Fast Food - A Tutorial


New Member
D) people not moving 8 feet to check their bags
I agree with most of what you said, except for this. Except for a couple of unusually well run hardees around here, there is about a 50% chance that my order is going to get screwed up.

So if I follow your suggestion, I pull up 8 feet and find out that they forgot my kid's chicken nuggets. So now I need to either get back at the end of the line and wait my turn while everybody's food gets cold OR I can go inside while everyone's food gets cold. In which case, what was the point of going through the drive thru in the first place?

So I'm sorry if you get bitched at for having your timer run long, but I'm going to make sure you don't forget my damn $.99 mcchicken. :fire:


Well-Known Member
No I wouldn't really let anyone talk to me like a child, no matter customer or manager. I don't know why you guys don't have microwaves, every restuarant i'v worked at has had a microwave that the person making the food is REQUIRED to use for 30 seconds just to make sure that burger is so fucking hot and the cheese is melted.


Well-Known Member
Whats up with taking forever at the menu god dam you should know by now if your an adult what they have at Mickey D'ss.........


Well-Known Member
Sure, quit fucking whining and make me a big mac.

also, if you didn't find anything said in this thread constructive, especially some of the stuff i said then you won't make it out of the fast food business, you might as well become one of the micky d's TEAM members and try to work your way up to management or something.


Well-Known Member
Fuck dude i went to chick filay the other day and got a large fry the thing was only half full WTF


Well-Known Member
u think its bad tkin orders from retards??? try getting food from retards.. dont make the customer to be the asshole when the ppl who run shit inside r... the mc d's by my house gets my orders wrong 80% of the time..(i go there 4+ times a week).. its a fukkin burger not rocket science... we pay for the shit so we want it done right... its not jus us that r slow either... its fukkin lunch time, the buziest part of the day, y am i waiting for u to cook fries??? sum1 should be all over that at peak times.. at 1 point they were giving ot free big mac coupons for wrong oders... we were getting these coupons while paying for the order with the coupons we got the day b4... its fast food, thats the shit u have to deal with jus like a zookeeper has to scoop up shit


Well-Known Member
I used to work a fast food drive-thru, so I know all about the timers, pissy customers, etc.

We used to cheat the timers by asking people to pull ahead to the curb, or if we'd had a really lousy day we'd send someone out to drive circles around the building in the drive-thru lane to bring the time down =)

The thing that pissed me off most about customers at the drive-thru are the people who FLING the money onto the window ledge even when you're holding out your hand for them to put it in.

Seriously, guy? My hand is out six inches from you and you're going to THROW the money at me? Then huff and puff and act like it's MY fault when your $20 bill blows away? How 'bout I throw your change back at you?

Another thing is the people who SCREAM into the intercom. HELLO! I have an earpiece in my ear and you're SCREAMING at me? Your face is only a foot from the microphone, I can hear you just fine if you speak normally, tyvm =)

And of course, the people who pretend to be on the phone so they don't have to look at me/speak to me. You're not too good to EAT fast food, but you're too good to make eye contact with the drive-thru person? Or say "Thank you"? Come the fuck on.

Last but not least is the person who wants to try and hand me a bag full of trash from their car to throw away for them. Um, FUCK NO, I'm not taking your bag of trash. I don't know what the fuck is in there, and I'm certainly not going to touch it. Not to mention that it's against most health department regulations. So, NO, I won't throw that away for you, but there's a trash can about six feet in front of you outside the door you lazy fucker.

To the person who bitched about being asked to hold on a minute by the person taking the order:

When I worked in fast food, the drive thru person was responsible for TAKING the orders, keying them in, making drinks, getting orders together, taking money and making change, and pushing the orders out the window. They aren't just standing in front of a computer pushing buttons.

Sometimes you're busy, have your hands full, or are with a customer and you HAVE to tell someone "I'll be right with you". Even fast food workers sometimes have to use the bathroom. Do you really want me to take your order while I'm tinkling?

I didn't think so =)


Well-Known Member
And of course, the people who pretend to be on the phone so they don't have to look at me/speak to me. You're not too good to EAT fast food, but you're too good to make eye contact with the drive-thru person? Or say "Thank you"? Come the fuck on.
lol people pretend to be on the phone? Say it ain't so ...


Well-Known Member
This is one reason why I don't eat fast food

i skipped several pages so forgive me.

i have worked fast food. i worked almost 40 hrs a week at mcd's from 15-17 so i know about the timers. the timers are bullshit. but the plain fact of the matter is that if you dont like customer service-based jobs then find a new career cause this aint for you.

adults in fast food jobs are usually the most sad, depressed looking people ive ever witnessed and for a good reason... they have given up on life. get educated, learn a trade, hustle crack... do something that will earn you more than minimun wage. i wouldnt sleep for $7 and hour let alone work for such a meager amount. anyone can heat up crappy processed food and anyone can half-assedly serve it to the public... do some real work and make some real money.


Well-Known Member
I only order french fries at fast food places and im ussally nice, but i ask fro extra crispy fries, cause i dont care to wait the extra time. But when they dont extra crispy my fries the next time i come back im an ass about.


I only order french fries at fast food places and im ussally nice, but i ask fro extra crispy fries, cause i dont care to wait the extra time. But when they dont extra crispy my fries the next time i come back im an ass about.
your post makes no sense, because you dont want to wait the extra time, but extra crispy takes MORE time

that doesnt make sense..

and to you people who say just get another job

whats that unemployment rate again?

99% of places that arent food industry are not hiring....

trust me... a billion applications and i can say its true

ive got mad computer hardware skills but i dont have a piece of paper saying i do, and thats why frys / best buy wouldnt hire me


for the record, i am always courteous to ANYONE serving me anywhere untill given a reason to act otherwise.


thats how it should be

there is no reason to be a dick to some one you dont know for no reason

but people still do it

they feel some how superior on that side of the counter


Well-Known Member
your post makes no sense, because you dont want to wait the extra time, but extra crispy takes MORE time

that doesnt make sense..

and to you people who say just get another job

whats that unemployment rate again?

99% of places that arent food industry are not hiring....

trust me... a billion applications and i can say its true

ive got mad computer hardware skills but i dont have a piece of paper saying i do, and thats why frys / best buy wouldnt hire me

I think he meant he doesn't mind waiting the extra time it takes to extra crispy the fries. I was confused the first time I read it, too, then I remembered not everyone speaks the same way we do in the US.

"I don't care to wait" actually means "I don't mind waiting"


Well-Known Member
i didnt say 'just get another job' because i know its not that easy. whats that easy is resigning yourself to the fact that you cant do any better.

what i did say is get a new career. doing this is much more involved than just, 'getting a new job'. there is work....there is lots of work. im a painter, a house painter by trade. but no one is paying to get thier houses painted so i had to adapt. now i paint asphalt plants. regardless of the economy we must have roads so we must have asphalt. paint keeps asphalt plants from rusting and falling apart. so painting them is neccesary. this new niche ive found for myself and my workers didnt fall out of the sky and land in my lap. i searched for it and it wasnt easy.

fast food is easy.