Obama Haters Unite

Well said Twisty. I think that aplies to leagalizing cannabis as well. You can't expect everything right away. Leagalization is a very touchy issue that will piss off just as many ppl as it makes happy. Remember the reason it is illegal is that ppl dedicated their lives to making it that way. If anything look for that to be a second term issue.:peace:

Well, it's about fucking time the people who are happy about it being illegal get to deal with being pissed off about it being legal and the people pissed off it's illegal get to be happy about it being legal.
Well, it's about fucking time the people who are happy about it being illegal get to deal with being pissed off about it being legal and the people pissed off it's illegal get to be happy about it being legal.

Or how about everyone just agrees to mind their own fucking business, not steal from, kill, rape or get jealous of each other and live their own damn lives?

That is, why don't we stop insisting that the government be empowered to interfere in our lives, or other people's lives?
if he legalizes weed then im all for him so far i have not seen anything good happen yet..

As much as I don't care for the guy, and I think he's a scumbag Marxist trying to socialize this great country, if he were to legalize weed, I'd back off the guy and give him a bit more of a chance.

I don't see it happening, so for now, fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Lol, He hinted around about being pro-stoner till the election was over then he laughed about it. Total fucking dickhead.

how come i never have seen this amazin thread but if i start off on obama i will be baned from this site,
im just going to leave you saying this !!
Or how about everyone just agrees to mind their own fucking business, not steal from, kill, rape or get jealous of each other and live their own damn lives?

That is, why don't we stop insisting that the government be empowered to interfere in our lives, or other people's lives?

Yes why don't we? :clap:
He is worse than Bush. I didn't like Bush...he spent $$$ like a drunken sailor at a whorehouse. But who quadrupled our deficit in just 6 months? Obama. Do you guys realize that our national debt is increasing by 4 BILLION DOLLARS EVERY SINGLE DAY?

Where is all of this money going? We are STILL losing between 300,000 and 600,000 American jobs EVERY SINGLE MONTH. And inflation has not even hit yet. It is not possible to just print money to make problems go away. If it was possible...we'd have no fucking problems would we? Shit just print out 7 billion dollars a day and we'll be out of debt in no time! lmfao.

Another thing that was truly superior about Bush...he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the classroom...but he basically did exactly what he said he was going to do. You probably didn't like what he was going to do...but he was pretty straight forward. Obama is Mr. Opposite. If he says he is against on-going, no exit wars...it means that he is FOR endless, no exit wars. If he said he was for respecting the borders of nations that we aren't even officially at war with...it means expect massive ongoing predator bombing runs into nations that we are not officially at war with. If he is against invasion of privacy...stepping on rights like for example the Patriot Act...it really means that he is FOR invasion of privacy and the stepping on rights like for example the Patriot Act. If he indicated that he was pro-pot...it means that at the first chance he gets he mocks pro-pot stances. If he says raids on medical marijuana dispensaries are detrimental, a waste of resources and not in our countries best interest...it means that raids will absolutely continue and he'll turn a deaf ear/blind eye.
Nope I thought that she was hot and a great speaker. In fact when I saw her during the republican national convention I thought to my self, shit this woman is badass and is going to be tough to beat.

Then I thought wow what a suave move, waiting until Obama picked Biden, when it would have been better to pick Clinton, but if they would have went with a black man and a woman it would have been a tough sell to a lot of people, so he had to go with the 'safe' pick with Biden. And then Boom the Republicans pick a woman. It was brilliant.

And then she went on to talk about religion, and not allowing birth control taught in schools, anti stem cell research, anti abortion, and intelligent design, and she lost me. Out of everything that we need to avoid as a country, that bs is the tops of the list. People like to spout about Obama being a communist or whatever, but until he starts telling us how he is going to stop all private business and everyone will be paid the same, he won't do as much damage to the country as taking science back a century.

That is my issue with her.

And it is funny you bring up the constitution with the whole seperation of church and state thing.

Wow, hanimmal ... that was a good post. Thanks.

IMO, you have the Palin vs Biden situation down right. On your negatives about Palin though, I think the Main Stream Media, mainly NBC, greatly exaggerated the situation. I mean, burn library books? Really? :lol:

And the Left is making a BIG mistake if they think Palin is out of the picture. She may be even more effective operating on the sidelines instead of running for office.
Wow, hanimmal ... that was a good post. Thanks.

IMO, you have the Palin vs Biden situation down right. On your negatives about Palin though, I think the Main Stream Media, mainly NBC, greatly exaggerated the situation. I mean, burn library books? Really? :lol:

And the Left is making a BIG mistake if they think Palin is out of the picture. She may be even more effective operating on the sidelines instead of running for office.

But you did see the interviews, right? I mean, that Couric interview was BRUTAL. Anyone that dumb has no business being in politics, and thank god she's not. I honestly think it will stay that way.

I hope the republican party rebuilds around Steele and old school Reagan types. No more neo-cons please. Both Bush and Palin focused too much on religious issues for my liking - God, guns, gays, abortion, etc...... I think there are more pertinent issues, like the economy, our wars abroad, international relations, jobs, etc.....

If I could pick the next two leaders for the republican party, it would be Steele and maybe Jindal. If I could pick the next two leaders for the democratic party, it would be Evan Bayh and Hilary Clinton. Then it would be really nice if we could see independents pushing out these two stale parties. That would be nice...
But you did see the interviews, right? I mean, that Couric interview was BRUTAL. Anyone that dumb has no business being in politics, and thank god she's not. I honestly think it will stay that way.

I hope the republican party rebuilds around Steele and old school Reagan types. No more neo-cons please. Both Bush and Palin focused too much on religious issues for my liking - God, guns, gays, abortion, etc...... I think there are more pertinent issues, like the economy, our wars abroad, international relations, jobs, etc.....

If I could pick the next two leaders for the republican party, it would be Steele and maybe Jindal. If I could pick the next two leaders for the democratic party, it would be Evan Bayh and Hilary Clinton. Then it would be really nice if we could see independents pushing out these two stale parties. That would be nice...

My pick would be Ron Paul.
But you did see the interviews, right? I mean, that Couric interview was BRUTAL. Anyone that dumb has no business being in politics, and thank god she's not. I honestly think it will stay that way.

Yes, I DID see the interviews. I taped them, then replayed them a few times. Here's what I can tell you with almost certainty ... The best of Palin's interviews with Couric and "Charlie" were left on the cutting room floor. :lol:

The Main Stream Media did their best to destroy Palin. Why? Because they are afraid of her. She goes against everything the so-called Progressives stand for, and that is a serious no-no for a woman. After all, women are one of the select victim groups anointed by the Left. For one of them to leave the Federal Plantation is an affront on the Women's Movement and all they stand for.

The Progressives aren't for women. They aren't for African-Americans either. Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas are examples of this.

Here's some food for thought: I know you watched Palin's speech at the convention because you said you did. Do you remember the part where she said that she wasn't running to please the Main Stream Media? I think that one statement was what started the media's attack on Palin. Hey ... you just don't attack the status quo and get away with it when it comes to Pravda. :lol:

Yes, I DID see the interviews. I taped them, then replayed them a few times. Here's what I can tell you with almost certainty ... The best of Palin's interviews with Couric and "Charlie" were left on the cutting room floor. :lol:

The Main Stream Media did their best to destroy Palin. Why? Because they are afraid of her. She goes against everything the so-called Progressives stand for, and that is a serious no-no for a woman. After all, women are one of the select victim groups anointed by the Left. For one of them to leave the Federal Plantation is an affront on the Women's Movement and all they stand for.

The Progressives aren't for women. They aren't for African-Americans either. Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas are examples of this.

Here's some food for thought: I know you watched Palin's speech at the convention because you said you did. Do you remember the part where she said that she wasn't running to please the Main Stream Media? I think that one statement was what started the media's attack on Palin. Hey ... you just don't attack the status quo and get away with it when it comes to Pravda. :lol:


There may be more to those interviews than we know, but I haven't seen it. What I did see appalled me. The Russia part was hard to watch - seriously.

As for women in politics, I don't know which party is more welcoming. What do you mean by 'progressive'? If you mean democrat, then I disagree. Democrats have more women in higher positions than republicans do (past and present). However, I don't play the whole republican/democrat paradigm. Under democrats, it's man exploiting man. Under republicans, it's the other way around.

And I think it was Hanimmal who said he was at the convention. I certainly wasn't.
He's taking the biggest step.. bigger than any past President.. hes told Israel the truth.. they are Conquering lands unfairly with their settlements.. I'm no antisemitic but I am tired of the total support by past Presidents and all because they're scared of jewish US voting power.. what exactly has Israel done for the US.. fought in a war with them.. no... supplied support in UN matters...no... take any slower steps in building settlements so US can at least try to slow jewish hatred.. NO...
Canadians have yet we don't get the support, given military equipment or aid like the jews do, NO..and we ARE your allies... all we get are bigger walls ...

Dude you are full of it! What lands are their conquering... there is tons of muslim land for the Palastinians to occupy but they do not want it.... they want to exterminate the Jews... nothing more nothing less.

Yup... it is all about the jewish people hogging all the land... Man them jews are so selfish. Them poor Palastinians are have no where to go. There is no muslim land for the Palastinian to claim... what is world comming to when the jewish people are into claiming all the land to themselves! (Sarcasm)
bad jew, bad jew (sarcasm)
Who knows... maybe some of you jew haters can take up arms and finished what hitler could not do. Some of you sound like him... he blamed everything on the Jewish people.
People seem to forget that rarely does an elected president uphold any of his campaign promises. Obama is no exception. Why is everyone so surprised?
Dude you are full of it! What lands are their conquering... there is tons of muslim land for the Palastinians to occupy but they do not want it.... they want to exterminate the Jews... nothing more nothing less.

Yup... it is all about the jewish people hogging all the land... Man them jews are so selfish. Them poor Palastinians are have no where to go. There is no muslim land for the Palastinian to claim... what is world comming to when the jewish people are into claiming all the land to themselves! (Sarcasm)
bad jew, bad jew (sarcasm)
Who knows... maybe some of you jew haters can take up arms and finished what hitler could not do. Some of you sound like him... he blamed everything on the Jewish people.

The land is the Palestinians, it was taken away from them in 1947. Here's a link.
My pick would be Ron Paul.

That's who I voted for even though he wasn't on the ticket.

There are a couple things about Dr Paul that might lessen his ability to be an effective president. First of all, not a whole lotta support in Congress, after all he is really a libertarian. Second, all the assassination attempts would eventually get him i would imagine. No way the Bankers would let him live long. And third, He's 74, and like McCain could keel over at any minute. He looks to be in excellent health though.

I'd Still vote for him, at least he listens to us.