Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.


Active Member
So the "Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter day Saints" aren't Christians? Someone better tell them then.....

I will throw out the JW's to be fair since they don't believe in the Trinity.

Let's list the denominations....G*D'S message is awfully complicated it seems......a bit nooby if you ask me for a G*D.

Largest denominations in the world

You, yes you can claim to be a christian and open up a chruch and say anything you want to say not everyone that claims to be a christian is one....“The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14).

[FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]2 Peter 3 Read This Chapter[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]3:16 He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.[/FONT]


New Member
There is one sin G*D cannot abide by and it's the catch all doosey of mind control. i have to give props to the church for thinking this one up....pure genius for those weak in the mind.

G*D condemns all who have heard the word and DENY it. Absolutely beautiful carny trick!!! Wonderful trickery of the highest order! I love it!! :lol:

I deny it.


Well-Known Member
There is one sin G*D cannot abide by and it's the catch all doosey of mind control. i have to give props to the church for thinking this one up....pure genius for those weak in the mind.

G*D condemns all who have heard the word and DENY it. Absolutely beautiful carny trick!!! Wonderful trickery of the highest order! I love it!! :lol:

I deny it.
that's exactly how I think buddy.

+rep for you man.


Gen 1:24...Gen 9:3...Mat 15:11-20

its pretty much in black and white that theres nothing wrong with pot


Active Member
A few churches have caused alot of problems what does that have to do with The church? If a few americans kill a few germans does that mean all americans are bad?
I haven't read the whole thread so correct me if im outta place on this one...:

really fish?... really?!?!?!?! ... so yeah umm a few terrorist caused a few billion or so deaths.... but they're not all bad people right?? now walk into ANY american airport and see who without a doubt is getting searched and sitting alone.... anybody with the slight POSSIBILITY of being within 200mi fom the middle east...

how do you say... this is human nature? and even when we realize it we can't really do much to change it now can we? I certainly can't.