banks
im with you on obama being no good. we havent had a real ass presidant since jfk and we all know what happend to him right? he was assassinated because he wanted to fuck with the centrel banks

Yeah that's true, i highly doubt that will be Obama faith tho, he's not that noble even though he seems like he is. I used to love watching his speeches now i can't stand to hear his voice.
if your a conspiracy theorist you know that theres a super secret elite decision making council deep in the basement of the pentagon who has made every decision for this country for the past 20+years. they picked president clinton the playboy, bush the moron and obama the charismatic leader to distract the nation from whatever their doing

id rather not ponder things i will never truly know or be able to effect
hay smart guy!!!! the same people that put bush into office also put obama there to!!!! obama is just bush with a black face.

WOW! lol!!! You guys never cease to amaze me?! The guys who put bush in power are the one saying Obama is not even from the USA? The thing that gets me more then anything is that I would waste my time even replying to you wackjobs???! As if you could ever crawl up from that low dark cave you call life and SEE the light?!
But wait if I close my eyes ever sooo tightly I begin to not see and now I get it! Its the truth thats the problem not you or the CONservatives!! Just get rid of turth and everything is great with you guys!!??
Sorry ya I see it now your right ya thats it the people who put bush into power put Obama there wow why didnt I see this before (must be cus I have my eye wide open)!!? But now that I have firmly planted my head between my cheeks I get it!!! See my problem is too much light so I have been seeing clearly. But now I see your point of view perfectly! Its ALL just SHIT!! LOL