DP blueberry, sensi Black Domina, ww, nl, bubblegum, paradise sensi star grow


Well-Known Member
Update photos because its been a while, sorry i haven't document much but there hasn't been a lot going on.:mrgreen:

In the first picture the red area is sensi star the blue area is black domina and the green area is jack flash.

In the second picture from the top down white widow x 10 northern lights x 10 bubblegumx 10 big bag x 5 feminized.

Third picture are the feminized blueberries. A little bit of burn from going a little high with the nutrients too early but has got back on course with just ph'd water feeds.




Look great! After looking at your RW, i'm definitely worrying too much about watering mine, should cut down...


Well-Known Member
I got a little lazy with them and didn't give them enough nutes so i got a little deficiency so i've hit them all with around 1.4 ec, my ph meter is giving me grief so i've just ordered some ph buffer solution.

Because of the light situation and the backup for the grow space in the basement the plants up till now have been a little crowded and it has forced them to stretch a little. Hopefully now that they have a light to sit under and more root space and grow space they can start to move on a little.



Well-Known Member
Nice...I'll be growing DP's blueberry and ww soon too(just w8ing for the seeds to arrive)...So I'll be interested to see how yours turn out....How long u plannin on veggin them?


Well-Known Member
the blueberry have already had about 3 weeksish, they are the bigger 5 right at the top, they were feminized seeds. I'll probably veg them for another week maybe 2 then consider flowering them.


Well-Known Member
Heres how they are doing today and x amount of days veg.

I'm feeding them 5.8 ph 1.4ec nutrient solution, I'm only using ionic grow up till this point.

The ones highlighted with blue are blueberry.
The ones highlighted with orange are northern lights
The ones highlighted in red are Black domina.
The ones highlighted in purple are sensi star
The ones highlighted in green are bubblegum
The ones highlighted in grey are white widow
and yellow is the big bang.



Well-Known Member
You must spend a fortune in RW...

Nice shot...that looks like much more
than your last. Have you grown this
much before?


Well-Known Member
Its about 20 seeds less than i started last time.

I don't spend that much on rockwool to be honest, its the only medium i buy and it cost around $2.50 for each plant for enough from start to finish. I do actually buy it bulk in the box. I'm paying roughly 30 cents for a 4" cube and then the slabs are about 6 bucks each but i get 4 plants per slab:D


Well-Known Member
Just to let you know everything is still going well, i've just been a little busy recently. Today i put the hard work in and gave the plants all the room they need for now. This is the plants 1 week later than the previous shot above.



Well-Known Member
that black domina looks really nice. what's she smell like? it's on my list of strains that i really want to try.


Well-Known Member
It smells amazing, this one stood out from amongst the rest in the way it grows and the way it smells which is why i think i've got this particular pheono with this plant, I'm hoping so anyway. I'm thinking I might take some clones from it.