Fast Food - A Tutorial


Well-Known Member
I normally dont like to eat fast food, ( maybe 2-3 times a month) but last night it was late, this thread made me hungry, and well, you know the rest.

Anyways, I pull up to the menu/order and she tells me to "look at the menu, Ill be right there" So I wait atleast a minute before I order. And, no pickles btw!!

I was in the drive-thru for atleast 15 minutes, maybe 20. It may have been longer, Im not sure. But I was on the phone for 10 mintues after I completed my ordered, and then sat for 2 full songs, and the begining of another song before I even pulled up to the window.

So finally I get to the window. The cashier appologized for the wait and seemed like she was having a bad night. So I simply said yes please some ketchup, and thank you as I drove away.

I was nice and polite. I didnt have a tone in my voice or anything. It may have been the cooks fault, or the people infront of me did something, I dont know.

But damn I was pissed when I took a bite of my first french fry.... stale as a mother fucker!!!! :cuss: And then the burger was cold and squashed. The tomatoes were sitting directly on top of each other. Lame, so lame.


Well-Known Member
i always follow the rules, dut i didnt know there where any

maybe u should smoke before work??? and chill the f out


Well-Known Member
I normally dont like to eat fast food, ( maybe 2-3 times a month) but last night it was late, this thread made me hungry, and well, you know the rest.

Anyways, I pull up to the menu/order and she tells me to "look at the menu, Ill be right there" So I wait atleast a minute before I order. And, no pickles btw!!

I was in the drive-thru for atleast 15 minutes, maybe 20. It may have been longer, Im not sure. But I was on the phone for 10 mintues after I completed my ordered, and then sat for 2 full songs, and the begining of another song before I even pulled up to the window.

So finally I get to the window. The cashier appologized for the wait and seemed like she was having a bad night. So I simply said yes please some ketchup, and thank you as I drove away.

I was nice and polite. I didnt have a tone in my voice or anything. It may have been the cooks fault, or the people infront of me did something, I dont know.

But damn I was pissed when I took a bite of my first french fry.... stale as a mother fucker!!!! :cuss: And then the burger was cold and squashed. The tomatoes were sitting directly on top of each other. Lame, so lame.
the odds really are stacked up against the fast food gremlins arent they?

the worst part is, when prepared decently some of its actually good food. but when it looks like they threw the condiments at your sandwich from across the room.

i can also understand if the person in front of me is taking a while for whatever reason. but make my food accordingly, dont have my shit sit and get cold while waiting for this guys chicken.


Well-Known Member
I love Sonic Burger, been there a couple times out of state, wish we had one here in Cali


Well-Known Member
This thread is quite an interesting one!

Everything focuses on time doesnt it? Dude, about checking your food at the window... its necessary! You know how many times i didn't receive all my shit... especially if its a big order... once i didnt get my six dollar guacomole burger... and thats one huge thing to forget... nowadays they only give you one ranch for a six piece chicken strip meal... and a napkin for a whole KFC meal... ITS ridiculous... whatever happen to customer service!

But i must say, was it a stressful week at work? lmao


Active Member
Not for nothing bro, but fast food is not stressful. Yeah, it gets busy, so does any work enviroment. Yeah, you seem to have an over-abundance of asshats at your place, be it customers or staff, but look, a job like that unless you plan on being manager or owner, is just a stepping stone for something else.

If you want stress, come do some asphalt work with me when the temp is in the 90's with 90% humidity, I'll show you stress.

However, I do applaud you for your seemingly upbeat attitude about trying to improve the service, you are a rare breed for a job like that. I do have to say that your comment about fucking with peoples food is totally uncalled for. Thats why I never eat fast food and very rarely go out to any restaurant, you just can't trust the help. I don't eat it unless it was prepared by my hands or someone I know.


nd chill the f out

again, you dont understand how stressful it is, so before you tell me to chill the f out

go work at a corporate wendys for 3 days and you will quit

and smoking before work is not really a good idea because it makes time go by very slowly....

i know this from experience


Not for nothing bro, but fast food is not stressful. Yeah, it gets busy, so does any work enviroment. Yeah, you seem to have an over-abundance of asshats at your place, be it customers or staff, but look, a job like that unless you plan on being manager or owner, is just a stepping stone for something else.

If you want stress, come do some asphalt work with me when the temp is in the 90's with 90% humidity, I'll show you stress.

However, I do applaud you for your seemingly upbeat attitude about trying to improve the service, you are a rare breed for a job like that. I do have to say that your comment about fucking with peoples food is totally uncalled for. Thats why I never eat fast food and very rarely go out to any restaurant, you just can't trust the help. I don't eat it unless it was prepared by my hands or someone I know.

then you must also have read the million times i said i have never fucked with some ones food

also, i dont know if i mentioned this

but what makes it so stressful is

The timer, why is so bad you ask?

well once it hits 120 seconds, every other second, it beeps REALLY loud four times, and its right next to my ear

so i got a car at the menu ordering

i got people shouting shit to eachother or talking when im trying to listen

i got the timer going off in my ear which makes it really hard to hear whats they are ordering so i have to keep going (was that a blah blah blah you said?)

and then the customer at the window wants to ask for something else or add on something or whatever

then the bossman comes out and goes WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG ITS YOUR JOB TO BE FAST

and i jus want to punch him in the face so hard he falls over

that is why its stressful


triple post but oh well

the perfect fast food customer goes as follows

it happened yesterday, too bad it only happened once

pulls up to the window, i greet him

instantly he says can i get a number 2 large with a coke and thats it

5 seconds later he is at the window, and 10 seconds after that his food is ready

while im taking his change making small talk about his long ass fingernails asking him whether he plays guitar or bass

i hand the shit out

quick scan of the bag cause there is only 2 items in there

and he is in and out in thirty seconds

thats the ideal situation

however a few minutes later

i got some fucking douche bag who asked for fries with no salt, which we have to make and that takes 3 minutes

three minutes later when i gave him the only item he asked for he wants salt packets... i said we were all out


Well-Known Member
i used to work at wendys when i was 17 we woud have one guy be a lookout for the manager while i stuffed my face at top speed with a custom made super extra extra extra bacon cheese burger mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

then when the manager wasnt lookin i would grab a bunch of fries real quik dip them in that honey mustard sauce they use on the sandwitches and chompem down mmmm mmm man oh man
My sister used to work at wendys. and since bacon cheeseburgers
are like my favorite food, she would make me baconators with like 10 slices of bacon, and extra cheese with jalapenos. omg...those were the days.

who here as EVER worked a minimum wage job?? I thought everyone has at least done it once! and like this is the ONLY option you have because (as keenly said) you don't get call backs no matter how many APPS you've turned in.... sorry but this is really making me wonder how a bunch of stoners can't imagine being on the other side or in another person's shoes... I very angry at the humanity right now just plain wow :(
I know what you mean Leeny. I applied at Denny's when they were hiring a while back. When I walked in and turned in my app, the manager said he
would call me for an interview, and didn't. So I called EVERDAY for a week
and a half asking about my interview, and to review my application and
those fuckbags just blew me off everytime. :cuss:

are you calling me honey? do i get a blow job with that? :bigjoint:

i worked at Mc d's for a day. walked out after i saw what was expected of me. what a fucking joke. :roll:

then i worked a private fast food joint down on the beach in LA. dealt with starving drunks all day. so, yes, i have worked minimum wage, customer service.

so i guess my answer is still "no", i have no empathy for someone who can't understand NO ONIONS!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate onions on my burger. I usually get pissed and just pick them off.

it's because she was abused as a child. you should have given it back. ;-)

dude at round table gave me change for a 100 when i gave him a 50. i went back and told the manager. she gave me a coupon for a free pizza. :)

is that empathy? probably not. more like honesty. well, at least i got that. :)
Dude.... you could have kept the money and bought another pizza instead
of getting a free coupon. And you would have still had some $ left over. ;-)

I give money back :razz: And when I find wallets with money in them I turn that in too. You know, "do unto others" and all that jazz :grin:

But I think it pays off. I've lost a wallet with over $100 in it and a girl turned it into the office. Accidentally dropped a 20 pulling my keys out of my pocket and some guy I didn't know caught up with me to give it back.
If I actually see someone drop money, I will give it back to them. But if
I see a $100 bill, thats been sitting there for 10 minutes, I'm taking it. :eyesmoke:

now you are making excuses. you have other options. you have simply limited yourself.

you have NO idea of my situation. you seem to be making light of it. you have NO idea. ;-) :bigjoint:
so whats your situation fdd?

You're buying a new guitar!!! I'm jealous. I still haven't gotten mine.

i have a random question

if you order your food, say with no onions

and you are not really watching them make the order

but you did notice that the person making your food is not the same person that took your order

when the person you ordered you food from comes back...and there is those onions you didnt want, who do you get mad at?
I take it back to the cashier, obviously customers can't walk back to
the cook and yell at them can we?

[QUOTE="SICC";3035478]I love Sonic Burger, been there a couple times out of state, wish we had one here in Cali[/QUOTE]

We have Sonics in Cali. I have 2 in my area.


I take it back to the cashier, obviously customers can't walk back to
the cook and yell at them can we?


the only thing stopping you is i can look rather intimidating in person

some guy started cussing at my manager before we even gave him his food so i had to escort him out forcefully because he would not leave

the people at taco bell used to call me angry guy cause

well... my "default" face if you will when all my facial muscles are relaxed

looks very very angry

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
LOL!! this whole thread is hilarious. screw all of that about being nice and what not. its not rocket science to slap two pieces of bread together with some "protein" and cheese and condiments. your not launching rocket ships into space. your making cheesburgers. and untill you guys realize to not put onions on my damn burger, i'm not gonna be nice at all. build me a space station while your at it


Well-Known Member
DUDE!!! I was soo mad when they made the spicy chicken all small.
I have to eat two just to get full now.

My sister used to work at wendys. and since bacon cheeseburgers
are like my favorite food, she would make me baconators with like 10 slices of bacon, and extra cheese with jalapenos. omg...those were the days.

I know what you mean Leeny. I applied at Denny's when they were hiring a while back. When I walked in and turned in my app, the manager said he
would call me for an interview, and didn't. So I called EVERDAY for a week
and a half asking about my interview, and to review my application and
those fuckbags just blew me off everytime. :cuss:

LOL. Surprisingly I never see hispanics working the drive-thru.

I hate onions on my burger. I usually get pissed and just pick them off.

Dude.... you could have kept the money and bought another pizza instead
of getting a free coupon. And you would have still had some $ left over. ;-)

If I actually see someone drop money, I will give it back to them. But if
I see a $100 bill, thats been sitting there for 10 minutes, I'm taking it. :eyesmoke:

so whats your situation fdd?

You're buying a new guitar!!! I'm jealous. I still haven't gotten mine.

I take it back to the cashier, obviously customers can't walk back to
the cook and yell at them can we?

We have Sonics in Cali. I have 2 in my area.

Where you stay at? haha how you live in SO cal and there aint no hispanics workin that drive thru

shit im 805 thats probably why, im right by the valley and not far from LA


LOL!! this whole thread is hilarious. screw all of that about being nice and what not. its not rocket science to slap two pieces of bread together with some "protein" and cheese and condiments. your not launching rocket ships into space. your making cheesburgers. and untill you guys realize to not put onions on my damn burger, i'm not gonna be nice at all. build me a space station while your at it
you fail at life as well as karma

your not going to be nice? expect lower quality food

how fucking hard is it not to be dick


Active Member
Yo man, I never said YOU actually did it, I was just referencing your comment is all. Relax.

The more you post the more it seems like your superiors are a bunch of assholes. Your manager obviously has OCD or something, because it sounds like he really doesn't need to get on your ass for some of the shit he does. I dunno bro, your never gonna get what your asking for, so you might as well suck it up and deal. It sucks, I know, but you control your destiny. Don't like it, send out apps and wait for a call.

All I can picture reading this whole thread is Brad working the burger joint in Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

"Sir if you don't relax I'm gonna kick 100% of your ass!" LOL

poke smot420

Well-Known Member
keenly, if i'm eating at mcdonalds in the first place i don't expect a 'higher quality of food'. what an oxymoron