Arresting fat kids parents

Should fat kids be taken away from there parents

  • It's wrong

    Votes: 51 71.8%
  • It's right

    Votes: 20 28.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Should teens who smoke be taken from they're parents... or how about parents who let there 7 year old drive quads or snow-mobiles. All these are stupid questions based on ignorance... just like the topic here.
and if a parent gives cigareetes to their kid they can be charged wit neglect and loose their kids..
Obese shouldn't be 30 lbs overweight they need to use a new chart BMI wasn't even invented for the reason we use it for. michael jordan at the height of his career was obese by bmi standards it doesn't even factor in muscle and fat percentages. However, if you are 13 and 400lbs which is more common than ever you are a fat ass or have a medical condition either way it needs to be solved. Also if healthcare was universal and people could afford nutritional counseling for them and their children this would be a non-issue imo. I re make the point that you don't need a chart to see these kids are at risk. Also we need to understand breaking up the family is a LAST RESORT. anyway still a great thread:peace:


Well-Known Member
Obese shouldn't be 30 lbs overweight they need to use a new chart BMI wasn't even invented for the reason we use it for. michael jordan at the height of his career was obese by bmi standards it doesn't even factor in muscle and fat percentages. However, if you are 13 and 400lbs which is more common than ever you are a fat ass or have a medical condition either way it needs to be solved. Also if healthcare was universal and people could afford nutritional counseling for them and their children this would be a non-issue imo. I re make the point that you don't need a chart to see these kids are at risk. Also we need to understand breaking up the family is a LAST RESORT. anyway still a great thread:peace:

I couldn't agree more with every single statement you just made.

Taking a child away from the family is always a last resort, except in cases of severe abuse or neglect - where it ought to be the very first thing that happens (but sadly, isn't always - and kids die because of that).

People assume that all parents are caring, nurturing, people who just want the best for their kids. This couldn't be further from the truth.

I think you ought to be required to pass some sort of test before you're allowed to reproduce. If you fuck up, you lose your license. Kind of like driving.


Well-Known Member
........... Also show me in the constitution where it says you have the right to abuse a child by way of mouth..........

“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”

Your not really a libertarian when you believe the state has the right to take a child away from its parents. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your child's life than you have. [/FONT]You cannot fix all the injustice in the world, trying only makes it worse.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
“ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ”

Your not really a libertarian when you believe the state has the right to take a child away from its parents. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To deny this is to imply that another person has a higher claim on your child's life than you have. [/FONT]You cannot fix all the injustice in the world, trying only makes it worse.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
WTF freedom of speech equates freedom to feed your kids copious amounts of high fructose corn syrup, nitrates, and triglycerides. Guess what I am a libertarian and if it were up to me you could feed your kid whatever but i wouldn't be paying for your abuse through my hard earned tax dollars. Buyer beware, and if you choose to abuse your kids with shit food I hope you have deep pockets for angioplasty. to clarify i meant abuse them through their mouth and food not verbal abuse which is still not ok in my book.


Well-Known Member
I want to put fat people into the FEMA camps.

I mean they could live a long time without food in those camps, we could just give them water and maybe vitamins.


Well-Known Member
to clarify i meant abuse them through their mouth and food not verbal abuse which is still not ok in my book.

So then if the child is "Property" until it is of 18 years of age, to whom does the property belong to? Ever heard of property rights? If your a libertarian then that should be a basic tenant.

FWIW I do not advocate fattening kids up, but then again they aren't my kids and I have no business in their affairs.

jeff f

New Member
while everyone is focusing on whether or not the law should be, you are missing the real victim. YOU! somepeople have fat kids. some people have skinny kids ie the next victim. your kid is too skinny he is unhealthy, you must hand over your child to the govt. the next victim will be you because if the fat kids gotta go, the skinny kids gotta go.and so on.... and parents need to go to jail. PEOPLE PLEASE...WAKE THE FUCK UP. THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE. ITS TYRANNY. PLEASE DONT LET IS HAPPEN. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS BULL SHIT! YOU YES YOU ARE THE NEXT VICTIM OR PERPETRATOR for god sakes man follow this logic through to its lgical conclusion. its pure tyranny. may God have mercy on our souls........whewws. thanks for listening to my rant ;-) you want to rip the family apart to separate them and give them a better life. do you know that this is exactly how the stalinist and communist broke up control them. folks, this has all been done before....VERY RECENTLY....please be very careful which side of freedom your on. God bless you.


jeff f

New Member
no drama i see you are using a real beaut of mine. i was nearly pissing myself when i wrote it. cool i have a million of em. ;-)


New Member
Yes, and there is a nice old lady who lives in the woods who has a very large oven, big enough for 2. Ask Hansel.
Yes exactly. The butter makes them tender and taste better. It also helps slide them into the oven. I can't tell you how many kids I got stuck in the oven door before I learned that trick.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The state does think it owns your kids.In court yesterday, I was basically told that I have to place my child into a dangerous situation because the court ordered visitation,or go to jail.My child doesn't want to go,of her own volition,to her fathers, and the judge said 12 year olds don't get to decide,that I should force her to go.Even though her father endangered her welfare.I asked, "If he were molesting her,but it wasn't the kind of molestation which produced physical evidence, would they still try to force her to go?" And was told yes.Fuck the courts.Fuck CPS.

As for parents of fat kids,let me tell you,there is no one way to raise a child.You must provide for their needs,and give them love.You can teach them anything you like;they're YOUR children. Parents nowadays are afraid to discipline their children,because there is the ever present threat of social services getting involved.Children nowadays are fatter for a variety of reasons, but chief among them,and 90 percent of the problem,IMO,is high fructose corn syrup being an ingredient in nearly all of our food.

dimension 2350

New Member
The state does think it owns your kids.In court yesterday, I was basically told that I have to place my child into a dangerous situation because the court ordered visitation,or go to jail.My child doesn't want to go,of her own volition,to her fathers, and the judge said 12 year olds don't get to decide,that I should force her to go.Even though her father endangered her welfare.I asked, "If he were molesting her,but it wasn't the kind of molestation which produced physical evidence, would they still try to force her to go?" And was told yes.Fuck the courts.Fuck CPS.

As for parents of fat kids,let me tell you,there is no one way to raise a child.You must provide for their needs,and give them love.You can teach them anything you like;they're YOUR children. Parents nowadays are afraid to discipline their children,because there is the ever present threat of social services getting involved.Children nowadays are fatter for a variety of reasons, but chief among them,and 90 percent of the problem,IMO,is high fructose corn syrup being an ingredient in nearly all of our food.
I think they should let us smack the hell out of our kids. What I don't get is that dr phil for example says he got smacked when he was a kid. He said it's bad yet look at him he's a succesful person making millions a year.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't condone beating them,but a spanking is what a lot of these fucking kids could use.I got spanked as a kid.I'm not all fucked up about it.It wasn't done to excess,I deserved it when I got it, and,being a fairly intelligent child, I realized if I behaved I wouldn't get them.So I didn't get many.SOme things you can talk out with your kids.But some things need to be dealt with in a manner they'll remember.An example?A toddler gets under your sink and grabs a bottle of bleach when your back is turned.You cannot reason with a young toddler.Playing with chemicals is life threatening.A swat on the butt and a firm "No!" conveys the message that this is serious and will not be tolerated.The child thinks twice about messing with the life threatening chemicals.As they get older,you should be able to try reasoning with them first, time outs, etc.My 12 year old's last spanking was about a year ago,I think.Because she had stolen something from another student and also brought a steak knife in her bag to school.
Since these are my children, I'll discipline them as I see fit.And as long as I'm not doing actual harm,I think folks should butt out.:peace:
I think they should let us smack the hell out of our kids. What I don't get is that dr phil for example says he got smacked when he was a kid. He said it's bad yet look at him he's a succesful person making millions a year.

dimension 2350

New Member
I don't condone beating them,but a spanking is what a lot of these fucking kids could use.I got spanked as a kid.I'm not all fucked up about it.It wasn't done to excess,I deserved it when I got it, and,being a fairly intelligent child, I realized if I behaved I wouldn't get them.So I didn't get many.SOme things you can talk out with your kids.But some things need to be dealt with in a manner they'll remember.An example?A toddler gets under your sink and grabs a bottle of bleach when your back is turned.You cannot reason with a young toddler.Playing with chemicals is life threatening.A swat on the butt and a firm "No!" conveys the message that this is serious and will not be tolerated.The child thinks twice about messing with the life threatening chemicals.As they get older,you should be able to try reasoning with them first, time outs, etc.My 12 year old's last spanking was about a year ago,I think.Because she had stolen something from another student and also brought a steak knife in her bag to school.
Since these are my children, I'll discipline them as I see fit.And as long as I'm not doing actual harm,I think folks should butt out.:peace:
i fell the same
i fell the same
I agree sometimes kids need a shocker a spanking. This isn't about liberty and it isn't about breaking up families and stalinism. This is about me breaking my back to pay for some type 2 diabetic to raise more type 2 diabetics that will have medical problems I have to pay for pure and simple stone cold economics. When I am paying for it it is my fucking business. how people discapline or talk to their kids is none of my concern. However poisoning your kids a making tons of worthless morbidly obese wastes of space is my concern. Yes HFCs are in a lot of things, but thats why you have to get off your ass and read the label before you give it to your child. beesides what happened to water? water has no HFCs they don't need more than a cup or 2 of juice a day. vegetables don't have HFCs chicken and so on. It's a choice parents make to say fuck it I need to make this meal fast.


New Member
The key to spanking is it has to be done early.

Now I was pretty advanced as a small child. I always wanted to broaden my horizons.

I can still remember taking off from my Mom and crossing the street by myself. On that occasion my mom was very correct to give me two quick and firm spanks on my arse after she got a hold of me.
I'll never forget it..... I was 3 weeks old, but it feels like yesterday. I still can't cross the street without calling my Mom on the phone and asking if it's all right. I don't know what I'll do when she passes into oblivion.