To my fellow spiritualists: Energy Shift?


Elite Rolling Society
I promise and swear on all sacred, on my word, that this is the truth. I changed her name to a fake name.

7 years ago, my oldest son, 33 year old Matt, moved in with me. He was divorcing his 39 year old wife, Mary, and they separated. They had been married 6 years. He was upset because she used meth daily to keep her young figure, she said, and she refused to stop it. She had it under control, in a way, but still refused to stop. He also wanted a child, and she could not get pregnant. She told him when they got married that she could not get pregnant and they had frequent sex for 6 years and she never got pregnant. He begged her to adopt or just take in a foster child, and she refused. He also begged her to attend church with him, a UNIVERSALIST CHURCH that he attended and loved and she hated. She "didn't need no religion" she told him. So he left her, filed for divorce, and she moved away to Florida, to her parent's home, where they had met. That was in March, 2002.

That summer, in July, he began reading my books. (I have a library of books on Esoteric beliefs, esoteric religion, Gnostic Religion and parapsychology.)
He read two of my books, POSITIVE THINKING and POSITIVE IMAGING by Norman Vincent Peale. He found them very fascinating and very interesting. After he read them both, he asked me if I really believed in it. Of course, I told him YES. He then told me that he missed her very much, that he still loved her and wished they could have agreed to adopt a child and work it out. But it was hopeless, he said.
I argued NO, NOTHING IS HOPELESS IF YOU CAN THINK POSTITVE AND BELIEVE IT. The trick is you have to believe it, have faith and think positive.

So we discussed it at length and I asked him how bad did he want it. He said more than anything. He said he did not know if he believed in the books, but he believed in his dad and he believed that "FAITH AND HOPE IN GOD" could produce a miracle.

So I told him, (to demonstrate my faith and belief) that I would teach him how to make it happen, if he would agree to do whatever I told him to do. He agreed. He promised. I got a small pad of Yellow Postums, (also called Stickums) and I wrote on one of them
and on a 2nd one
and on a 3rd

And I stuck them on the bathroom mirror that we shared. He said DAD, WE DON'T WANT ANYONE TO SEE THAT, DO WE?
So I agreed he was right and I removed them, and I changed it to initials, or abbreviations that read
MWAC and that only us two would understand what they meant if a visitor saw them.
We agreed to every time we brushed our teeth or stood in front of the mirror to read them over and over out loud. I explained to him the power of the spoken word, and saying it was better than reading or thinking it.
He promised to do it often everyday and I did too.
I also got two spiral notebooks, the large ones, one for each of us.
Every evening, as we watched TV together, we would sit with our notebooks and write repeatedly, over and over again, at least 100 times daily, MWQD, MWHC, MWAC over and over again, filling up 4 pages daily was out goal.
He wrote it much more than I did, more often too, and we both did it for July, August, and September everyday, every evening. Never did we waiver. In the bathroom, we both repeated it out loud several times. He started a 2nd pad and got half way through it. I did fill up my notebook too.

In October, after not hearing from her for 4 months, after the divorce was final, after they had both dated others, she phoned him on a Thursday evening. She said a major storm was coming to Orlando and that the entire city was being evacuated. She said she had no money and no job and no where to go. She told him to ask his dad if she could come spend the weekend at my house, to stay on the sofa, just for the weekend. (I had no spare bed room, other than Matt's room)
He told her that he just got a new fishing boat and a new tent, and was taking it camping over the weekend at a large major lake. And he invited her to go with him camping, and she agreed to meet him at the lake.
Well, they went to the lake, they had sex in the tent only once, he said, they argued and fought most of the time, and after two days, he came home and she went back to Florida. 6 weeks later, in mid November, at the age of 40, she phoned him and said GUESS WHAT? I AM PREGNANT!
She agreed to quit the dope, and she did, she agreed to attend church and they did. She agreed to keep the child and not terminate the pregnancy. They remarried and have a 6 year old son now, named Aaron.

I could give you two more examples of this, but I am tired of typing.
I won't debate or argue it, that is just not me.



Elite Rolling Society
I DO NOT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND HOW ANYONE COULD DISPUTE THAT AS FACT OR ARGUE IT..............unless they just love to argue for the sake of arguing.
That made PERFECT sense!!! But, you do realize that endless will, in fact, argue the most simple analogy you put forth? Yikes, people like this will drive one crazy.

"Life is as good as you and others around you ALLOW it to be." I wholeheartedly believe that. Negativity is worse than disease. I wouldn't doubt if science proves one day it is in fact a cause or precursor to disease. That is, if they haven't already.

I could use my own examples to further exemplify the one you used Rose, but that would only be putting myself out there for the attack by those who do live to argue.

But, yea...I get it. We're on the same spectrum.
Shine on brother!!! ;-)

I've added several mean members to my IGNORE list, to avoid those types. The ones that visit the Religion or spiritualty thread, or any thread, just to bash, argue, attack, and be mean. You know the types, that have no threads of their own to visit and agree on, so they invade the good folk's threads to attack them. I can't say I understand their miserble existance. but you know the type. You see someone start a thread that says I LOVE CFLS and the mean people invade, attack, hi-jack to argue and call them idiots for liking CFLS. I'd never be so mean and rude as to visit a I AM AN ATHIEST Thread, and attck them or try to argue or convert them.
Wonder why mean people do that? Enjoy being mean?


Well-Known Member
:peace:Hey Rose, there's no need for any one to accuse you of lying OR to make it an argument. What is just IS. There's absolutely nothing outrageous with what your intent was. Your goal was wishing your son true happiness. All parents should fill up so many nb's and spread feelings of positivity. Unfortunately, they don't all expend energies with the positive and instead focus it on the negative.

The power of believing is a MIRACULOUS event that takes place in many peoples lives daily. So what if they can't "prove" it. We're not living to make ourselves a scientific project to be used as an experiment. We are people....knowing, sharing and living in a realm of enlightenment. Where it comes from is GOOD. I call it God....some call it something else.
Regardless, it's all good.
There are people all over the world practicing that same kind of thought and proving it to work. Somehow, I don't think it would work quite as well if it was done for the sole purpose of attempting to prove to an unbeliever or one who is stuck on negative thinking.
I keep having atheists tell me to PROVE this, prove that. The truth is, I can't prove most of it.
The truth is I have no need to prove God or the power of positive thinking, prayer, etc.
I have LITERALLY had miracles in my life that science could NEVER fathom.
I don't even see a need to present the facts to most. I was there. I felt it, I saw it and I experienced the outcome.....good enough for me. :peace:


Active Member
I've added several mean members to my IGNORE list, to avoid those types. The ones that visit the Religion or spiritualty thread, or any thread, just to bash, argue, attack, and be mean. You know the types, that have no threads of their own to visit and agree on, so they invade the good folk's threads to attack them. I can't say I understand their miserble existance. but you know the type. You see someone start a thread that says I LOVE CFLS and the mean people invade, attack, hi-jack to argue and call them idiots for liking CFLS. I'd never be so mean and rude as to visit a I AM AN ATHIEST Thread, and attck them or try to argue or convert them.
Wonder why mean people do that? Enjoy being mean?

Great story roseman. That's inspirational stuff. i think im going to try that writing on the mirror thing to see if i can get some results.

As for the mean people, all their outter hatred that is on the forum comes from hating themselves on the inside. Talking trash or hijacking threads probably makes them feel better about themselves. They enjoy being mean to receive a more accepting feeling of themselves.

I love to still be nice to these people to see their reaction. Often when they curse or say some mean shit and expect something similar back from me, i dont give it to them to see how they react. Usually they'll just start ignoring me and stop talking. I believe this is because they see no reason of letting off steam to someone they cant get the reaction they want from. IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I'm about to put some of them on a mental ignore myself. In even speaking to them, they are nothing more than a negative drain on me and that IS their goal.
I've been a member for several months now and it wasn't until recently that I was foolish enough to drop by a spiritual thread. I've even seen the ones who start the thread REQUEST that atheists NOT comment, but wouldn't you know they are the MAJORITY who do?
They obviously are miserable people seeking to suck the life out of any positive thinking soul they can.
I'm betting that the very same you already have on ignore are the ones I SHOULD have on ignore.
I confess though.....I did recently visit an Atheist thread, I and only a couple of other "believers" visited it. I'm SURE they were hoping many more would. I understand that mentality. When one has an incessant need to downplay your intellect because of your innocent beliefs, they are so obviously in need of defining themselves as bigger than you. It's all ridiculous.
Wouldn't you know that I had become the topic of that thread at one atheist thread used to point out how intelligent they are by using me as an example.
Oh well......I'm done with it. I can now balance it by either laughing or just plain feeling sorry for them. And I really don't say that to diminish them as human beings. It just really is sad.
As for the CFL's......yea, I've seen it a million times. Naysayers dropping in and saying basically, 'you're an idiot if you think you're going to get decent bud that way."
HAHAHA.....I've been growing my own for the past year now THANKS TO YOUR HELP BTW.
God, I know I was a pain in the ass with my questions!!! You really ARE a patient man, LOL.
In closing, I know why people enjoy being mean. It's either all they know or what they do to make themselves look bigger or to feel more important.
If you could just MAKE them see how foolish it is to make your life all about disproving something so innocent and real.....I take that back. Why would any one wish to MAKE someone feel good? It's something you have to desire. That's just step one.
And, if you can't even get to step one, forget about the rest.


Well-Known Member
Great story roseman. That's inspirational stuff. i think im going to try that writing on the mirror thing to see if i can get some results.

As for the mean people, all their outter hatred that is on the forum comes from hating themselves on the inside. Talking trash or hijacking threads probably makes them feel better about themselves. They enjoy being mean to receive a more accepting feeling of themselves.

I love to still be nice to these people to see their reaction. Often when they curse or say some mean shit and expect something similar back from me, i dont give it to them to see how they react. Usually they'll just start ignoring me and stop talking. I believe this is because they see no reason of letting off steam to someone they cant get the reaction they want from. IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE :eyesmoke:
It makes perfect Sense to Me, and it was My sentiments as Well..., I would never try to attack or, berate them or, any person when they questioned what I was trying to explain or, what my belief was..., When I continued to discuss it patiently and put forth much Effort to show reasonable and logic behind what I was saying.., the conversations would just End or never begin..., They would just move on, and begin to Harp on the Next person, who they deemed to be more illogical and unreasonable, because, Yes.. it suited what they where longing For... The only thing about me unlike Rose, or any other individual who have a particular set of Morality conduct, I don't mind dispersing the flames of Hate with Ether... I only care to embrace everybody.., However, Some people can only Identify with Tough Love..., But people Like you, Rose, and others inspire me to put that energy back into something positive..., something I keep overlooking.., That is putting it back into what is Positive, and soon it's Polaring effects will be to great and overwhelming to be denied..,

Although some say you can never Love Too Much, I disagree.., If you have Too Much Love, then you most indeed need to Share.. So, Love, Draws Love and their is No need to do any More, but to be Neutral...

All of you have said some very inspirational stuff, and if I can't Rep You, Well, I hope you understand..



Elite Rolling Society
So true!
20 years ago, I made me a sign, hangs on my living room wall, from the Beatles and it says


It is so true,
it is reap what you sew,
it is Karma,
it is what goes around, comes around,
it is further on up the road.
We make our tomorrows, today, and the love we will get, is the love we are willing to give.


Active Member
So true!
20 years ago, I made me a sign, hangs on my living room wall, from the Beatles and it says


It is so true,
it is reap what you sew,
it is Karma,
it is what goes around, comes around,
it is further on up the road.
We make our tomorrows, today, and the love we will get, is the love we are willing to give.

Wow the thread came back to life! Discussion! Thoughts, ideas, facts, b/s : ALL Provocatively stimulating!!!! I love it! Thank you guys so much for making this discussion what it is. Rose, Brazko, Fatnut, Babs, thanks for approaching this topic the way you guys did, you made it worth the read =D. Ill be back later to add more, I just fine tuned/fixed my ol' lady's tattoo machine (her liner) and she wants me to be the test dummy to check it's functionality. No joke, her instructions were, go smoke, eat, type your post and sit your ass back down in this chair and get ready for the hurt! LOL

Anyway, :peace: & :joint: 4 all.

Oh ya.. i watched this movie on netflix last night... It's called Totally Baked: a Pot-U-Mentary. all i can say is you have to have an open mind to watch it, and its a MUST SEE if you're an advocate of Medical Marijuana for patients that need it. The reason i mention this movie is because were talking about perspective, thought and it's relativity/affects/effects in the universe. And this movie attacks and approaches the legalization/ decriminalization from BOTH extreme sides, and opinions are changed and light is shed on the main um .... ah hell just freakin watch it! Its informative and funny at the same time, i was amused.


Active Member
Nice interview, fatnut. I listened to all 3 parts. Very informative, made me smack my head a couple of times, the way "Max" (guy on the phone) brought Jesus into the discussion was very interesting; how Jesus was savvy to living in love, and doing right by others at all times, thus enabling him to "tap into the universal energy". I wonder now, was it this energy he was using to perform his miracles? And if so, was it these incredible feats (which back in those times, our minds could not comprehend) that made the masses follow in the manor that they did?

I rpobably just opened a whole different can of controversy there, but I really don't care, I am now intrigued and want to further this. Does anyone else want to continue the discussion down this path? Can we put religion aside and aproach historical events and/or future hypothesis with rational reason-filled thought? :peace:


Active Member
Nice interview, fatnut. I listened to all 3 parts. Very informative, made me smack my head a couple of times, the way "Max" (guy on the phone) brought Jesus into the discussion was very interesting; how Jesus was savvy to living in love, and doing right by others at all times, thus enabling him to "tap into the universal energy". I wonder now, was it this energy he was using to perform his miracles? And if so, was it these incredible feats (which back in those times, our minds could not comprehend) that made the masses follow in the manor that they did?

I rpobably just opened a whole different can of controversy there, but I really don't care, I am now intrigued and want to further this. Does anyone else want to continue the discussion down this path? Can we put religion aside and aproach historical events and/or future hypothesis with rational reason-filled thought? :peace:
We sure can :blsmoke:

I remember watching a documentary on the rag thing Jesus was wrapped in when he died. They were trying to investigate if the face that was reflected onto the wrap was really jesus or not. To sum it up, they didn't know if it was him for a fact but one thing they did know was that a resurrection took place. i believe a chemical reaction occurred that imprinted an outline of the face of the person who resurrected and it left behind a residue.

Future hypothesis.. It only takes the square root of 1% of people to think differently in order to literally change out reality. That is a very small number. As more and more people become aware and conscious, our reality is literally going to begin to change in many ways.

I believe that we are multidimensional species. As the earths vibrations begins to rise and our vibrations, accordingly, we will begin to see and feel different dimensions.

One thing i've learned through all the videos and such is that everything is energy and energy makes up what our world physically is. but what is behind the energy? Consciousness.. and that consciousness is so powerful that it can make up the most craziest realities possible.:eyesmoke:


Active Member
We sure can :blsmoke:

I remember watching a documentary on the rag thing Jesus was wrapped in when he died. They were trying to investigate if the face that was reflected onto the wrap was really jesus or not. To sum it up, they didn't know if it was him for a fact but one thing they did know was that a resurrection took place. i believe a chemical reaction occurred that imprinted an outline of the face of the person who resurrected and it left behind a residue.

Future hypothesis.. It only takes the square root of 1% of people to think differently in order to literally change out reality. That is a very small number. As more and more people become aware and conscious, our reality is literally going to begin to change in many ways.

I believe that we are multidimensional species. As the earths vibrations begins to rise and our vibrations, accordingly, we will begin to see and feel different dimensions.

One thing i've learned through all the videos and such is that everything is energy and energy makes up what our world physically is. but what is behind the energy? Consciousness.. and that consciousness is so powerful that it can make up the most craziest realities possible.:eyesmoke:

Hmm i never saw that documentary... ill have to look for it.

More and more are becoming aware. This is true. Quantum Physics is becoming a topic i hear being discussed more and more in public. I believe that the masses want to know both consciously and subconsciously about what's really going on out there in the tangible and intangible universe.

The positive energy being given off in some areas is enormous. I base that statement on one show on TV: Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Just the things that happen on that show are incredible, i cant think of a single negative thing, off hand, to say about that show. Just the amount of people displaying selflessness in itself is inspiring enough to go out and help someone.

Where im trying to go with this is that i think the ball is starting to roll, and that more and more are starting to catch on. Maybe im overly optimistic, but the more and more i discuss/read with family, friends and fellow RIU members about this energy, the more i learn about people, and myself, in general. "one love" anybody? :peace:


Well-Known Member
Hmm i never saw that documentary... ill have to look for it.

More and more are becoming aware. This is true. Quantum Physics is becoming a topic i hear being discussed more and more in public. I believe that the masses want to know both consciously and subconsciously about what's really going on out there in the tangible and intangible universe.

The positive energy being given off in some areas is enormous. I base that statement on one show on TV: Extreme Makeover Home Edition. Just the things that happen on that show are incredible, i cant think of a single negative thing, off hand, to say about that show. Just the amount of people displaying selflessness in itself is inspiring enough to go out and help someone.

Where im trying to go with this is that i think the ball is starting to roll, and that more and more are starting to catch on. Maybe im overly optimistic, but the more and more i discuss/read with family, friends and fellow RIU members about this energy, the more i learn about people, and myself, in general. "one love" anybody? :peace:
Nothing Wrong with being Optimistic, I stayed optimistic that You guys.., All of You would start posting in this Section again..., I felt like everybody on this section was not spiritually inclined in, as not being good people, but cared not to post about what they felt as in a sense of feeling, but more so as simple chemical process with a mere robotic overtone detached from their feelings.., These thread seem more natural flowing and less rigid and mechanical..., It's easier to talk and connect with people feelings then it is to discuss pure analytical processes, although they have their place too within the discussion....., but it has been what we felt that has gotten us through 1000's of years successfully.., I believe a balance between the two is needed, but sometimes you have to go on you gut feelings.., I especially like the Way the doc pops in and gives a little Shot of Love to everybody as well a Sense of Calm when needed...

Excellent Thread Flow and Info



Active Member
Nothing Wrong with being Optimistic, I stayed optimistic that You guys.., All of You would start posting in this Section again..., I felt like everybody on this section was not spiritually inclined in, as not being good people, but cared not to post about what they felt as in a sense of feeling, but more so as simple chemical process with a mere robotic overtone detached from their feelings.., These thread seem more natural flowing and less rigid and mechanical..., It's easier to talk and connect with people feelings then it is to discuss pure analytical processes, although they have their place too within the discussion....., but it has been what we felt that has gotten us through 1000's of years successfully.., I believe a balance between the two is needed, but sometimes you have to go on you gut feelings.., I especially like the Way the doc pops in and gives a little Shot of Love to everybody as well a Sense of Calm when needed...

Excellent Thread Flow and Info

Totally agree.. i can throw things out there that include my emotions without second thoughts about it. Other places where people share info usually have roles to follow and such and are more uniform and similar to each other.

Its awesome talking about things like this. It brings us back to the idea that WE ARE ALL ONE. sometimes i have trouble getting the sense that if we really are one, how do we all think so differently? This thread kind of makes me see all the similarities that humans have.

I really believe in the right environment we (humans) can achieve the most greatest acts of kindness and love through the relationship we have with everyone in this world. One day we will all return to our roots and realize that nothing is necessary but love.:peace:


New Member
The ionosphere is an extremely low frequency (ELF) waveguide and acts like a conductive optical glass shell around the earth.

Instead of laser light in a optical fiber, the ionosphere transmits the ELF portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.

It conducts the ghosts of lightning pulses and other spooky stuff Tesla was into and is influenced by (and thus gathers much historical data on) many natural phenomena.

The Shuman (not Shaman) resonances (there are many) are just peaks in the ELF spectrum that correspond with Mystical natural phenomena.

8 Hz

How many sides does a hexagon have?

I believe many ancient peoples were just as intelligent as peoples are today, they just didn't have the luxuries of our technology.

Instead, they lived by the pulse of natural cycles.

We process only a few thousand out of I think billions of bits of the sensory input that constantly streams into our brains.

Ancient Spiritual Shaman mummies were recently found with marijuaana in china.

It is only recently that humanity began worshiping the dollar.

Personally, I experienced an uncanny large relief of stress at the end of September.

What about the newly discovered Jesus books not in the bible?

Alchemists are we that believe the green spirits.

It takes two to argue, otherwise it gets boring.

Perhaps the Haters are shadowy lost souls looking for enLightenment

Can someone make you do something by making you desire it?

I believe I embrace much if not all of what what been said in this thread. Woodstock Industries just does this with a very big supply pipe. I used to help design business processes for global companies, and now I happen to believe that when Humanities Good Thought is focused, great things happen.

The relevancy of many of my seemingly cryptic posts are in my blog.

“That would make science fairly insignificant.
It stands to reason that when you are kind to others, the more likely the other party will reciprocate.

Erasing one for man's science. “

Quite the opposite, my friend.

The Ethic Of Reciprocity does indeed have explanations founded in science.

When the Law of Attraction is combined with the Ethic Of Reciprocity, the Woodstock Industries miracle occurs.