I Once.

I once smoked weed with a retired Sheriff. He was my grandpa's best friend and he told me when we were smoking that he use to take kid's weed he pulled over and let them go.
folded it right in half. :-?

i once.....
same here. went to jump on my old lady @ the time for a bit of intimate play and she moved. SMACK!! my genitals shafted straiget into the mattress and GANK it bent in half. I didnt get no lump but it hurt every time i got wood for a month.
true painfull story.:spew:
Ya, no joke.
I was drunk off my ass and when I woke up the next day it was 3 x the size and black. I pissed blood for 3 days. I still got my rocks off, it hurt like a bitch but you now...
Ya, no joke.
I was drunk off my ass and when I woke up the next day it was 3 x the size and black. I pissed blood for 3 days. I still got my rocks off, it hurt like a bitch but you now...

that didnt make much sense......
i once....
thought a thread was pretty interesting till it lasted till 3:30am where i lived and turned into a thread about some big sausage breaking party.
Ya, I once... and some fucked up shit that you did or something that happened to you. I don't about you but that is fucked up shit...
So what didn't make sence????

The fact that I was drunk or the fact that she missed and broke my dick:cuss:
i once ate dried cherries and poured them out on a magazine and fell asleep....
i once broke up a some tree on the same magazine in the middle of the night with the lights off and in inadvertently packed a small piece of dried cherry into the bowl. i smoked that bowl for 15 mins before i realized that the sweet smoke i was inhaling was indeed a cherried cherry:joint: