To drop or not to drop...

Fuck plur is right.. yeah we still have a ton of kandi kids around at the raves up here.. I have like 2 tiny kandi bracelets that I wear but that's about it :-D.
You lucky bastard, Ive been looking high and low for tabs... I feel like Im hunt for a dodo bird. Fuckin Toronto...

I guess you dont go looking for LSD... LSD finds you.
lol.. iuno.. I'm 1 to 2 phone calls away from a constant supply hahaha. love new england.
we should be careful. i dont know about you, but ive just recently stopped getting the 'mail me some cid' PM's:roll::lol:

which part you in?

I'll mail some fucking acetone peroxide.. and when they open the mail, BOOM! lol.

^ j/k bout that (never want some psycho to take that serious lol).

One of the colder parts lol, New Hampshire woo hoo
meh I think you need to battle p.l.u.r with HATE!!!!!! lol

at the last party i was at i was walking past some floor-spunions and one yelled plur. i bent over toward them and shouted, "Gag Me With A Fucking Spoon." and just kept walking.

dont get me wrong, im not a hateful person. theres actuall only 2 people in the whole world i hate. but i despise MDxx induced 'love&friendship'...its as fake as piperzines.
i figured everyone worth reporting to is here so....

i ate those really good doses some of you know ive been sitting on for awhile was hella fun.

this was really good LSD, no question. i watched my best friend drop it on 2 altoids over a month ago and last night was definetly the time.

dropped right before i put my kid to bed with one of my best friends. we went to a friends house and smoked and watched aweful reality tv for about 45 min untill we started tripping pretty good(felt onset pretty quick, like 30 min. nice, super clean comeup!). we went for a walk to this footbridge over the river at this park...smoked a blunt(i wish it would have been a foreverblunt at the time!). listened to dubstep's attempt to break the cars windows with sound waves, i was sure it would succeed at any moment...fucking awesome!! went to smoke with a friend who manages a burger king at about midnight. ended up spending the rest of the night in burgerkings break room(yes, the one for the employees) chiefing mad herb(relentless bowl after bowl), gorging ourselves on free customized burger king(rodeo whopper bitches!), and listening to dubstep play on my phone the whole time fucking trrrrrriiiiiippppppiiiiiinnnng.

it was a non-stop riot at BK, definetly the shit good memories are made of. our friend knew we were tripping, but all the little fast food gremlins in her service didnt know anything except that they were to serve us. i cant begin to imagine what they thought of the glutonous, giggling, pot chain-smoking pair of people who just kept staring at the floor.
gotta love the rodeo whoppers

i forgot...with pepperjack cheese!!:hump:

ive never eaten so much while tripping EVER. i ate and ate and ate and it was oh so good. i woke up and took a rediculous burger king crap and not 10 minutes later took another was just as epic as the night before.
next time your drunk throw some bacon on the whopper rodeo wit pepperjack cheeese and well its amazing.. lol i got a friend who runs a bk as well gotta love the perks
i figured everyone worth reporting to is here so....

i ate those really good doses some of you know ive been sitting on for awhile was hella fun.

this was really good LSD, no question. i watched my best friend drop it on 2 altoids over a month ago and last night was definetly the time.

dropped right before i put my kid to bed with one of my best friends. we went to a friends house and smoked and watched aweful reality tv for about 45 min untill we started tripping pretty good(felt onset pretty quick, like 30 min. nice, super clean comeup!). we went for a walk to this footbridge over the river at this park...smoked a blunt(i wish it would have been a foreverblunt at the time!). listened to dubstep's attempt to break the cars windows with sound waves, i was sure it would succeed at any moment...fucking awesome!! went to smoke with a friend who manages a burger king at about midnight. ended up spending the rest of the night in burgerkings break room(yes, the one for the employees) chiefing mad herb(relentless bowl after bowl), gorging ourselves on free customized burger king(rodeo whopper bitches!), and listening to dubstep play on my phone the whole time fucking trrrrrriiiiiippppppiiiiiinnnng.

it was a non-stop riot at BK, definetly the shit good memories are made of. our friend knew we were tripping, but all the little fast food gremlins in her service didnt know anything except that they were to serve us. i cant begin to imagine what they thought of the glutonous, giggling, pot chain-smoking pair of people who just kept staring at the floor.

haha.. fucking awesome. that post put a smile on my face.
i havnt found any quality acid in my area for almost a year and im wayyyyy over golden caps and thats all thats ever around. the world needs some modern day stanley owsleys. couple years back i had a decent amont of legit liquid. 1 drop would have u on a good one but obviously i ate more than one at a time but since the my areas been in an acid drought (or at least of anything quality)