Obama Reportedly Issues Ron Paul Media 'Kill Order' as Russia Prepares For War

i posted my statement on 12/10. your polls are more recent. do you not understand how this whole "time" thing works?

ron paul is still trailing in SC and FL by a mere 30+ percentage points.

placing third in iowa and new hampshire does not a primary win.
Ron Paul does not trail- He is a leader
he may lead the pan americn turtle fucking circuit in tortoises caressed, but as far as public polling is concerned, ron paul is the definition of trailing.

The other canidates have seemed to have adopted many of his ideas and talking points because they are so popular- have you heard them all trying to adopt his ideas as if they were their own
The other canidates have seemed to have adopted many of his ideas and talking points because they are so popular- have you heard them all trying to adopt his ideas as if they were their own

Are you trying to say that ron paul is so old he created original thought?
i posted my statement on 12/10. your polls are more recent. do you not understand how this whole "time" thing works?

ron paul is still trailing in SC and FL by a mere 30+ percentage points.

placing third in iowa and new hampshire does not a primary win.
he is 2nd in Iowa 1 point behind Newt who is falling.
ha ha your post sucks
I would love to see NoBama Vs. RP .. RP would destroy Nobama.

Nobama wouldn't have his teleprompter to read off of or his staff to write for him... The outcome would Nobama saying the following , " Uhh umm well ,uhh ,uhhh"
Hey hey hey guys...come on now...obamas great, ron paul is awesome....i think we are all forgetting who the real cock licker is.....GEORGE BUSH why must we devide again. We all need to unite so we can make sure nothing like that ever happens again. To be honest, I would be satisfied with ron paul or obama, but no one else
Hey hey hey guys...come on now...obamas great, ron paul is awesome....i think we are all forgetting who the real cock licker is.....GEORGE BUSH why must we devide again. We all need to unite so we can make sure nothing like that ever happens again. To be honest, I would be satisfied with ron paul or obama, but no one else

Obama is great???

Obama is great???


Absolutely. In my oppinion at least. I have found myself in agreement with a lot of what he has done and what he has fought for. I think goven free.reign he would be able to create institutions in america that would lead to much prosperity for our people. I think hes a great man.

I also think ron paul is a great man. I love his ideas, they are simple, yet brilliant and very much so on track with the reality of our country.

I feel bad for obama, he has been stonewalled since his first day in office. He could have said "im going to make sure everyone is happy" and fox news would have been like "happy? Who wants happiness? This sounds like another obama communism tactic. Take your happiness and fuck off!" Then some blonde haired bitch would turn to some other betty crocker conservative cunt and be like "that obama with his crazy ideas.....happiness...pssshhhh"

  • I feel bad for obama, he has been stonewalled since his first day in office.​

If so then it was by his own party. He had democratic control of both the senate and congress for his first 2 full years in office.
You love Obummer's ideas? Really? We all gave him a pass in the beginning as he inherited a huge deficit from W. People were losing their homes and businesses. Instead of making that his priority, he concentrated on a convoluted health care plan. Which is/was most important? Under his watch we now have millions more who have lost their homes and businesses. And what about Ws deficit? It's waaaaay bigger now

At the very least, Obummer is a socialist. The more government controls our lives the more fucked we are. The biggest misconception: most repubs actually want big govt. If you don't bang the drum for RP you are destined to the government status quo.
I am a Democratic Socialist and Obama is nowhere near being a socialist. The vast majority of what you call "socialist" policies of what he has done are nothing more than a rehash of Republican / Heritage Foundation ideas from the 1970's thru early 90's.

I do not like Obama because he is nothing more than a centrist democrat. aka very close to a "moderate republican" ( a rare beast you don't find in the beltway much anymore)