Free Yourself From The Fake Messiah

I think it's about our responsibility's as society.

Pay your bills, be happy and live your life. Reach for your goals and make them happen, it's not hard to do in this industry of the USA and the World, there is opportunity everywhere. Nobody is going to give you a handout. I do owe the gov, and I have bills as well and I intend to pay them back every penny.

As I understand it, we shape our future as purchasers on a large scale in society where the markets increase, and decrease in free trade, maybe we've been abusing our insurance, our rights, and our lives in hope for a dollar sometimes, but it is out there, I have to work for it.

There is no conspiracy here c'mon get real. Martial law what the heck are you guys talking about? These wierd youtube vids to throw you off seriously stop watching them haha.

I need to get a job and get on with my life and forget this wierd fantasy some people are putting us in. Stop spreading misinformation and all this crap. It was funny at first when I was watching it, I guess now its kinda getting ridiculous.

Anybody can make or lose a buck or two and be happy and become whatever they want in thier lives in these days, there are new jobs and old ones created every minute. That is competition right? I hope there is no reason for the crap spam being spread about the world and it's people inside it in all countries. And without spamming stress and complaints and harsh lies in these times cmon people stop worrying about Bullsht. TBD put up some good numbers on the health of our free society on uninsured and insured I would say and things are not as bleak as these "DOOM SAYERS" would have you think. Its ridiculous ha.
Keep reppin' Yogi. Lot's of people won't agree with you on the politics and conspiracies; I on the other hand do agree that we are being manipulated by the government... it has grown into a cacoon of power and it's waiting to come out and take over. Expect martial law within the next 5 to 10 years (maybe a little more) as the stage for this event is happening right now.
Keep reppin' Yogi. Lot's of people won't agree with you on the politics and conspiracies; I on the other hand do agree that we are being manipulated by the government... it has grown into a cacoon of power and it's waiting to come out and take over. Expect martial law within the next 5 to 10 years (maybe a little more) as the stage for this event is happening right now.

You said it Bud.
People are already getting violent and it's only getting worse. People are stocking up on guns and ammo as well. Careful your neighbor could be your worst enemy, and we arent talking because of your weed either.
havent you seen where plp are having revolts when they have those meetings in some towns or whatever?
Ill get my wife to get me the links tomorrow.
havent you seen where plp are having revolts when they have those meetings in some towns or whatever?
Ill get my wife to get me the links tomorrow.

Yeah Ive seen the meetings. Things arent drastically changing meeting by meeting right?. They possibly need a forum of sorts to gather each districts, family's questions, everyones questions, and answer them appropriately and in due time right?. Noone I'm sure is hung on exactly how to change our efforts for health and how it is paid and distributed and on what level, seriously.

Doom and spam should not lead the way. :wall: Proof, facts, and statistics will prevail as great minds will meet upon this confusion of sorts, and negotiations with industry big pharma and insurance and other sectors of commerce and trade and blah blah blah and 'lil old me running around, will never comprehend I'm sure so some compromise will have to be made on some terms.

It isn't impossible, of course not. But until then, we DO have care, and choices in our counties and where we live that we are doing okay as a society, and the employment oportunity is there for you and me, and we have never failed each other yet, but, I need to concentrate on paying back the "system" on all levels that put me here. Instead of hating it in a way, which I have been, it is wrong to believe any of this junk, hatred you may read or see some places.

But this should not be rushed into judgement at all, and it won't be, cmon. Health is a sensitive issue, a private issue, for alot of people and what they may go through. And we as a whole have to understand thier privacy, right? As they do as the government for us, and ourselves as people.
Yeah Ive seen the meetings. Things arent drastically changing meeting by meeting right?. They possibly need a forum of sorts to gather each districts, family's questions, everyones questions, and answer them appropriately and in due time right?. Noone I'm sure is hung on exactly how to change our efforts for health and how it is paid and distributed and on what level, seriously.

Doom and spam should not lead the way. :wall: Proof, facts, and statistics will prevail as great minds will meet upon this confusion of sorts, and negotiations with industry big pharma and insurance and other sectors of commerce and trade and blah blah blah and 'lil old me running around, will never comprehend I'm sure so some compromise will have to be made on some terms.

It isn't impossible, of course not. But until then, we DO have care, and choices in our counties and where we live that we are doing okay as a society, and the employment oportunity is there for you and me, and we have never failed each other yet, but, I need to concentrate on paying back the "system" on all levels that put me here. Instead of hating it in a way, which I have been, it is wrong to believe any of this junk, hatred you may read or see some places.

But this should not be rushed into judgement at all, and it won't be, cmon. Health is a sensitive issue, a private issue, for alot of people and what they may go through. And we as a whole have to understand thier privacy, right? As they do as the government for us, and ourselves as people.

You know, there are militia out there that started out as defenders of the nation alongside the government; as time has progressed, a few groups have seen where this is all heading and have changed a course in action. they are now grouping and rallying silently to see where the population stands and what our government has done to it's people. All those lies that are so blatantly in the open like 9/11 are the trigger to a new civil war. I'm not going to say that I like it because blood shed proves that we are primates, none the less, it is healthy for the people to get what they want and uncover the truth: The U.S. government; The Vatican; Leaders of the NWO (Illuminati? IDK); etc... and the rest of the conspirators who have to take drastic measures because of information leaks (some real, some fake). as the saying goes "what goes around, comes around", and they can only cover the sun with one finger for so long before 666 comes around and tries to cover lies with more lies; it will be mass destruction. I know that it's just a bible verse but the notion of it is out there and the brightest minds will use it as a last resort only to blow up in their face and it starts with you and me. Trust me, someone is going to foul up really bad or some radicalist is going in deep and it will be too late for our 'so called' protectors.:fire:
You know, there are militia out there that started out as defenders of the nation alongside the government; as time has progressed, a few groups have seen where this is all heading and have changed a course in action. they are now grouping and rallying silently to see where the population stands and what our government has done to it's people. All those lies that are so blatantly in the open like 9/11 are the trigger to a new civil war. I'm not going to say that I like it because blood shed proves that we are primates, none the less, it is healthy for the people to get what they want and uncover the truth: The U.S. government; The Vatican; Leaders of the NWO (Illuminati? IDK); etc... and the rest of the conspirators who have to take drastic measures because of information leaks (some real, some fake). as the saying goes "what goes around, comes around", and they can only cover the sun with one finger for so long before 666 comes around and tries to cover lies with more lies; it will be mass destruction. I know that it's just a bible verse but the notion of it is out there and the brightest minds will use it as a last resort only to blow up in their face and it starts with you and me. Trust me, someone is going to foul up really bad or some radicalist is going in deep and it will be too late for our 'so called' protectors.:fire:
get off the bandwagon son...shit is real out there.....
your living in a hightened state of paranoia.........

i sometimes dont believe in anything .....
Im talking about metaphysics son!
what u can feel, hear, and touch ...

everything in the newspaper, inernet, tv, youtube wateva ..... could be just a lie or advertisement ..... a scense of manipulation.....

but that doesnt mean you should blame the government and hate on bush and obama..... for your bad life....

go get yourself educated and learn for ourself how it works.....

not only will you develop your own idea apposed to just being manipulated by
media... or music....

See we are merely too apes babbalin...
about truth .....

man im lost??:o
get off the bandwagon son...shit is real out there.....
your living in a hightened state of paranoia.........

i sometimes dont believe in anything .....
Im talking about metaphysics son!
what u can feel, hear, and touch ...

everything in the newspaper, inernet, tv, youtube wateva ..... could be just a lie or advertisement ..... a scense of manipulation.....

but that doesnt mean you should blame the government and hate on bush and obama..... for your bad life....

go get yourself educated and learn for ourself how it works.....

not only will you develop your own idea apposed to just being manipulated by
media... or music....

See we are merely too apes babbalin...
about truth .....

man im lost??:o
man the only ape i see is that goofy eared bastard running the show.... i think some call him obama, i call him a joke.:idea:
Considering the historical parallel of blacks to apes, it might be a bad idea to continue that comparison... not because I find it offensive, but because it implies a motive other than "truth".

I mean... darwin really impeded a lot of progress in race relations with that whole thing... racists have been using it ever since...

Just a word of advice.
I wasn't meaning to sound racist, big oops there, seriously I didn't infer it that way.

i think you meant ape as in dumb ...
not as in "gorillaz look like blck people"...
if thats what u were thinking....
oh kno that makes me sound racist....
oh no...:o
see look what u started phenom
i think you meant ape as in dumb ...
not as in "gorillaz look like blck people"...
if thats what u were thinking....
oh kno that makes me sound racist....
oh no...:o
see look what u started phenom


right on man, I'm nice and baked that was a good en.
I don't believe I said anyone was racist... I brought it up only to suggest an impression people might get.

There is a double standard. Bush was called a chimp most of his presidency... and I dislike pointing out the possible racist implications because I HATE double standards. I was just giving Phenom the opportunity to demonstrate that it was, or was not what he meant.
I don't believe I said anyone was racist... I brought it up only to suggest an impression people might get.

There is a double standard. Bush was called a chimp most of his presidency... and I dislike pointing out the possible racist implications because I HATE double standards. I was just giving Phenom the opportunity to demonstrate that it was, or was not what he meant.

Nahh man we cool, I got yer drift there, I was just making sure I wasn't taken that way or anything. If your gonna hate a person hate the person not the race is my line of thinking, I try not to hate, but it's in our nature.
Peace my man.:weed: