Obama Haters Unite

I understand your arguement that the dollar amount did not go down. I get that. I also understand that a countried debt is measured in terms of percentage to GDP.

I even understand the whole conspiracy theory that, "Wait the dollar amount is more, so it must have grown." But its like this. Say you make 100k a year and you owe 25k and are paying on that. Say you get a raise and now make 200k but owe 27k now. Which would you rather have? I'll take the making 200k and oweing 27k every day of the week, and so would you. The difference in percentage of these two numbers is how debt is measured. In this case 25% debt when you were making 100k versus 13.5% debt when you started making 200k.
Conspiracy theory LMAO. Youre example is asinine. Yes, Inflation does ease the burden of our debt(this does not mean the debt went down)…however, it also leads to bubbles, that lead to catastrophic collapses. I suppose you think Obama is an economic genius, I mean after all, with all those trillions of dollars he printed the burden of our debt will be reduced tremendously, as the value of the dollar will plummet….oh wait…. But, Americans keep their savings in dollars. OH well, at least the burden of our debt is eased right?
I don't agree with everything Obama is doing. I think he has the correct idea, but his execution is questionable. Still far better than what the alternative was.
By creating this unprecedented amount of money, we are sending a message to our foreign investors...China is already warning us to practice fiscal responsibility. Our creditors will not continue to throw good money after bad forever, and our economy is completely dependent on foreign credit. Our incessant borrowing and spending cannot last forever.

Inflation is going to run rampant, and the American standard of living is going to drop significantly.
Well, prices are already starting to reinflate...but it takes a while for trillions of dollars to circulate into the economy.
At first i disliked obama, but now i see that he is about peace and if ANYBODY can help promote world peace especially in the middle east it is him. The us gov has gained the "old white selfish politition" image around the world and obama is just the opposite. I dont like liberal extremists, but i am really hoping obama does a good job for the sake of us all.
Obama is doing more for world peace than the last 10 presidents have. I'm hoping he will see the ignorance of continuing in Afghanistan and Iraq, and give up on the embassy in Islamobad and build a few new schools with that 700 million.
You know how you keep a caged tiger from killing you? Don't go in the cage after poking it with sharpened sticks.
The head priest at a certain church was out for the day, so he asked the deacon to do confession for him. The deacon agrees, and the first person that comes says, "Forgive me, for I just gave a guy a blow job." He says, "You have sinned."
Then he looks at the sheet on the wall that had punishments for certain sins on it, but blow job was not on there, so he went out to ask one of the altar boys what the Priest usually gives for a blow job.
The altar boy answered, "Oh, about five dollars."
I don't agree with everything Obama is doing. I think he has the correct idea, but his execution is questionable. Still far better than what the alternative was.

i think people who say these things have no concept if what 18 trillion dollars is..how much it is to pay back with interest..and what that kind of money printing is going to do to the world economy in a few very short months.
have you notices that gas prices are going up ..with demand going down.
that is a direct effect of obama printing money
the economy is currently in a period of what is known as stagflation .
that is where some things in the economy are devaluing ..such as cars and real estate wages..and other things such as gold silver corn rice food stuff go up in price.
this is what happens when you print large amounts of worthless money and run huge trade inballance's that further damage your currency in world markets.
you have seen no misery in this country yet like we will see it..thanks for voting for obama.:bigjoint:
yeah i was had just turned 18 and was about to vote for him but instead my bf was like nah!!! lets just sit here and smoke and WATCH everyone else vote and then watch the thingy where they says what state voted for who.. well when he won i felt bad was all like awww i wish i had voted... but now.... im glad we sat and smoked a blunt instead of voting cause i'd sure hate to have been the one who says now damn i voted wrong... even tho that robot woundnt have been anybetter...... i really wanted hilary.. at least she knew what she would have been doing.....
I am not an Obama hater, I voted for the guy. I just want to hold his feet to the fire for all his rhetoric and campaign promises, like the one that meant the most to me, universal health care. That's the difference between me and a conservative. Although me and my wife have adequate health care, I am concerned for the millions that don't. A conservative is concerned for his ass only. With Obama backpeddling on universal health care, I feel betrayed. I am down with most of his agenda, and compared to the opposition, there is no comparison, he is by far the best choice. Just doing stuff like talking to the muslims is a very positive sign to me. The old more flies with honey routine. I wish him well and hope he can bring the country more to the left. A socialistic form of Capitalism is what the nation needs, there are way too many millionaires and poor people, we need more middle class.

"He who puts up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hands in pledge is safe"
"He who puts up security for another will surely suffer, but whoever refuses to strike hands in pledge is safe"

Neither a borrower nor a lender be...

Of course, there have been times when I've just made loans and then a month or two later told the person I loaned the money to to keep it. Easier to write it off as a cost of keeping a friend, then to borrow trying to collect.

Besides, if I can't swallow $500 for a friend, then what kind of friend would I be. Of course, I'm not about to agree to let the friend have first dibs on my income like the dumb ass democrats insist I should.

There's conspicous consumption that I want to engage in with my hard-earned money.
The govenment is and always will be a machine. Just because you change the emblem, that doesn't make it a new car. The president can only make ripples in the river, not change the tide. That goes for all the presidents, including the last one , the current one and the many to come.
The govenment is and always will be a machine. Just because you change the emblem, that doesn't make it a new car. The president can only make ripples in the river, not change the tide. That goes for all the presidents, including the last one , the current one and the many to come.
...and yet, they call this a democracy. :lol:
yeah i was had just turned 18 and was about to vote for him but instead my bf was like nah!!! lets just sit here and smoke and WATCH everyone else vote and then watch the thingy where they says what state voted for who.. well when he won i felt bad was all like awww i wish i had voted... but now.... im glad we sat and smoked a blunt instead of voting cause i'd sure hate to have been the one who says now damn i voted wrong... even tho that robot woundnt have been anybetter...... i really wanted hilary.. at least she knew what she would have been doing.....

I wanted Hilary too.

But I am fine with Obama. Nothing would be different today really if McCain was president, except I really was sick of Palin.

I don't think she would be as much in the backround as Biden now is.
I wanted Hilary too.

But I am fine with Obama. Nothing would be different today really if McCain was president, except I really was sick of Palin.

I don't think she would be as much in the backround as Biden now is.

So what was it that got to ya about Palin ... ??? Was it the winks, the "you betcha's," or all of her talk about abiding by the Consitutiion, liberty and freedom? :weed:

So what was it that got to ya about Palin ... ??? Was it the winks, the "you betcha's," or all of her talk about abiding by the Consitutiion, liberty and freedom? :weed:

Nope I thought that she was hot and a great speaker. In fact when I saw her during the republican national convention I thought to my self, shit this woman is badass and is going to be tough to beat.

Then I thought wow what a suave move, waiting until Obama picked Biden, when it would have been better to pick Clinton, but if they would have went with a black man and a woman it would have been a tough sell to a lot of people, so he had to go with the 'safe' pick with Biden. And then Boom the Republicans pick a woman. It was brilliant.

And then she went on to talk about religion, and not allowing birth control taught in schools, anti stem cell research, anti abortion, and intelligent design, and she lost me. Out of everything that we need to avoid as a country, that bs is the tops of the list. People like to spout about Obama being a communist or whatever, but until he starts telling us how he is going to stop all private business and everyone will be paid the same, he won't do as much damage to the country as taking science back a century.

That is my issue with her.

And it is funny you bring up the constitution with the whole seperation of church and state thing.