This is where legends come from.


Well-Known Member
just found your grow...
i've been wondering how well these vertical grow systems work. I've yet to be able to see one as it makes progress. I'm stoked to watch these babies fatten up. those 1000's will be amazing in that small space.

Hey Oregon.. your advice is sound.
your tone is overly snarky...
give the man a break.. he's not going to change his whole system around when he just started blooming. his vertical grow will kick the ass of any sog or scrog or any other mass growing thechnique that would maximize the yield in such a small space.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Steadmanclan/megs-your avatars are hilarious

Steadmanclan- These grows maximize the shit out of the space. Ive got about 6 weeks left, so sit back and enjoy. I will be posting pics once a week.


Active Member
what nutrients are you using? is it all organic? and how do you keep the heat down with 2 1000w bulbs in that small space? pics would be awesome


Well-Known Member
what nutrients are you using? is it all organic? and how do you keep the heat down with 2 1000w bulbs in that small space? pics would be awesome
I've been following this. He's cooltubed dude. Can't remember the nutes but go back just a few pages and you'll see everything.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
yup yup. 6" cool tubes with some serious cfms and a 6500 btu A/C. it still gets up to 87 some times but the plants arent complaining. they are filling in with leaves now, so those will be removed this weekend. ill post some pics on sunday. If you have any questions, you will probably find your answer in the pages of this thread. I think every aspect has been touched on already. Thanks for checking it out.


Well-Known Member
No good can come out of removing fan leaves. The leaves need light not the bud sites. Leave a few plants with all their leaves and I will guarantee they will produce more

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
if you dont remove leaves when they get "too big" then you will not get penetration of light to all the sites. This has been tried without removing leaves and it doesnt allow enough ventilation, powdery mildew becomes and issue. The leaves fill back in, trust me on this one. I would rather get light to all the leaves, not just the big ones. I wont be removing all the leaves, just the ones that are "too big".


Well-Known Member
if you dont remove leaves when they get "too big" then you will not get penetration of light to all the sites. This has been tried without removing leaves and it doesnt allow enough ventilation, powdery mildew becomes and issue. The leaves fill back in, trust me on this one. I would rather get light to all the leaves, not just the big ones. I wont be removing all the leaves, just the ones that are "too big".
I would much rather add another fan for air movement instead of hacking up the plants but that's just me. Do your thing though dude, it looks like you know what your doing so just keep up the nice work :peace: