Hey we all know 90% of the population is stuck on Dumb. Left, right, center included. And it is easy to make everyone sound dumber by editing out all of the good answers.
Exactly. Besides, even if you were intellectual, being intellectual and being able to think and respond in real time are completely different things.
Intellect is a resource, but being able to think and respond in real time is a developed social skill.
Applying this skill to a question that requires facts and only facts to sound credible, is much more difficult.
On top of that, politics is a dry subject for most, hence why the average American doesn't read HR 3200. Hence the stupid answers at the Tea Party. The average American doesn't have time to waste obsessing over politics which is ultimately not in our control. We elect politicians, we don't create legislation. To get too wrapped up in this mess would be a form of suffering.
Anyways, the average American listens to the news and form value based opinions on that news.
Fortunately there is one network that does cover important news.
Is Beck big on speculation? Yes, but he has so much evidence supporting his speculation that it gives the viewers the opportunity to make up their own minds, not just be spoon fed the good information and not the bad.
By evidence I don't mean Beck rambling or making graphs on his blackboard, (remember those are the conspiracies that develop out of the current news) I mean the videos, sound bites, documents, etc. he provides to support speculation.
He could be wrong. But guess what, he doesn't care. He just wants to find out if he's wrong or right. Sooner rather than later. Right now he doesn't know. Which mean the American people certainly don't know. What, you think they are going to get the real news by watching the president answer questions about the White Sox on leftist media channels?
Leftmedia asks the questions Obama wants to be asked.
Fox asks the questions that need to be asked.
Only difference? Obama doesn't want to answer the questions American's need the answers to. He answers the questions that make him look like he is doing good.
Obama's response to the interviewer on ABC about ACORN was despicable.
He didn't know they were receiving federal money? BULLSHIT. Absolute bullshit.
How long has Obama worked with ACORN (in various forms)? Oh, about the last fifteen years. Yeah, but he doesn't know anything about them.