While doing time, a Guard "ordered" me to "shut the Gate" which I was the last in line, and to open the Gate, the Fat Bitch just had to push a button. But to "Shut the Gate, He had to get up off His Fat Ass, & physically pull the gate to. But, being last is line, He "ordered" Me to shut the gate. I'm on my way to the Law Library, visions of Ruiz VS Bla, Bla, dancing through my head.
Believing the shit I've read, I tell the Fat Bitch to close the Gate Himself, & that I have no authority, and can be convicted for attempted escape for doing such. We go through the same shit, "Are You refusing an order?" In Texas Prison, you don't do that shit. To break the ice, I said, Hell Yeah.
The charges started, Disiplinary Court, I'm on the shit list... defying orders. I done my legal reshearch, make notes...... Waiting for Court, you have to stand against the wall for up to 8 hours. Later, I layed in the hall way, but I was scared, stupid paper against the brutal abuses doled out on a daily basis. The Test, is all of this BS or what? All this Legal shit. I have not a clue. During this Hearing/Court, You must keep your hands below your waistline, or, it's a physical attack. They push & shove You, trying to get the chance to fold you up like a suitcase, & claim that you was attacking. Anyway, charges was read, "Refussing to obey orders". I laid out stupid words on a stupid piece of paper, saying I was not authorized..
It was then that I noticed that the stupid words on a stupid peice of paper had the effect of throwing Holy Water on some Monster. The Disciplinary Capt. stated once again, "I will follow orders". I pointed to the paper shit & stated that, according to this, I do not have to. From where I grew up, A Man does not kneel before a sentence... but they did. From then, "It was On!!"
Point is, this busted shit isn't shit, it's fore-play. Have a little faith is the Constitution, etc. I'm betting 8 years on it, and I'm not worried. The Show hasn't even started. Order a BIG pizza for me, and "Let's Dance!!!" Yes?