Obama Reportedly Issues Ron Paul Media 'Kill Order' as Russia Prepares For War

ron paul is the most acceptable canidate among republicans and the like, he's one of the very very few i have a bit of respect for. i will not vote for him, while he may be the most acceptive of cannabis usage i vote based off of far more than that.

Such as which issues?

i agree, legalization should not be the catch, but rather the kicker.
even if ron paul became president absolutely no way will marijuana be legalized, to think otherwise would be foolish. i like to dream too but come on guys. how do you propose president paul goes about legalizing marijuana and all the other drugs? do you really think he could get a bill legalizing it through the house and senate? not a chance at all.
even if ron paul became president absolutely no way will marijuana be legalized, to think otherwise would be foolish. i like to dream too but come on guys. how do you propose president paul goes about legalizing marijuana and all the other drugs? do you really think he could get a bill legalizing it through the house and senate? not a chance at all.

He could at LEAST fight the good fight. And unlike others that claim to do so, he will actually TRY.

HUGE difference amongst the talking heads.
Thats got to be the biggest hunk of crap iv read in a while. I like how a person can basically just write whatever they want and call it "news" like its real or something. Its like when orson well's war of the worlds was read over the radio...it didnt make it the truth jist because it was presented as such
Thats got to be the biggest hunk of crap iv read in a while. I like how a person can basically just write whatever they want and call it "news" like its real or something. Its like when orson well's war of the worlds was read over the radio...it didnt make it the truth jist because it was presented as such

i agree that it is highly unlikely. Would like to see the official counter-argument to it though.
He could basically neuter Federal agencies currently highly devoted to prosecuting drug crimes. He could also claim he had a bit of a mandate. Although I doubt somehow the other members of Congress would listen as most of them just voted to make America a police state. Go on voting for those people, because you vote on more than just the legalization of marijuana issue and you're oh so smart and Ron Paul is such an extremist he's one of 16 people in the House and 7 in the Senate to vote against this horrible legislation.
He can at the least recommend to stop arresting drug offenders and pardon all non-violent drug offenders from prison which Ron Paul said he would do. There is soooo much more the president can do then just that when it comes to the drug war..those are just a few examples....to say the president can't end the drug war or the war on marijuana is a lie..he can grind it to a shreeching halt...

and secondly to say that Obama tries to actually do progressive things but the Republicans won't let him is an even bigger fucking lie...Obama could of done A LOT to forward humanitarian issues but he did NOTHING! Every Progressive that has been following this knows this! Don't be an Obama Zombie!

Obama works for JP MORGAN and Goldman Sachs...most of his staff is made up of former goldman sachs ceos and wall street criminals...google it!
Well, deprave, i did not think of pardoning all non violent offenders. that is a decent point. i wonder though, is their any way to stop a president from doing something so drastic other than make a law about it in hindsight of it happening? wouldnt doing something like this be abusing his power as president? he would be intervening in thousands of state cases, something that you believe the federal government should not be involved in.
Yea,,,Ok,,,If Anything the "Repubican's sent the letter",,,He has no chance in hell to win his "OWN",,,Partie's nomination,,,get real,,,Yea It's "Obama",,,against Ron Paul,,,LOL....

I wish it would be Obama against Ron Paul.. Ron Paul would destroy Obama . In fact Ron Paul owns every candidate that is running . Just listen to the debates.
Well, deprave, i did not think of pardoning all non violent offenders. that is a decent point. i wonder though, is their any way to stop a president from doing something so drastic other than make a law about it in hindsight of it happening? wouldnt doing something like this be abusing his power as president? he would be intervening in thousands of state cases, something that you believe the federal government should not be involved in.

there is also a lot obama could of done that he promised in his campaign without congress...there is a lot he can do to forward many humanitarian issues and bring forth actual change not including the promises he made...a lot he promised to do in his campaign..but it was all a big lie.

That is his great excuse for everything, that the Republican's won't let him do anything..Do not believe that Bologna! Sure the republicans block a lot but regardless there is a whole lot he can do without congress.

If you want to see in a nutshell obama's campaign promises vs what actually happened in 2 hours then I recommend the documentary "Shadow Government: Lifting the Vail" ..It is deleted from youtube so its difficult to find but its one of the best documentaries I have seen about the Obama Administration and I am a political documentary buff so thats saying something..

But you know...You dont have to take my word for it..Listen to what any progressive is saying...Obama talks the talk but he doesn't walk the walk!
I wish it would be Obama against Ron Paul.. Ron Paul would destroy Obama . In fact Ron Paul owns every candidate that is running . Just listen to the debates.

that must be why he is STILL polling at 8%....because he "owns" every candidate.

pro tip: check out this whole "reality" thing.
pointing out facts about his poll numbers is trolling?

nice made up facts you got there


Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took third place with 16 percent of the votes.


Among Registered Voters Who Will be Voting in New Hampshire's Republican Presidential Primary
Romney: 29%
Gingrich: 24%
Paul: 21%
Huntsman: 11%
Bachmann: 4%
Santorum: 2%
Perry: 1%

btw Ron Paul will be on Leno this Friday

nice made up facts you got there


Mr. Paul garnered 21 percent of the votes to pull even with Mr. Gingrich who earned 22 percent of the votes. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney took third place with 16 percent of the votes.


Among Registered Voters Who Will be Voting in New Hampshire's Republican Presidential Primary
Romney: 29%
Gingrich: 24%
Paul: 21%
Huntsman: 11%
Bachmann: 4%
Santorum: 2%
Perry: 1%

btw Ron Paul will be on Leno this Friday

i posted my statement on 12/10. your polls are more recent. do you not understand how this whole "time" thing works?

ron paul is still trailing in SC and FL by a mere 30+ percentage points.

placing third in iowa and new hampshire does not a primary win.