If pot was leagal would you still grow?


Well-Known Member

Where I am now, my yard isn't secure enough for anything of value to be in it. But if I had another place, I'd just turn my whole backyard into a growing field. I'd give it away to people, just let it grow wild.

If that isn't an option, I'd get a very nice female clone from a store (or start a single plant), and just have that in my house, growing comfortably out in the open.


Well-Known Member
I would still grow, but it would be in the main garden with the best exposure, irrigation etc, although I would have to put in some type of locable gate. Funny how no one has ever attempted to steal my tomatoes? I assume it would be 18+ to buy legal buds and every junior high kid would be out ripping others crops.
Im thinking you would have to be 21 to buy.It may smoke like tobacco but it has a buzz like alcohol.


Well-Known Member
hey man ... yea interesting thoughts for sure .... I would certainly be still growing cuz it ain't about the cash ... its about the experience and the quality ... and the participation .... "the god I believe it ain't short cash mister" (Bono-U2):bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:

I would more like the fact that I did not have to do it stealthy like .... I would still have noly a small garden ... but it would be easier if it wasn't confined to a 4 x 3 x 4 cabinet .... LOL! :blsmoke:
i bring up this question for mulitipal reasons. one being if it was legal how much would the price go down and would it be worth it to keep growing. and my second point.. would there be the thrill still be there if it was legal. would it still be fun to grow? and just a third thought. how much would pot cost if it were legal nation wide?


Well-Known Member
I grow for medical reasons but i also grow because i just love the plant and love smokeing something that i have grow myself.Growing cannabis is not a matter of life or death it is far more important than that.


Well-Known Member
i've thought about this, what would legalization look like if it happens?
i don't think you will see the situation where there are yards filled with weed
too many people have a problem with that, this is actually the stereotype of what anti weed activists claim we would see if legalization occurs
there will be some form of regulation, whatever that will be
i think the future of growing is the present, discrete indoor grows, the big change will be essentially few or no warrants issued for weed searches
so to the original question, i think i'd be doing the same thing, small grows inside which is plenty for my needs

insane 559 jc

Well-Known Member
if it were legal would i still grow... when its legal I Will put all that k-mart weed around to shame
its like sam adams we are the future micro brew. i estimate any corporation that gets into the trade will suck cuz they dont smoke and they wanna get richer yesterday at the consumers expense...
my two cents.


Well-Known Member
I think more people would grow if it were legal, unless they are growing for the thrill. Which is not the case for me. I love growing medicinal plants. Aloe vera, san pedro cacti, and my favorite cannabis.


Well-Known Member
hell ya i would, just look at the tobacco companies, loading there shit full of chemicals and shit, i would grow the biggest, dankiest dank ever!!! c'mon, its fun!


Active Member
I'm not a farmer but if they legalize it im buying a tractor.

as far as price after taxes added it will be cheaper to grow for sure. plus u know what u got.


hell yeah i would! its about having that sense of accomplishment after its done.. plus you could never have too much bud. and free bud is much better then taxed bud my friends..lol..

Illegal Smile

In this fantasy scenario I'll be buying it from you guys for $20..... a pound!


Well-Known Member
I would still grow no question about it. I don't grow for the thrill that it is illegal, I grow because I love growing things especially my own medicine. I believe that when this wonderful plant is legal that all the dreams of front yard grows will not happen. The government will tax it to keep the cost similiar as today and I think that you will be regulated much as medical grows are today. Only you buy a permit to grow so many plants. Just my opinion.