Fast Food - A Tutorial



im really sick and tired of people not knowing basic rules and etiquette of the food industry

so im making a tutorial for the 99% of people who are not only stupid, but inconsiderate as well

1. Know what you are going to order BEFORE you get to the talking box.

as soon as your car passes a certain threshold, a timer starts. this timer does not end until you leave the drive through

people working in the building get bitched at / potentially fired if these "drive times" are not as low as possible

so do not be a fucking moron and pull up to the menu and go

"uhhhhhh lets seeeeeeeeee what do i want" and take forever

2. Cashier's least favorite words are "scratch that" and "take off the ....."

when you cancel an item on your order, its not like just hitting a delete button

its called a void

at my place of employment, if my voids are over 2% of my total sales, i get written up

thats right, the employee gets in trouble for the customers idiocy

3. Once handed your food, do NOT check your food at the window, do NOT sit there and pull out your food, do NOT sit there and fumble with your purse / wallet / whatever

It all comes back to the timer issue, you would not believe how much trouble we get in because some stupid idiot has to go through his 4 bags of food to make sure we got everything

instead, pull forward about 8 feet, and your more than welcome to do whatever you want there

4. Dont be a fucking douche bag

remember, WE are the ones in control of the quality of the food.... the nicer you are to us, the less we hate you, the easier it is for everyone

5. They forgot something? Something made incorrectly?

dont even be an ass about mistakes, they happen, they happen often, and its part of life

simply return and ask politely for a replacement or whatever it is you need

6. do NOT leave your table covered in your trays and your trash

this is not some fancy four star eatery with bus boys and waiters etc

clean up after yourself, dont be a selfish bastard

7. Have your money ready BEFORE you get to the window (especially if its change....)

thats pretty much it, follow these extremely simple rules and the experience will be pleasant for all parties involved

thank you and have a nice day


if you guys want to be assholes go ahead

you wont notice the spit in your food

is it SO fucking hard to be considerate?

pretty selfish to think its ok to be an ass


Active Member
fuck man those ppl are hopless. i work at pizza hut and a daily call is. got any speacials, yeah what are you looking for.. Ahh a pizza.... well no fucking shit... right?ahaha


fuck man those ppl are hopless. i work at pizza hut and a daily call is. got any speacials, yeah what are you looking for.. Ahh a pizza.... well no fucking shit... right?ahaha

i get dumbass people at the drive thru menue asking me how much shit costs...

the menu is RIGHT in front of you


Well-Known Member
if you guys want to be assholes go ahead

you wont notice the spit in your food

is it SO fucking hard to be considerate?

pretty selfish to think its ok to be an ass
Yup man. that's how people are. At least when people are stoned it's an excuse, some people are just naturally idiots. All those things you mentioned are relevant. I used to work for taco bell and man some of the shit you have to put up with. I lost my cool a couple times, took off my shirt and hat ready to throw down.

But yeah, when there were deletions on my drawer my manager would come at me sideways assuming I was stealing. Not that I didn't steal, I was just a little smoother about it. And the timer thing pisses me off, too.

Stressful ass job, especially for making minimum wage.


Yup man. that's how people are. At least when people are stoned it's an excuse, some people are just naturally idiots. All those things you mentioned are relevant. I used to work for taco bell and man some of the shit you have to put up with. I lost my cool a couple times, took off my shirt and had ready to throw down.

But yeah, when there were deletions on my drawer my manager would come at me sideways assuming I was stealing. Not that I didn't steal, I was just a little smoother about it. And the timer thing pisses me off, too.

Stressful ass job, especially for making minimum wage.

IMO fast food should be a required job for a certain amount of time, so that people understand how stressful the job really is


Well-Known Member
IMO fast food should be a required job for a certain amount of time, so that people understand how stressful the job really is
No... if you don't HAVE to I wouldn't wish that shit on anyone. I just wish people in general would realize that even people working at fastfood are PEOPLE, too. They don't want to deal with bullshit.

But I also recall having a damn good time with some people. There's good people, too. And whenever I ran into those good people it would make my day. Thinking, maybe there is hope for the world.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, well when I ask for fuckin ranch, don't just give me one fuckin container. And stop fucking up my orders!!! jk


stays relevant.
im really sick and tired of people not knowing basic rules and etiquette of the food industry

so im making a tutorial for the 99% of people who are not only stupid, but inconsiderate as well
It's not nice to call 99% of people stupid :(

1. Know what you are going to order BEFORE you get to the talking box.

as soon as your car passes a certain threshold, a timer starts. this timer does not end until you leave the drive through

people working in the building get bitched at / potentially fired if these "drive times" are not as low as possible

so do not be a fucking moron and pull up to the menu and go

"uhhhhhh lets seeeeeeeeee what do i want" and take forever
Provide more menus throughout the drive-thru, so we can find out what we want prior to ordering... or hell, dont stock 150 different menu items. :dunce:

2. Cashier's least favorite words are "scratch that" and "take off the ....."

when you cancel an item on your order, its not like just hitting a delete button

its called a void

at my place of employment, if my voids are over 2% of my total sales, i get written up

thats right, the employee gets in trouble for the customers idiocy
Why should the customer not be able to change their minds on what they WANT to eat? This is another example of your problem, go complain to your boss, not the customer.

3. Once handed your food, do NOT check your food at the window, do NOT sit there and pull out your food, do NOT sit there and fumble with your purse / wallet / whatever

It all comes back to the timer issue, you would not believe how much trouble we get in because some stupid idiot has to go through his 4 bags of food to make sure we got everything

instead, pull forward about 8 feet, and your more than welcome to do whatever you want there
Perhaps we wouldn't have to check our food if you guys werent notorious for fucking up simple orders. If I got a refund on every fucked up order I've made, I would be getting almost all of my food for free. :finger:

4. Dont be a fucking douche bag

remember, WE are the ones in control of the quality of the food.... the nicer you are to us, the less we hate you, the easier it is for everyone
There is probably 10 other fast food places within a 5 mile radius of you... I doubt anyone cares if you hate them. If someone finds you put something in their food that isn't listed on the menu, they will either: A) go back and beat the shit out of you, B) Call your boss and get your ass fired. or C) Call the police and make a fool out of you publicly for being one of those douche bags that poisons peoples fast food.

5. They forgot something? Something made incorrectly?

dont even be an ass about mistakes, they happen, they happen often, and its part of life

simply return and ask politely for a replacement or whatever it is you need
So you expect us to politely return after being corralled through some shit hole that serves us less then mediocre food? What about your fucking timer? Perhaps if we were allowed to check the bag you wouldnt have to keep tripping the damned timer. Your mistakes aren't the consumers fault.

6. do NOT leave your table covered in your trays and your trash

this is not some fancy four star eatery with bus boys and waiters etc

clean up after yourself, dont be a selfish bastard
ANY TIME I've gone to a fast food joint, there has always been someone sitting around doing jack shit... Cleaning up someones mess shouldn't be a big deal. Just be thankful they dont make you clean the bags and cups out of their cars. Whenever I eat IN a fast food place, I clean up after myself, and if a friend or family member of mine doesn't want to, I give 'em a hard time... but seriously, who gives a fuck? Its your JOB! Figure it out -> It's not supposed to be fun good times all day. It's work dude.

7. Have your money ready BEFORE you get to the window (especially if its change....)
Totally agree with this... Nothing worse than someone who doesn't take the time to make the transaction quick for the hungry people behind them.

thats pretty much it, follow these extremely simple rules and the experience will be pleasant for all parties involved

thank you and have a nice day[/QUOTE]

How about those assholes that say "Welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?" --- and then put another person on the headset to take your order?

How about those assholes that you get, when you pull up they ask you to wait for a minute? I mean how hard is it to just take an order down? Do you need to restart your little computer every time a new customer drives to the order speaker?

How about those slow assholes that take 15 minutes to get your order to you?

How about those jerks who dont give you correct change?

How about those jerks who tell you your food is in the bag and it's missing half your order?

How about those jerks who give you diet coke when you ask for coca cola? I'm not fat dipshit, and if I was I wouldn't be drinking soda :arrow::finger:

For fucks sake I think there is worse that can be said of the service than the customer :lol:

Or maybe I am just too demanding of a customer? :lol:



How about those slow assholes that take 15 minutes to get your order to you?

its our fault you ordered a million things?

How about those jerks who dont give you correct change?

fuck them

How about those jerks who tell you your food is in the bag and it's missing half your order?

its called new people

How about those jerks who give you diet coke when you ask for coca cola? I'm not fat dipshit, and if I was I wouldn't be drinking soda :arrow::finger:

For fucks sake I think there is worse that can be said of the service than the customer :lol:

Or maybe I am just too demanding of a customer? :lol:

sorry grow, its become obvious to me you have no idea what im talking about

because you have no idea what its like to work fast food....i bet your rude to us

since its clear you have only 1 side of this story, i think its best you stay out of it

its a fucking mad house inside those places, enough to really make you want to kill some one

and FYI, just because i feel like you were being pretty ignorant with your "hold on one minute" statement

when im taking your order and the guy at the window wants to add this or change that, its impossible for the register to do those 2 things at the same time\

your ENTIRE post basically said "i dont give a fuck about you or your job so kiss my ass"

at least thats my synapses

my post is entirely about speeding up the process, making less employees get in trouble for things customers cause, making the business a more efficient work place for everyone involved, customer and employee alike


stays relevant.
sorry grow, its become obvious to me you have no idea what im talking about

because you have no idea what its like to work fast food....i bet your rude to us

since its clear you have only 1 side of this story, i think its best you stay out of it

its a fucking mad house inside those places, enough to really make you want to kill some one

and FYI, just because i feel like you were being pretty ignorant with your "hold on one minute" statement

when im taking your order and the guy at the window wants to add this or change that, its impossible for the register to do those 2 things at the same time\

your ENTIRE post basically said "i dont give a fuck about you or your job so kiss my ass"

at least thats my synapses

my post is entirely about speeding up the process, making less employees get in trouble for things customers cause, making the business a more efficient work place for everyone involved, customer and employee alike
Your post is about blaming the customer for acting like a customer, and diverting ownership of YOUR mistakes.

You're being paid to be serve us, and WE'RE paying for disappointing service. As far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't even be in the industry. It seems you lack customer service ability, and the patience to SERVE people, which is what you do for a living.

Seems like a customer probably got up your ass today for something you or one of your colleagues fucked up... Welcome to reality.

The customer is always right... and if you can't accept that, you need to be delivering mail, driving a truck, or stuffing envelopes.

What ever happened to being the best at what you do? It seems a lot of people get these jobs because they think they can slack off at the customers expense.


Well-Known Member
The customer is always right...
Not where I work, and thank God for that. IMO, that's a policy is passe. Customers will exploit any known "soft spot" in the business philosophy or way of doing business. Each circumstance should be treated on its own merits, and management should deal with it accordingly. Anything less is to become the people's bitch.