what do you say/do when.....


Well-Known Member
what do i do? the woman i love has been in austria for 2 years messing with my head, and now shes getting married. shes been lying to me the whole time, saying "ill be back next summer/in a few months/ next year some time", and now she drops this on me what would you say or do in my situation?

im thinking about flying to Austria and being the person who stands up when the priest asks if anyone has any reason these two should not be married. but other than that, i dont know what else i could do

i know people will say "move on" but its not as easy as that. if i could have, i would have done so by now


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear that man. I'm still "missing" my X and we've been broken up for a year and a half... but you just got to try to move on. I personally have too much pride to ever stand up during a wedding and confess my love... remember... she's just a vagina (not trying to offend anyone) . There's more out there...


Well-Known Member
It seems hard now dude, but in a year you'll be glad you're rid of her.

You don't need that bitches drama bringin down your buzz.


Well-Known Member
its been 3 years, 3 years of aim and emails and painful desperation and toying with my mind. i rode a bike across Massachusetts to spend a night with her. ive gotten in fights and gotten my ass kicked defending her, even while shes been gone. this is the ONE person i would give anything for, and im having a hard time coping with the fact that she is giving me up to be with some one else.

i would have no problem standing up for her in the church, its getting to Austria that poses the problem. and i know how many vaginas are out there, but a vagina isnt what i want, its THIS one person that drives me crazy that i want. anyone i meet pales in comparison


Well-Known Member
i would have no problem standing up for her in the church, its getting to Austria that poses the problem. and i know how many vaginas are out there, but a vagina isnt what i want, its THIS one person that drives me crazy that i want. anyone i meet pales in comparison
I know what you mean man... it's tough. Just trying to make ya feel better bro


Well-Known Member
well thanks anyways.... i know theres really nothing i can do, that might be why it hurts so much


Well-Known Member
dude, if she doesn't want to be with you, flying accross an ocean may sound romantic in your head, but to her it just seems desperate.

What would you do if one of your old girlfriends showed up at your wedding and objected? Would it make you want them, or want them kicked out? Don't go accross the ocean to get kicked out of a wedding.


Well-Known Member
i know, it seems desperate, maybe i am? i probably wont end up doing that, but im at a loss and dont know what to do. hence, why im talking about it on an internet forum, i guess...


Well-Known Member
Go out, have fun, get wasted, meet a girl.

That's the quickest remedy.

If you're not happy, fake it till you make it.


Active Member
i know, it seems desperate, maybe i am? i probably wont end up doing that, but im at a loss and dont know what to do. hence, why im talking about it on an internet forum, i guess...
Couples have the option of ommitting the "does anyone object" thing, it would kinda suck to go to all that work and you never get that option. She probably wouldn't be getting married if she cared for you as you do for her. I'm sorry, but it's time to move on.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
let it go , treat people how you want to be treated , find someone local and send her a picture of the two of you and tell her you've never been happier thank her for letting you off the hook


Well-Known Member
Go out, have fun, get wasted, meet a girl.

That's the quickest remedy.

If you're not happy, fake it till you make it.
i think i will do this. ill keep a funny joke in my head so im not moping the whole time, and im going to try and meet people outside of my town, because i already know and hate the people where i live

thanks, ross, i know shes moved on and might not care about me the same, i just feel powerless, and have no say in this. i just wish i could do something, anything to get her back...


Well-Known Member
if she doesnt want to be with you, she doesnt want to be with you. im not bein mean man. its honest shit.
it would never be the same even if you did all that. it will always come up and always be there in the back of both of yalls minds, she left you for 3 yrs and made you feel like shit and suffer.
that cant be good.
tru shit, after somethin drastic like this happens in a relationship and you get back together... shit is never the same
just on my personally expriences man.

if this bothers you, dont listen to a word i say


Well-Known Member
evry word you say is very true, and i appreciate your input. its all gone through my head anyways. even if she hadnt been gone for 3 years, right after we broke up she betrayed me and got her new fling to jump me, so that would have been between us too

i guess im just having a really hard time getting over her


Think back to before you met her...you got along without her just fine before didn't you? You don't really need someone else to give you happiness in life...its just what you make what you do have.


Well-Known Member
Think back to before you met her...you got along without her just fine before didn't you? You don't really need someone else to give you happiness in life...its just what you make what you do have.
before i met her i was lost and she put my life into perspective. i think im the type that really needs a "better half"

i do appreciate all of your kind words and helping me through my rough time. i know it dosnt mean much, but reps all around. you guys have been more helpful in the last half hour than all my friends and family have been the past few years, and you dont even really know me. thank you again


Well-Known Member
If she was so great, why'd she screw you over? Love isn't blind, it's blindING. Obviously she isn't as great as you think she is, because a great partner is a great friend and real friends don't fuck you over and lie to you.

She's a liar, she used you and strung you along until she found someone better, and then she kicked you to the curb. NOT the kind of person you want to be with. let her new "husband" deal with her bullshit and thank your lucky stars you weren't the one she suckered into marrying her.


Well-Known Member
this may be a really ass hole thing to bring up, but fuck her right? im the last male of reproductive age in the country with my last name and i really need a son to carry my name (later in life of course) and she cant have kids, so yes, i guess in a way im glad ill never be the one who marries her