Don't YOU think the prices of weed are insane?

How much do you think top quality bud should cost/oz?

  • 50

    Votes: 71 12.9%
  • 100

    Votes: 79 14.3%
  • 150

    Votes: 93 16.8%
  • 200

    Votes: 110 19.9%
  • 250

    Votes: 81 14.7%
  • 300 or higher

    Votes: 118 21.4%

  • Total voters
should all meds be free then?? i mean if pot should be should oxy, vicadin, percoset all of that shit right??...people are in pain and need meds..all the shit should be free? :roll:

After you pay $375.00 a year it is free If you have no money then it's free in Canada so I'm not sure where you are. I can't imagine it not being free when you are in pain and you need it. I also can't imagine getting addicted to it when you don't need the shit. The shit kills your liver!!!! Stick with weed!! peace out Headband707
i know A LOT of people that grow A LOT of pot. none of them are rich.

This is all interesting stuff. I saw on another thread the argument that it should stay above the street value of MJ. That way you deter people from trying to resale and go against the movement. I don't know prices, but I believe that people should be paid for the skills and product they deliver. Unfortunately, we live in a land driven by supply and demand, so we gotta work within those confines. That said, if you're willing to put in some time, effort, and money, you can probably (eventually) grow some decent medicine. Will you ever grow that ultra sticky purple haze with a slight taste of cherry? I two cents.

On a separate note, I'm curious if people know what the dispensaries pay from a vendor collective for Lbs. I've heard it range from 2800-3800 per lb, but saw some crazy prices up in the $4500 range. Is this legit?
I keep seeing this thread pop up...."so" I'm popping in to say once again---SHARE THE JOY. I give away my stuff to friends and family. Isn't that the way it's suppose to be? :peace:
should all meds be free then?? i mean if pot should be should oxy, vicadin, percoset all of that shit right??...people are in pain and need meds..all the shit should be free? :roll:
In my humble opinion, "that shit" should just all be banned. Dare I say ILLEGAL.......there is a strain out there for every ailment/pain/disease as far as I'm concerned. Those "legal" and outrageously priced meds will kill ya.
In my humble opinion, "that shit" should just all be banned. Dare I say ILLEGAL.......there is a strain out there for every ailment/pain/disease as far as I'm concerned. Those "legal" and outrageously priced meds will kill ya.

what's even crazier about it, is that those meds even the pharmaceutical companies are producing don't cost as much as they claim they do!

more people in this country need to learn chemistry, if people truly understood what it takes to make the drugs they consume like candy, they might think long and hard on whether or not they should take that crap....
what's even crazier about it, is that those meds even the pharmaceutical companies are producing don't cost as much as they claim they do!

more people in this country need to learn chemistry, if people truly understood what it takes to make the drugs they consume like candy, they might think long and hard on whether or not they should take that crap....
So true. If real facts were to arise regarding the mark-up on pharmaceuticals, many would be shocked.
I am prescribed one alone that costs almost 2 grand per month. Reason? The Israelis put a lot of "research" into it. I'm sure they did too...."however" I have a problem with the fact it only proves to possibly, note I said POSSIBLY help. That's a 17% possiblility.
Pretty damned expensive at that percentage.
Needless to say, I have opted to smoke weed. Scientists say it DEFINITELY works. 100 percent and au natural.
Why would any one wish to exhibit the same kind of greed when "dealing" with a plant?
There's joy in growing it, and there's joy in reaping the reward of your efforts....but the biggest joy is in SHARING it. :peace:

What's interesting on my end, Babs, is that I've got a few friends and family members that have refused to allow me to just give them any of my grow. (Barring my sons. Go figure! lol) They've further said to me, "I hope you don't plan on trying to sell me any at a 'friend/family discount' price. You're broke, and I won't take advantage of our relationship." Now, they know that whatever I yield that's more than I need before next the plant is ready to harvest, I plan on selling to a local dispensary, and putting that money toward the house bills to take a load off of my partner's shoulders. (I've got a friend whose got a family member that runs one, so I won't have to stand in line and all that jazz. :mrgreen:) But I've got four family members and five or six friends that really want any I can spare of my home grown. Even though I could really use the money they're insisting on paying me if I were to go that route instead of the dispensary, I've told them that I won't go above half the going rates for them; and if they want it, they'll just have to accept the "family/friend discount" from me. :lol: (Which is approximately what I'd most likely get from a dispensary, anyhow.) Honestly though, as broke as we currently truly are, I'd sell it to strangers for the full going rate or at the least only a "slight" discount. Fortunately for my conscience (lol), strangers are out.... no one gets my pot but me, dispensaries, and very close/trusted family/friends. It just wouldn't be worth the risk for not just me, but more so for my partner who is owned by the military; and I'd never do anything to risk him being court martialed, etc. So, I'm going to stick with the dispensary as much as possible; much less risk of trouble. Or so I've been told, and need to be corrected if I'm wrong about that. ;)

And that's my first ramble of the morning. :bigjoint:
Where I live, it isn't medical, there is competition, and not really everybody can afford to just grow it themselves. I don't see what is so unreasonable about paying 300-350 an oz.
I also love how you think just because the weed is expensive, everybody can just drop everything and move to a medical state. Last I checked, the cost of living in Cali is about 2-3 times more than it is where I live, so I guess I'm saving money living cheaper. It balances out the cost of my "expensive" bud.
And just my personal opinion, bud grown outdoors can be very good, but indoors is always superior. Basically I feel that this argument by poplars keeps reverting back to how cheap outdoor bud is to grow. Sure, this stuff should be a little cheaper as you didn't have to buy anything set-up wise except nutes, but it sounds like you don't understand that there is more that goes into indoor. Plus it never fails to get some good outdoors and theres a few gnats in it. I've never seen that in indoors. Frankly, indoor has more quality whether you're going to agree with me or not.
I do however think bud should be around 200-250, but shouldn't be free no matter how much you people think it should be. Yes, it grows out of the ground, but so does all the produce you buy. People still have to spend 3-4 months growing it, hours and hours harvesting and trimming, and a few weeks of drying and curing. Thats close to half a years worth of work for someone to be inconciderate and say its worth hardly anything. Like somebody said on here early, it should only be free if you grow it.
What's interesting on my end, Babs, is that I've got a few friends and family members that have refused to allow me to just give them any of my grow. (Barring my sons. Go figure! lol) They've further said to me, "I hope you don't plan on trying to sell me any at a 'friend/family discount' price. You're broke, and I won't take advantage of our relationship." Now, they know that whatever I yield that's more than I need before next the plant is ready to harvest, I plan on selling to a local dispensary, and putting that money toward the house bills to take a load off of my partner's shoulders. (I've got a friend whose got a family member that runs one, so I won't have to stand in line and all that jazz. :mrgreen:) But I've got four family members and five or six friends that really want any I can spare of my home grown. Even though I could really use the money they're insisting on paying me if I were to go that route instead of the dispensary, I've told them that I won't go above half the going rates for them; and if they want it, they'll just have to accept the "family/friend discount" from me. :lol: (Which is approximately what I'd most likely get from a dispensary, anyhow.) Honestly though, as broke as we currently truly are, I'd sell it to strangers for the full going rate or at the least only a "slight" discount. Fortunately for my conscience (lol), strangers are out.... no one gets my pot but me, dispensaries, and very close/trusted family/friends. It just wouldn't be worth the risk for not just me, but more so for my partner who is owned by the military; and I'd never do anything to risk him being court martialed, etc. So, I'm going to stick with the dispensary as much as possible; much less risk of trouble. Or so I've been told, and need to be corrected if I'm wrong about that. ;)

And that's my first ramble of the morning. :bigjoint:
Haha @ your ramble of the morning.. I'm queen of rambling. :mrgreen: Ramble away.
I don't think there is a SINGLE thing wrong with your receiving funds for your grow...even from family members. I think it's cool that you offer them the 'friend/family discount.'
I also think it's cool that they insist to pay. You are doing eachother a service...they want the smoke AND they want you to be compensated---nothing wrong with that. In fact, everything RIGHT about it.
My brother hadn't smoked in awhile and wanted some. I had very little left..very little as in right under an ounce. He knew that stuff was GOLD to me, LOL. I never asked or expected for a penny from him. He knew things were tight for me. He actually gave me MORE than it was even worth. We were both happy......and I say what goes around comes around. Soon he will be getting much more than what he paid for. bongsmilie
Would I feel the same way about a total stranger? Hardly. They'd be charged a nice little fee. I would by no means charge more than 200 oz...and yes, that would be for a primo strain. But do I really feel like "dealing" with the nonsense? Hell no. I'm content with my current situation.....not the money situation. Money is still tight.
Were there not so much drama entailed in making something for it, I'd do so. Alas, it's too much of a headache in my book.
Like you said, it's just not worth the risk. ;)
I don't see what is so unreasonable about paying 300-350 an oz.

I suppose there's nothing "so" unreasonable about paying that price...but I pity the idiot who pays that amount, LOL.

Seriously, I don't want to even figure out how much that would mean for me on any given month. Yikes.....find me a sugar daddy for this habit.

That's my point though.......I never want to associate myself with any "drug" where ANY greed at all exists.

This isn't cocaine. It isn't heroine.
It truly amazes me that people are so WILLING to fork out that kind of dough for weed.
If I EVER did..because I never have-----that bag had better damn well have a bunch of seeds from some very good strains included as a bonus. Otherwise, I don't care how damn good that bud can keep your bag and go on your happy way. I'm not paying it. :peace:
i think 200 is fair per ounce, especially in areas where it is illigal,
but idealy id like to see a ounce at 15 quid which it wud be if it was legal to grow..;-(

I also love how you think just because the weed is expensive, everybody can just drop everything and move to a medical state. Last I checked, the cost of living in Cali is about 2-3 times more than it is where I live, so I guess I'm saving money living cheaper. It balances out the cost of my "expensive" bud.
Exactly! I live in So. CA, and the cost of living is disgustingly horrendous! And although I'm sure there are some people who move to an MMJ state, I highly doubt it's done often. People have jobs, family, friends, homes, lives.... they're just supposed to pick up and leave it all so that they can grow "legally" (and I put that in quotes because, as we all know, many people that obtain MMJ status aren't ill in the least).

And just my personal opinion, bud grown outdoors can be very good, but indoors is always superior. Basically I feel that this argument by poplars keeps reverting back to how cheap outdoor bud is to grow. [....] Plus it never fails to get some good outdoors and theres a few gnats in it. I've never seen that in indoors. Frankly, indoor has more quality whether you're going to agree with me or not.
I couldn't agree more! :clap:

Yes, it grows out of the ground, but so does all the produce you buy. People still have to spend 3-4 months growing it, hours and hours harvesting and trimming, and a few weeks of drying and curing. Thats close to half a years worth of work for someone to be inconciderate and say its worth hardly anything. Like somebody said on here early, it should only be free if you grow it.

Even when growing it yourself, it's never free; for the reasons you listed: the cost of supplies, as well as the hours and hours (and months and months) of labor. But it's most definitely cheaper growing your own. I can't afford med-grade; hell, I can't even afford Mexi brick! So I started growing in order to continue managing chronic pain; without MMJ, there's a very high chance I'd have committed suicide a long time ago. (Not exaggerating nor trying to be melodramatic either! Just the facts, sir/ma'am!) More than half of the basic maintenance renders me immobile the rest of the day, and I've wondered a few times if this is worth it. But I've gotta choose the lesser of two evils.... go without my medicine because I can't afford it, or have "stuck in bed" days from growing it on my own? I'll take the latter any day! :hump:

Haha @ your ramble of the morning.. I'm queen of rambling. :mrgreen: Ramble away.
:clap: YAY, a fellow rambler! :lol:

I also think it's cool that they insist to pay. You are doing eachother a service...they want the smoke AND they want you to be compensated---nothing wrong with that. In fact, everything RIGHT about it.
My sons don't insist on paying; they just keep "hinting" (not so subtly either, lol) about free pot from Mom. They're 19 & 22, and IMNSHO they can support their own damn habits, just like the rest of us grown-ups! :blsmoke:

Were there not so much drama entailed in making something for it, I'd do so. Alas, it's too much of a headache in my book.
Like you said, it's just not worth the risk. ;)

Yep, yep, yep! :hump: I get enough migraines; I don't need to invite more. :mrgreen:

I suppose there's nothing "so" unreasonable about paying that price...but I pity the idiot who pays that amount, LOL.

Seriously, I don't want to even figure out how much that would mean for me on any given month. Yikes.....find me a sugar daddy for this habit.
This isn't cocaine. It isn't heroine.
It truly amazes me that people are so WILLING to fork out that kind of dough for weed.

I paid that, and most often more, for years. I always had the best of the best, and it cost a very pretty penny. However, since I'm a "light weight" one ounce would last me two months or more. But four years ago, finances decreased exponentially overnight, and that meant no more primo for me. :cry: And a sugar daddy was out of the question.... I just don't think my fiance would've have liked that. How unreasonable of him, dontcha think?! :lol:

In my humble opinion, "that shit" should just all be banned. Dare I say ILLEGAL.......there is a strain out there for every ailment/pain/disease as far as I'm concerned. Those "legal" and outrageously priced meds will kill ya.

Whoa there. Plenty of "that shit" has been looked at long and hard by a lot of very smart people, who agree that that shit is the best/only way to solve certain medical problems.

It doesn't help the MMJ movement any when potheads say things like "there's a strain out there for every disease". Pot is very good for a specific set of mental and physical health problems, and that's it. Lab-made serotonin reuptake drugs are better for certain other situations, and amphetamines are good in others. And all three belong in the doctor's arsenal.

We can't be pro-MMJ if we're anti-science or anti-medicine, can we?
Whoa there. Plenty of "that shit" has been looked at long and hard by a lot of very smart people, who agree that that shit is the best/only way to solve certain medical problems.

It doesn't help the MMJ movement any when potheads say things like "there's a strain out there for every disease". Pot is very good for a specific set of mental and physical health problems, and that's it. Lab-made serotonin reuptake drugs are better for certain other situations, and amphetamines are good in others. And all three belong in the doctor's arsenal.

We can't be pro-MMJ if we're anti-science or anti-medicine, can we?

we're not, but we recognize that pharmaceutical medicine causes 10x more damage to your body than cannabis can in an entire abusive lifestyle of use . . . .

cannabis is all natural, made from the earth. pharmaceutics use crude chemical reactions to create these chemical compounds that are supposedly the cure for your ailment . . .

though I've found that pharmaceutics rarely CURE anything . . . . they give you a new situation to deal with, new symptoms (side effects,)liver damage, brain damage, etc.

pharmaceutic companies don't give a fuck about your health. the entire basis of the pharmaceutical movement of non-natural drugs is primarily for MONEY.

trust pharmaceutics? enjoy your non-natural life and your non-natural death . . . . all for the packing of a pocket book of one man, and the suffering of an entire world of ignorant people.
Whoa there. Plenty of "that shit" has been looked at long and hard by a lot of very smart people, who agree that that shit is the best/only way to solve certain medical problems.

It doesn't help the MMJ movement any when potheads say things like "there's a strain out there for every disease". Pot is very good for a specific set of mental and physical health problems, and that's it. Lab-made serotonin reuptake drugs are better for certain other situations, and amphetamines are good in others. And all three belong in the doctor's arsenal.

We can't be pro-MMJ if we're anti-science or anti-medicine, can we?

First and foremost, I am not a pothead. When a person uses that term, I envision Cheech and Chong.

Apparently you are a firm believer in the pharmaceutical industry. You are entitled to that belief. Simply put...I'm not. And "I" am entitled to that belief--without being referred to as a pothead.

I don't doubt that there are medicines out there that are helpful in aiding many illnesses. Never did I deny that. At the same time, I DO feel that there is a strain out there for many, if not most, "ailments."

You mentioned serotonin're talking anti-depressants. Granted, it works for some. For many, it is a CHEMICAL that is DANGEROUS for them. Why do you suppose we continue to hear of people having the side-effect of suicide? NO ONE ever attempts suicide because of MJ use. In fact, there are MANY strains that are used quite successfully in treating depression......and minus the bogus side-effects.

You go on to mention amphetamines. I have to enlighten you here. I am prescribed BOTH "serotonin uptakers" AND amphetamines. I don't care to continue to take either one of them. Know that once I get my hands on the RIGHT strain.....these CHEMICALS are HISTORY.

There are in fact strains out there which help you to focus, have more energy. Speed is extremely dangerous. Amphetamines are being treated by the pharmaceutical industry as a level one drug........MJ has been placed on that same level. :roll: There is NO comparison.......NONE.

When you are prescribed amphetamines, know it's for life. Also know that your body will continuously build a tolerance........rendering you ADDICTED to that "drug." You must build up the mg. dosage in order to have the same affect. You place your health at risk for doing so. People who don't even have a history in their family of heart problems......have heart attacks and DIE. This is all from the LEGALIZED and "helpful" chemicals.

Point out one person who died from MJ use.

I am an advocate of MJ's medicinal use for NUMEROUS illnesses.

While you are referring to me as a "pot head"......realize I have a disease in which I have EVERY SINGLE symptom of any and all you have ever read or heard about. With each and every symptom I have endured/suffered, there IS a strain for relief from ALL of them.......yes, I said it. ALL OF THEM. Chemotherapy is offered to me by my doctor as treatment. I no longer see this doctor. MJ, SCIENTIFICALLY, has been proven to be my treatment time and time again.

2 grand a month goes towards one medication alone. This "medicine" has such a LOW chance of even helping me........WHEREAS MJ has been PROVEN to ward off progression/symptoms--(ALL SYMPTOMS). I could go on ad-nauseam here...know it. :wink: I prefer to not go on tangents regarding my personal situation...but if a point need be made, I'm more than capable of backing my claim.

I find this comical. Lab-made serotonin reuptake drugs are better for certain other situations, and amphetamines are good in others. And all three belong in the doctor's arsenal.
"The doctor's arsenal".......LOL. Doctors are NOT experts on pharmaceuticals BY ANY MEANS. I have quite a few doctors as family members. I can educate them on more medications than they can me. :wink: Doctors know a little about a lot. They don't know a lot about everything. These drugs are marketed to them...they have to prescribe "something." Otherwise, they aren't doing their job. Doctors don't research on any extensive level a single thing about these CHEMICALS.
And arsenal was a very interesting word you chose to use. Most pharmaceuticals are just that......a weapon, not a cure....and certainly not worthy in most cases to even exist as a treatment. Just look to the Abilify commercial to serve as just one example. When that one "uptaker" does not work alone........use Abilify in conjunction. This is all for the purpose of pulling you out from the depths of hell, aka depression. Pay attention to the side-effects. :wink: For that matter, note how many are dying because of the combined and "prescribed" use. It's not only the actors/actresses in Hollywood you read about.
Oh......and that medicine that has a cost of 2 grand---I opted to take that one because the other two DEFINITELY WILL make you SUICIDAL........but the "others" up your percentage of getting better by an ENTIRE 3-10%. Let's chalk one up for the pharmaceutical industry. :roll:

What "specific" medical problems have you warranted appropriate for MJ use?

I assure you that my list is bigger than yours.:wink: My list will also have more scientific value than what you proclaim to be worthy regarding MJ medicinal use.

In short, speed and anti-depressants are not to be taken lightly. Once you start loading your body up with CHEMICALS, a change takes place. That's wonderful if it works for you and others, but I opt for what is NATURAL.....and proven. And ALL minus the insane side-effects. The more "chemicals" you allow to float through your body, the more at risk you are for the impending dangerous side-effects.

Again, there IS a strain out there for ALL diseases. Did I say it was a cure?

If because I smoke you think me a "pothead" be it. However, be careful when demeaning who I am. You simply have no idea how asinine a remark that was. Know who you are typing to before you insult me. I am not some little teenager hiding in my smoke-filled room....passing the bong saying "Dude, fill it up again."
It doesn't "help" the MMJ movement when you are running around referring to people who NEED to use it as potheads.

To you me mine.
we're not, but we recognize that pharmaceutical medicine causes 10x more damage to your body than cannabis can in an entire abusive lifestyle of use . . . .

cannabis is all natural, made from the earth. pharmaceutics use crude chemical reactions to create these chemical compounds that are supposedly the cure for your ailment . . .

though I've found that pharmaceutics rarely CURE anything . . . . they give you a new situation to deal with, new symptoms (side effects,)liver damage, brain damage, etc.

pharmaceutic companies don't give a fuck about your health. the entire basis of the pharmaceutical movement of non-natural drugs is primarily for MONEY.

trust pharmaceutics? enjoy your non-natural life and your non-natural death . . . . all for the packing of a pocket book of one man, and the suffering of an entire world of ignorant people.
Thank you.....and every single "damage" you listed is what is offered me via the pharmaceutical industry. I have every right to say SCREW EM. It's an evil industry and I have every damn right to say that. I have every right to refer to it as "that shit"---someone apparently was offended by that...
2 grand a month (because so many intelligent people studied and put forth this "wonder" drug)----that gives me bullshit side-effects and clearly states that it MIGHT......."might" 7%--MIGHT HELP ME.
FK the pharmaceutical industry...f-k them.
Thank you.....and every single "damage" you listed is what is offered me via the pharmaceutical industry. I have every right to say SCREW EM. It's an evil industry and I have every damn right to say that. I have every right to refer to it as "that shit"---someone apparently was offended by that...
2 grand a month (because so many intelligent people studied and put forth this "wonder" drug)----that gives me bullshit side-effects and clearly states that it MIGHT......."might" 7%--MIGHT HELP ME.
FK the pharmaceutical industry...f-k them.

straight up.

and you know, I've found medical research that states that cannabis works with every major messenger system in the brain.

therefore, it's better qualified to treat many illnesses and/or ailments because of this 'universal' effect on a wide variety of medical conditions.

but yeah, it's been proven to me, now I'm simply proving it to everyone else ;).
wer im from
$10/20 a joint. smaller den a cig. evn smaller if its chronic or tastes real good
$100 for a bag that is 3gramz for good homegrown, pretty much any homegrown (outdoors)
and for $50 is pretty much half of a $100 bag.
$500-650 and maybe evn 1g for chronic and i THINK its 16gramz.
its fucKn cKrazy here. i miss cKali. :(