First timer and using bubbleponic


New Member
Just treat your plants like a woman you want to get in bed and everything is cool! Talk to them in the morning and ask them if it was good for them!
Watch what you say he may end up giving his plants roofies and alcohol and nutting in the res.!!! :twisted: :blsmoke:


New Member
Plants looks good you should shake off that extra water and if you haven't yet stick your fan close to them so they are shaking a little bit all the time.


New Member
Roofies and alchohol! ROTFLMAO! Not a bad idea come the think of it. As they get older they become a little resistant to my charm! Note to self - nute the res first!


Elite Rolling Society

in looking at your plants, do you have them on full nutes yet?
I do mine, for the past week, , and I am not getting any yellowing or crisping or curling,. Are yours Indica? What strain?

mine are much taller and bushier is why I am asking.


Active Member
They are on full Nutes, I did half monday and half wednesday. They are Barney's Farm Blue Cheese (mostly indica), Chiesel (indica/sativa), and 1 Autoflowering Roadrunner (?, the midget started a few days later). I am not using nearly as many lights as you


Well-Known Member
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
pretty bubbles in the air,
they fly so high, nearly reach the sky
then like my dreams they fade and die.
Fortunes always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
pretty bubbles in the air!

United "clap clap clap"
United "clap clap clap"
United "clap clap clap"

Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental

Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental

just thought this we football song would fit in well with a dwc thread so here ya go and i mean football not american football ;P


Active Member
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
pretty bubbles in the air,
they fly so high, nearly reach the sky
then like my dreams they fade and die.
Fortunes always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
pretty bubbles in the air!

United "clap clap clap"
United "clap clap clap"
United "clap clap clap"

Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental

Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental

just thought this we football song would fit in well with a dwc thread so here ya go and i mean football not american football ;P
You mean SOCCER? In the U.S. football involves an oblong ball and very little kicking of the ball. I know the name doesn't make sense, but that's just the way it is


Well-Known Member
Ive grown a few dwc now and ive never once added a feeding tube and the rockwools always nice and wet all i have done is add a 6way airpump and the bubbles splashing is like a mist of water even when it drinks it to half the tank. And my ph never goes up or down by any more than 1ph tops maybe im just lucky with the water i use which is tap water btw, but the main thing ive learnt in my few dwc grows is never ever grow more than 1 plant in a dwc maybe for the babys when they just pop i would use a multi pot but once the tap root is out n in the water a few days straight in on there on with 1/4 feed and they love it and no plants are stealing each others light and leaveing others in the shade and im very stoned and am rambleing so :) im away now lol


Well-Known Member
na its american football. football is older than american football so we were first to use the name so :P


Active Member
Day 18 - I topped this one but I don't know what is going on with it?

Legal Note
All pics archeived from the internet


New Member
Looks ok to me. One out the top and two on the side. Almost looks like a fim instead of a top. Stubborn little plant you got there!


Elite Rolling Society
that's what I was wondering, but FIM is works out better than topping right?

go back and read that long FIMMING, PRUNING, TOPPING article that I sent to you....the part that says it is all the same..................just cutting off the tips to make two tips.


New Member
I dont think you need to mist them as much as you do... I rarely mist mine maybe once or twice in veg and once early in flowering. I think I saw a couple brown spots on your leaves in the last pic and I think its because your leaving water on your leaves and its magnifying the light and burning them.