PC/Cabinet Grow cfls(1ST grow)


Well-Known Member
Well i figured i should start a grow journal, cause im a couple steps into the process with plants already sprouted. Ive been taking all of this great information in and applying it as i go. So my set up has 2 bright white lights and another not as bright cfl one for flowering which i was informed was ok to mix lights. I took off the foil from the side of the case from me reading about hot spots and such so here is some pics the beginning to now and i know my setup isnt ideal but its working so far. Any ideas/help would be appreciated, i know it may be to soon but i was wondering when is a good idea to start adding the nutrients
Light schedule: 18/6
soil: Ocean Farm



Well-Known Member
are u running fox farm nutes as well ?
well a friend of mine gave me some of the nutrients he was using which are just generic from the local hardware store but i still have time to go out and get the fox farm ones if that would be a better option ?


Active Member
not sure to be honest never tried foxfarm i use botanicare pure blend pro i was just curious


Active Member
you should bury them up so thier is a 1/2 to 1 inch of stem sticking out of the soil below your first set of leaves other than that they look alright .


Active Member
dont wait to long to seperate the ones in the same pot or youll have a tangled mess on your hands


Well-Known Member
dont wait to long to seperate the ones in the same pot or youll have a tangled mess on your hands
Thats where im kind of stuck on is how big should the pots be if im just doing a small grow like this and whats the best way to move the plants without any damage?


Active Member
The pots your using are good but just use one each i would also recommend you get a screen of some kind and do a scrog style grow. Moving those plants will be difficult i would just scoop them out gently with my hands and have another pot ready to put them in.


Well-Known Member
So new question i was trying to move my third plant (the one by itself in a pot) to the center of the pot but i heard a small rip and woudlnt you know it i ripped the roots the tips of the leaves went brown within a hour so i guess im gonna see how it does


Well-Known Member
ouch i hate when i kill a plant is the plate for the mother board still in your case ?
i gutted the whole thing the only thing left in it is the holders for the floppy and cd drive so i could clamp the lights off of that


Well-Known Member
alright so update and some changes:

I tried centering my lone plant and i accidentally ripped the roots as said above so i moved it today and it already had signs of new roots growing put it in a smaller half water bottle for space reasons so i could put new soil where it was and transplant one of my other plants from the pot with two to this new empty one so i have some new pics and i was surprised how huge the roots were on my two healthy plants :D and then grabbed a picture of the new sprout that came out of no where lol any comments or suggestions?



Well-Known Member
Thats my next step to go out and buy a small fan but for right now for maybe 2 hours a night i open up the cabinet and have a big fan blow in


Well-Known Member
Now my question is on one of my plants the starter leaves are curled down but the rest of the plant seems fine any ideas or concerns i should have?